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soreness, tenderness, sensitivity, etc...

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 12:09 pm
by Flora2006
Okay, I know there are lots of posts on these subjects and I know that its completely normal to feel something...but I am having constant tooth soreness/sensitivity...when I brush my teeth or eat. It's not always the same tooth, but still...there is always something. It doesn't matter if it's right after an adjustment or 3 weeks teeth always are sore...I'm going to my 2nd adjustment on monday, is this something I should bring up? I'm scared of telling him though.

Also, i have what looks like a little piece of bone sticking out of my gum above a any of you know what it is? My ortho or dentist never said anything about it but maybe they never noticed?

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:15 pm
by sydsmom
I think everyone's different, but I'm in your same boat. Ever since I've had braces (almost 8 weeks), I've never had a day *without* any aching teeth. Some days it's several teeth, others it's just one or two... makes it very hard to eat, though.

I just had my first adjustment where I was fitted with a spring, and good god it hurts worse than anything so far! On my lower arch, though, the ortho didn't even really change anything, and my bottom teeth are aching too. Go figure. I think the continuous pain is just normal for us "lucky" folks ;-)

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 4:01 pm
by OneTime
I don't get constant ache, but once or twice a week I get it. I notice it while brushing and eating. I let it do its job and go on with my life.

Re: soreness, tenderness, sensitivity, etc...

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 8:11 pm
by Kell
Flora2006 wrote:It doesn't matter if it's right after an adjustment or 3 weeks teeth always are sore...I'm going to my 2nd adjustment on monday, is this something I should bring up? I'm scared of telling him though.
I always have at least one tooth that is more sensitive than the others. Now all the teeth in the front, upper and lower, are sensitive. At the beginning of last week some of my molars were sore but now they are fine. I think it's normal but really if you are concerned go ahead and ask him about it. It never hurts to ask.

Flora2006 wrote:Also, i have what looks like a little piece of bone sticking out of my gum above a any of you know what it is? My ortho or dentist never said anything about it but maybe they never noticed?
Could it be some stray cement from when they put the bracket on? I had some that I guess got left behind when my ortho wiped off the excess. I didn't see it the first week then when I noticed it I was able to scrape it off with my fingernail. It kind of looked like bone or tartar. Does that sound like what you noticed?

Re: soreness, tenderness, sensitivity, etc...

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 8:53 pm
by Flora2006
Kell wrote: Could it be some stray cement from when they put the bracket on? I had some that I guess got left behind when my ortho wiped off the excess. I didn't see it the first week then when I noticed it I was able to scrape it off with my fingernail. It kind of looked like bone or tartar. Does that sound like what you noticed?
No, it actually is underneath the gum...I guess I'll have to mention it to my dentist though I am petrified!

Thanks for your replies :)

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 10:40 pm
by dena
Flora--definitely bring these things up with your ortho. However, I think you're fine. My soreness has gone away a lot this past month--but I couldn't bite into anything at all during the first 6 weeks. The fact that a different tooth hurts every day, and that it's not the same tooth hurting for a month straight, tells me it's definitely the braces and therefore probably normal.

As for the bone sticking out of your gums, I think I have that. I'm not sure how to describe this, but in my gums, top and bottom, it looks like a long bone running along the tooth line and where it ends, it's sticking out of the gum a bit and is very pointy. (I dont know if that makes any sense.) Anyway, when I first noticed it, it hurt and scared the crap out of my. I asked my ortho about it a month ago and he said it was nothing. Also, he said that sometimes when you have extractions (I did..did you?) a little bone fragment can just break off and stick out.

Anyway, regardless, ask to feel better but nothing you are saying sounds really bad to me. Let us know though.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 10:41 am
by Flora2006
dena wrote: As for the bone sticking out of your gums, I think I have that. I'm not sure how to describe this, but in my gums, top and bottom, it looks like a long bone running along the tooth line and where it ends, it's sticking out of the gum a bit and is very pointy. (I dont know if that makes any sense.) Anyway, when I first noticed it, it hurt and scared the crap out of my. I asked my ortho about it a month ago and he said it was nothing. Also, he said that sometimes when you have extractions (I did..did you?) a little bone fragment can just break off and stick out.
Reading this made me feel a bit better! I've been trying to google search for what I have but just can't find anything. And yes I did have an extraction there but I think it was there even before :? . I hope I'll be able to ask it to my dentist when I see him, I'm just petrified of him telling me I need surgery or something. I'm a real dental phobic even though I got the courage to get braces! lol
KK wrote:if you're so afraid of asking your dentist ... is their an assistant you could ask?
KK, my dentist is wonderful and I would tell him about it nobody else...I am just SO scared of what he could possibly tell me...I am hoping that at my check up next month, he will notice it and say something...rather than me having to actually point this to him lol

Thank you for your replies, they really did make me feel better :)

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 11:35 am
by hannah164
I usually have at least one tooth that is always sore too! :shock: Its so annoying! :? Funny thing is, that usually I get the most pain right before an adjustment. :shock: I think its almost preparing me for the horrible pain coming! :roll:

Good luck with talking to your ortho about the possible bone in your gums! :wink:

~Hannah :frogbraces:


Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05
Last Adjustment: February 28, 2006 where they gave me a new bottom wire and attached my impacted canine, newly bracketed, to the wire! OUCH!