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Debanding bottom teeth Wednesday

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 5:46 am
by Chocoholic
:lol: Yay! Went for an appointment today and my ortho says the time has come to get my lower braces off - I was hoping he'd do the uppers first, but no such luck.

So he took and impression after covering the brackets with wax, so now he'll make my permanent retainer wire.

I can't wait, I'm so looking forward to getting these things off, just hope the uppers won't be too far behind.


Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 5:59 am
by bckydgardnr
I'm jealous!! Congrats :-)o
How long have you had them on?


Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 6:21 am
by Chocoholic
Not too long only about 10 months as my problem was overcrowding.

I don't know how people have them for years, it's driven me crazy, but the teeth look good now.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:08 am
by ingyandbert
Any debanding is better than no debanding! Lucky you! I'm envious.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 9:30 am
by Evelyn
WOOHOO!!!! Congratulations!!! You must be so excited, and you've earned it!

Let us know how it goes, and post pics when you get them off I want to see your lovely brace-less lowers!


Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 9:57 am
by Flora2006
Amazing news! Congrats. You are very lucky! ;)

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 11:40 am
by hannah164
Congratulations Chocoholic! THat is frickin' wonderful news! YAY! :-)o :thumbsup: :dance: :-#) :banana:

Hope to see some pictures of your lovely bottom teeth! :wink:

Wish I were so lucky! :)

~Hannah :frogbraces:


Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05
Last Adjustment: February 28, 2006 where they gave me a new bottom wire and attached my impacted canine, newly bracketed, to the wire! OUCH!

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:51 am
by Lyn
AWESOME! :jump:

Let us know how it feels to be "naked"......not having to clean your grill everytime you eat something!!



Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:29 am
by Chocoholic

Well peeps, the bottom braces are off and man it feels good and they look good too!

It wasn'y as bad an experience as I thought it would be. And the permanent retainer is great! Don't even notice it!

The tops come off on Monday - whhooohoooo again!