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PNL appointment already!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 2:39 pm
by Shelby014
I am soo happy, i am already going in for my pnl app. and i've only have my braces for 5 months!! If you guys don't know what a pnl app. is it is where they take exrays and look at the position of your roots to see if they are all straight, and they might pop off some brackets and reposition them to better move my teeth. This is a very good thing, it means i'm making good progress!!! My teeth have changed so much in just 5 months, they are almost perfect now!

Has anyone else ever had a Pnl app. this early in treatment, or am i just special?
Thanks to everyone who replies

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:25 pm
by Betty Bat
When I went to the ortho this week, he said that he would take x-rays soon to check on the roots. He didn't call it the same thing, so it might be different. From what you describe, I hope it's the same thing! My braces went on in October.

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:56 pm
by Shelby014
yup, i would say that we're having the same thing done. Really excited isn't it? I mean it really makes you feel like you're making a lot of progress. :D

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 9:22 pm
by alexa
Yep. I was sent for panoramic xrays recently. Haven't been to the ortho yet though, so I won't know what she thinks of my roots until the 15th! :lol:

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 10:02 am
by Shelby014
Omg alexa that would s uck i mean i would want to know right away because i'm NOT a patient person, but i suppose if i absolutely had to wait..... LoLz

I feel like i'm finally making some big progress, instead of the regular change the wire and ligs app, this will be totally different!!

I was just wondering what does your dentist do when you have an app to clean your teeth and you have braces? I haven't been back to my dentist since i got my braces but i have an app. the 27 or this month and my ortho app isnt until April 4. I was just wondering if they still clean your teeth(if thats even possible with all the metal i got goin on) or not.
Thanks all,

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 12:25 pm
by alexa
I've had two cleanings since getting braces. There are a couple of ways it can be done. One way is that you call your ortho and ask if you can just come in and have your wire removed right before the appt. at the dentist, and then after the dentist appt you go right back to the ortho and have the wire put on again. The other way is that you just go into the dentist as is, and they do their best to clean around it. It makes it a little more difficult this way, but it can be done. Since my ortho is in Berkeley and my dentist is in San Francisco and it's too difficult to coordinate getting the wire removed, I just go in as is and the hygenist works around it.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 1:55 pm
by Shelby014
oic, hmmm.......i just wondered how they got around the wire, seemed impossible to me with that little roto thingy, but oh well. My dentist and ortho are way to far apart to do that, so i guess they'll just have to go around the wire. :(

I just hope that they can clean my teeth to make them a little whiter, because i think since i got braces my teeth got a lot yellower.:?

I might be able to talk to my ortho about it though, and we could figure out a way to take the wire out, then go back and get it put back on, or we could move my appointment up a little ways. I mean my PNL app. is April 4, and my dentist app is March 27, maybe they could find an opening for me, who knows.

Well thanks for sharing my enthusiasm, i mean progress is the best isn't it?! :D

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 6:14 pm
by BraceFace12
I've never heard of a PNL appointment. Does every ortho do them?

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 7:19 pm
by Shelby014
ummm......i think so, maybe they just don't call them the same thing? :?:

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 7:25 pm
by kirst1583
BraceFace12 wrote:I've never heard of a PNL appointment. Does every ortho do them?
I've never heard mention of this with my ortho. The last x-ray I had was right before my braces were put on and I'm nearing the end of my treatment now.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 7:31 pm
by Shelby014
ummm....then i guess not all orthos do those LoLz :P

My ortho said that they do them to see if the roots are all straight and to see if they need to reposistion any brackets to tweak the teeth. Maybe i'm just special and my treatment could be coming to an end, they said my treatment time would on be 10-13 or 14 months at the most, so my teeth might just be moving at lightening speed or something, i don't know(but i can hope right?) :D