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small gap

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 10:05 am
by jay
well ive been in braces now coming on a year.

The thing is since day one ive always had this small gap between
my top front teeth,the bottom of my top front teeth sit together where as the top part are spaced out so i kinda have this V shaped gap in my front teeth(if this makes sense).

My ortho is talking about taking my braces off soon and has not said any thing about this gap, should i say anything about it or am i just being paranoid. :?

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 10:19 am
by ingyandbert
Anytime you have a question, you need to ask your ortho. Just speak up; don't be shy! You're a partner in your own treatment, after all.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 10:43 am
by Flora2006
I agree even though I don't do it myself lol. Ask your questions. Any concerns that you have, you need to let him/her know...especially when your debanding is coming up.

Good luck :)

Re: small gap

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 5:31 pm
by ItsGavinC
jay wrote:well ive been in braces now coming on a year.

The thing is since day one ive always had this small gap between
my top front teeth,the bottom of my top front teeth sit together where as the top part are spaced out so i kinda have this V shaped gap in my front teeth(if this makes sense).
That "gap" may actually be normal. The sides of your top front teeth (the two sides that touch together) are straight, whereas that straightness disappears and becomes rounded as you move apically towards the gums.

Be sure to mention it if it bothers you though!

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:48 am
by Clo
Hi Jay,

no, after some thorough investigation, it seems you are not paranoid ...
Just kidding ....
Can't you place a pic here ?
There could be 2 issues here :

Or your center teeth are not straight. They are 'pointing' towards each
other. The left one slants a bit to the right and vice versa for the right
one. A bit like the V shape, but then for both teeth. In that case, they
should be straightened more and then shifted towards each other.

Or only the space has this V form. Because normally teeth are not as
wide at the gum area. That space can be reduced by shaving off a bit of
both teeth where they touch each other. Then a powerchain can bring
them closer together.

Anyway, do mention it when you see your ortho. You're the 'boss' in
this braces journey ...

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 4:12 pm
by Marzipan
This sounds like the dreaded black triangles. Apparently it can be common when you have orthodonture, especially if you are older, because your gums are less elastic and start shrinking. So the narrower parts of the teeth (as you get towards the roots) start to show more.

I am not too concerned in my case because even if that occurs on my lower teeth, they don't show much when I smile. Also I've read that sometimes the gums have been stressed by the whole process so that when the braces come off, eventually they fill in the black triangles again.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:12 pm
by jay
Thanks for the replys

Clo will try and post some pics

Before my braces went on the top front teeth did over lap each other at one stage but they have come out now.

But even then i had this small gap which i still have now

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:43 pm
by mtbrncofn
I just want to reiterate, ask your ortho about any and all of it. I always thought he checked everything, but they are human and they do overlook things.

I have braces to close all my gaps. I went in for my last adjustment and I have been watching this one significant sized gap on my lower right. I hadn't had a new wire or anything but new ligs put on for 5 months. I kept thinking, maybe he's doing something else with it.

I heard him say to the assistant that I was almost done. Wahoooo! This was after he'd checked everything out, made me bite down, etc. So the assistant is showing me the new configuration for my elastics and I finally ask her what is up with that gap? She asks him. He says, " Oh wow, good thing you caught that." He had never even noticed it after all these months! He took care of it.

So definitely voice any concerns you have because they make be overlooking something just like my ortho did.

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:11 am
by jay
Well managed to take a pic,looking at it i think my top front teeth dont come down straight and that they slant some what inwards, ive all so noticed a gap between my front teeth and tooth next to it.

So is my ortho right in saying im finished and she will take them off in about a 6-8weeks
