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Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:22 pm
by jcdamon3
Well, I have gotten alot better as time has gone by. But I smack my lips when I eat, eat with my mouth open and then depending on who I am with I just reach right in with my index figner and get the stuff that's stuck up there in those back molars brackets!

When the meal is over I grab a toothpick and start diggin'

My daughter asked me tonight why I eat my pizza with a fork! Just think how much worse it would be if I didn't!

Oh, and then there's the whole sinus issue - we won't get into that.

I am so femine and dignified! Good thing my friends and family understand!

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:10 pm
by butterfly
jcdamon3 wrote:My daughter asked me tonight why I eat my pizza with a fork!
I even eat burgers in fast food restaurants with a portable fork and knife tool (like a swiss army knife) cause I cannot bite into anything. In the beginning people were staring but meanwhile I don't give a dam anymore. I want to enjoy food like I want it and in a way I am able to enjoy it. Period.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 11:35 pm
by dena
for the first time in two months, i am able to bite into food. so, i have been doing it because it's been a pain cramming food into the back of my teeth to avoid painful from braces and huge gaps from extractions.

that said, i am a freaking mess when i eat. i am eating a lot on the run or i eat alone at restaurants and coffee shops while doing my work (i'm a student). i tend to hover over my books with my head down so that i can just go ahead and chomp with my mouth open without anyone seeing. i can eat in a more civilized way, but the mouth-open chew is honestly so much's gross but i do it when i can!

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 11:45 pm
by Teigyr
I'm a pig! There are times when I have to eat at my desk at work and I just KNOW people can see. Those are the times it is purely functional and I have to eat quickly in between calls. I also do the food extraction at my desk and have looked up to see someone standing near me. I used to get teased, I think they grew tired of it.


Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:38 am
by Dadio
Yes, eating is fun and all the old rules chew with your mouth closed and don't play with your food are out the window. We cut, tear, whatever to get bite size chunks and it's a mess at meal time. However, our ortho told us at the beginning to let Mom know that table manners would take a beating at our house.

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 10:32 am
by materialsgirl
I'm a mess when it comes to eating. I'm so embarassed about having to chew with my mouth open, and sticking my finger in my mouth to get chunks of food unstuck, that I don't eat lunch with my coworkers anymore. :oops: I hope to eventually overcome this self-consciousness. Or at least get better at eating like a normal person. I'm having lunch at my desk as I type this. Only my computer monitor can see my mouth full of food. ;)

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 12:24 pm
by ingyandbert
While it's easier to chew with my mouth open now that I wear braces, I don't do so unless I'm alone. Not even when it's just my hubby and me. I just take my time and chew more carefully. I don't want to gross him out and I also don't want to develop the habit so I forget my manners in front of others.

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:26 pm
by Jesslzz 01
Oh my God!

I just realized I eat with my mouth open too many, many, times!!! :lol:
and then depending on who I am with I just reach right in with my index figner and get the stuff that's stuck up there in those back molars brackets!
That is exactly what I do. Besides some involuntary but lovely piggy noises...

As KK said, the joy of braces!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 11:38 pm
by DizzyKitty
If I am at home or with my back facing people in a restuarant, I eat my mouth's easier and if there's any sore teeth, it's much more pleasant for me.

I also eat hamburgers/pizza with a fork/knife.

I only hope my kid doesn't think HE can eat with his mouth open LOL