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first cleaning with braces

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 10:32 pm
by dena
I went for a cleaning today with my dentist...I was afraid I'd hear that my teeth weren't clean enough. But they said I looked good. What a relief! Also, I don't think I've ever appreciated a cleaning as much as I did today. My teeth feel so clean and white! It's awesome! Also, the hygenist (who had braces herself) was really nice and spent a long time cleaning my teeth, which I appreciated. She also finally got all of that extra cement took awhile, but it's great to have it gone!

So, one of the reasons I wanted to post was because of flossing. My ortho told me he didn't care if i only flossed once a month, as long as i was using tartar-control listerine twice a day. I asked the hygenist about this. She ackowledged that some say doing it less with braces is alright, but she really encouraged me to continue flossing regularly. She said if i did it every other day that is probably alright...that's what I've been doing anyway, so I guess I'll just continue.

On Tuesday I have my 2nd adjustment. This second month seemed to go so much's crazy. Movement seems less noticeable, but I knew something was different and I couldn't figure out what. I saw my mom for the first time since being braced about a week ago--she figured it out. My overbite and flaring front teeth have moved and straightened out significantly!

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 11:24 pm
by ingyandbert
My ortho recommends daily flossing, so that's what I do. I can't imagine why you were told once a month is okay, since flossing is for promoting better gum health in addition to simply keeping your teeth cleaner. A mouthwash is not going to stimulate your gums.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 1:15 am
by bracesmom
I do every other day but if I go longer than that I NOTICE a difference!

When you went in for your cleaning, did your dentist remove your arch wire? What happens durring a cleaning? I go in for my first one since braces on Wed. and want to be prepared.


Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:46 am
by KJM
bracesmom wrote: When you went in for your cleaning, did your dentist remove your arch wire? What happens durring a cleaning? I go in for my first one since braces on Wed. and want to be prepared.

No, I didnt have my archwire removed. The cleaning itsself went great. They used the waterjet thing, and other than getting soaked ( from the water hitting the brackets and going everywhere) it was easy breezy! Not much different from other cleanings ( but took a few minutes longer I think)
They were able to clean my teeth so well and they looked so white and nice when they were done, that I have been thinking of scheduling a cleaning between my other cleanings at my own expense to keep them looking so nice!
Good Luck Wednesday! :)

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 5:25 pm
by ItsGavinC
For what it's worth, most of the calculus (hardened plaque) build-up is usually seen on the tongue side of the bottom front teeth. Unless you have lingual braces, it's easy for a hygienist to access this area regardless of whether or not your are braced. Getting to other areas is probably a bit tougher though.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 6:01 pm
by Dadio
Hey Dena, glad it went well. Sounds a lot like my first cleaning after braces in Feb. I'd been scheduled for my six month clean/check at my dentist for late Feb., but when I found out I'd get my bottom braces on 2/13, I called the office and asked if they'd rather see me before the bottoms went on. Oh yes, they said, that'd be great. I ended up after calls back and forth rescheduling everything to have dental cleaning and checking on 2/13 and then the ortho on 2/14. My dentist doesn't require having the archwire removed, they clean around it.

They were pleased with my progress and xrays looked good. Plaque wasn't bad, but I did get told to floss more than the ortho had said. Worst was some staining from tea, but that's normal for me. Got the water jet cleaning as well. And she got some cement out that really helped with flossing and so forth. Most was in the gap between a banded tooth and the naked tooth behind it.

I've tried to increase my flossing frequency, but while the top isn't bad, the bottoms have been pretty tender and sore this first month with braces. I'm taking that as things are really moving down there!

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:02 am
by dena
thanks everyone!

the dentist didn't remove my archwire either...i didnt even think of that. the hygenist worked so carfully during the cleaning though that i am sure the teeth were well-cleaned.

as for the flossing, i think it's hilarious how controversial my ortho is :) the dental hygenist said flossing is super-important, but honestly with teeth moving so much, those spaces where plaque builds up changes a lot, so the build-up isn't as bad. my ortho just told me that a sloppy flossing job every day wasn't as good as really careful flossing every now and again and the listerine. it doesnt matter--i like flossing so i still do it pretty often. i asked the dental hygenist how long it would take for a cavity to develop...she said the allowing buildup for two weeks without disrupitng it can lead to a cavity. That was useful info to me!

ill let everyone know about adjustment number 2 in the morning...i'm getting green ligs for st pat's day!