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It was all going so well...........

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 12:44 pm
by Super Soo
Hi everyone

I'm 26 and I had my braces fitted on Monday. I was really being positive about the whole experience of getting braces and how it would affect my life and seemed to be coping well with this new foreign object in my mouth and everyone talking to me but looking at my mouth! Everyone in work has been really supportive and kind about it, until yesterday when one of the ladies in the office said that my mouth looks swollen......she went on to say I would never get a man with my mouth full of metal and I should have 'caught a fish' before I got my braces done! She was laughing afterwards and I think she meant it jokingly but it really affected me. Then today my boss called me 'jaws' to my assistant.....he jokes about everything and didn't mean it horribly but it doesn't do much for your self esteem! :cry:

Anyway I wanted to just point out that this site has really helped me - it's answered all of my queries and makes me feel much better reading the positive words of encouragement people are leaving each other.

I keep thinking of the beautiful smile I will have at the end of all this and I know it is definitely worthwhile :lol:

x x

Re: It was all going so well...........

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 12:52 pm
by camusx
Super Soo wrote:Hi everyone

I'm 26 and I had my braces fitted on Monday. I was really being positive about the whole experience of getting braces and how it would affect my life and seemed to be coping well with this new foreign object in my mouth and everyone talking to me but looking at my mouth! Everyone in work has been really supportive and kind about it, until yesterday when one of the ladies in the office said that my mouth looks swollen......she went on to say I would never get a man with my mouth full of metal and I should have 'caught a fish' before I got my braces done! She was laughing afterwards and I think she meant it jokingly but it really affected me. Then today my boss called me 'jaws' to my assistant.....he jokes about everything and didn't mean it horribly but it doesn't do much for your self esteem! :cry:

Anyway I wanted to just point out that this site has really helped me - it's answered all of my queries and makes me feel much better reading the positive words of encouragement people are leaving each other.

I keep thinking of the beautiful smile I will have at the end of all this and I know it is definitely worthwhile :lol:

x x
Thats pretty much harrassment. Ignore that so called coworker, I think braces dont affect the look of a person, on the contrary, people with braces look better than people who need braces but dont have them.
Ignore that trashy coworker! good luck !

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 2:41 pm
by ingyandbert
With regard to your boss, you said he's a big kidder so don't let it get you down. If he keeps it up, just ask him nicely not to call you that. As far as your coworker, how ignorant can a person be? Can you imagine going through life with such a ridiculous attitude?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 2:49 pm
by Kittysopretty
Wow. Just wow. :oops: Those people are mean and terrible, I'm so sorry you had to experience that. Are your braces clear? Mine are and no one really notices them. No one even comments! If you have metal maybe you can switch to clear..?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:15 pm
by Jesslzz 01
Nevermind the jokes, Super soo.

People do all kind of stupid jokes about braces, I know that. Some are mean, some are not.

You know why are you doing this, and that is what really matters. You will always find some coworkers, friends, even some members of your family who make jokes about braces. Many of them are just jealous, I have learn that.

So nevermind about them. I'm single too now and I was really worried about keep being single for two years or more, but that has NOTHING to do with braces, really! That comment was mean, but you really shouldn't pay any attention. And if you are in the right mood, fight back by telling something clever that shuts their mouths up.

I felt the same as you when I heard the first jokes and rude comments. But this forum really helped me too. I still keep finding a lot of people here who helps me a lot with all my bad experiences.

Cheer up and have some fun!

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:37 pm
by Super Soo
Thanks for your support guys :wink:

I don't think any of the comments were meant to be harsh, people just don't realise how it can affect you in such a big way while it's new to you.

anyway in the 2 hours since I wrote those comments I've been asked on a date by someone I met a couple of weeks ago! (who incidentally doesn't know I've got a brace yet). So watch this space!

I think I am becoming addicted to this site, I've been on it every night since Monday and tonight I've been here fore about 2 hours.......

Once again thanks for all of your positive comments. What's 18 months in a brace when you have the rest of your life to look forward to with a beautiful beaming smile!

x x

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 8:06 pm
by Flora2006
This site is very addictive indeed ;)

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 9:33 am
by Chocoholic
Hey Super Soo,

Ah your co-workers don't know what they're talking about, do you know how many guys think girls in braces are cute? Loads and loads, I've had nothing but positive comments from men about my braces and most don't even notice. So you'll be fine.

The 'Jaws' thing is soooo unoriginal! And you should tell your boss that - can't he think of anything else?

Pus if someone says something to you, just say to them well at least you're doing something for you to make yourself better - what are they doing?

Good luck with your date, I hope all goes well.

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 10:47 am
by Brooke
I've had a few comments thrown my way about braces. But I really try to think about how much better I feel about myself. I feel really good that I did this. And I think I look way better now then I did before, without braces and with crooked teeth. There are a lot of rude people in the world today, and unfortunately, braces can be a source of jokes... :roll:

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 10:59 am
by Super Soo
I think I will feel better about it all when my teeth have straightened out a bit more and from looking at this site there seems to have been incredible improvement even before people get their first adjustment. I feel like I can already see a difference after 5 days....but then that could just be positive thinking! :banana:

When I first posted my comments I had had a bad day or two, but what I didn't mention was the positive comments people were making, the people who I thought would take the 'mick' have actually been the most supportive and asking questions because they are interested in the whole process

x x