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Braced in March?

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 12:04 pm
by Kourtney Kitty
Who is getting braced in March??? :-1

My mold appointment is 03/23/06, and my official "installation" is 03/30/06. :squareteeth:

My treatment time is 24 months, and I am supposed to have a pallatial expander (not sure if thats what it's called) of some sort. Let me know what to expect. Do I get the expander the same time I get spacers? My teeth are crowded and I have really bad TMJ. At times it already feels like I've been hit in the mouth with a hammer :gavel:

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 12:16 pm
by materialsgirl
Hi Kourtney!

I got braced on March 1. :-) I can't answer your question about expanders and spacers, as I didn't have either of those things. But rest assured, the "installation" is not bad at all. I was pretty nervous, but it ended up being a breeze.

Good luck, and welcome to the forums! :D

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:13 pm
by ssfw
Hi Kourtney Kitty,

I have an upper arch expander. If you are getting spacers then I think you will probably be getting bands on your molars (this is what I had done). I got my spacers, then a week later I was fitted for the bands. I went in again to get the spacers reinserted about 4 days prior to getting my expander installed. I will be getting my braces placed in about 2 months because my orthodontist wanted to wait until the full expansion was done. Once the braces are placed, my expander will remain for another 3-4 months to stabilize the expansion. My orthodontic correction is to correct a crossbite and an overjet. The process of getting the expander placed was no problem. It does take a couple weeks to get use to having the expander inyour mouth - no pain, just adjusting to talking and eating. If the expander begins to irritate your tongue from constant rubbing, be sure to use wax and warm salt water rinses. The warm salt water rinses help so much. KK's ortho advised her to use warm saltwater rinses throughout her orthodontic treatment.

I hope this info. has helped. Don't be nervous about the installation of the expander - easy appts. Of course, every orthodontist does things differently and it may depend on what orthodontic correction you need and the type of expander you are getting (I have a Quad-Helix expander).

Good luck and keep us posted.


Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:29 pm
by Joanna20
Hi! I'm probably getting braced this month, or maybe in early April! I'm looking forward to it...! Good luck,

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:06 pm
by bajanrose
I am finally!!!!! lol Uppers on March 21st.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 4:44 pm
by sonyablade
I am getting braced on MARCH 9!!!! I haven't had my extractions yet- which I don't get why I am getting my braces before the extractions- I don't have any room in my mouth for the teeth to move at all. But I will let you know how it goes.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 5:50 pm
by godawgs
i got braced today (all ceramic)! extractions of 4 first bicuspids was done last week by my oral surgeon friend. he waived all co-pay from my insurance, i'm so grateful. so far things seem to be healing nicely.

it's nice that the wire is thin for the first few months...makes it less noticeable. they don't look as bad as i thought they would. but i can definitely feel a tension headache coming on. :cry:

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 7:35 pm
by bajanrose
Was March 21st but there was a cancellation and I got some brackets on today, I'm 4 brackets short on my uppers hehe


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:02 am
I was braced on 03-02-06. This expander (quad helix) is horrible. I thought I would go nuts with the pain in my tongue. The wax doesn't like to stick very well, but make it stick! I guess I'm a total baby! I've had them on a week now and I can finally do without the wax on the expander. I didn't think I would get my tongue toughened up, but I did. I have a canker sore on the tip of my tongue right now. Other than that, my teeth aren't really achy and I can finally floss my teeth. The only thing I have a real problem with is talking. I sound like Cindy Brady. I can't even say my own name properly. I've had to take time off from my band, I can't pronounce certain words to be able to sing yet. Thank God this is only 6 months on the expander. I have some positive news. My palate has already flattened out and widened. It feels weird! My teeth are also moving into place really fast. It's odd to see movement after only a week. I didn't expect that. I also thought the expander would only be tipping my teeth out to correct a crossbite. I thought your palate would not change unless you were young. Well, it's working. Maybe I can get it off early. You have my sympathies. BTW, try a sucrets for your tongue if it gets sore. It helped me immensely. Good luck to you.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:25 pm
by summergirl
yea count me in to ,braced today,not too bad .Glue tasted realy bad.I cant complain very quick,not as bad a you would think.Now on the other hand the expander is HORRIBABLE .I hated it from day 1 and still hate it.I can't wait till it is OUT already.Had it in for months already.Just think you are not alone ,I know that makes me feel better.


Summergirl :lol:

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:45 pm
by DixielandDelight01
I will be getting braced March 23
ceramics on top metal on bottom
Spacers put in today! woo

Braced in March

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:52 pm
by TracyJean
I got spacers put on (and molds done) this past Monday (6 March) and the braces go on this coming Monday.

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 10:09 pm
by August1
Hey everyone, I got my uppers on March 6 and I'll be getting my lowers by the end of the month. I've got Damon 3's on top, and the lowers will be Damon 2's. Sounds like I really dodged a bullet with expanders. My teeth are still pretty sore, so I'm pretty much on a soup/soft food diet. I've been gradually trying more "normal" food, and the soreness does seem to be going away a bit. I'll probably be just getting over all this by the time I get my lowers in and have to start all over again!

march 21st!

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 9:18 am
by akabraces
I'll be getting metals on my upper teeth on March 21st, I have a consultation on March 16th to go over the details!

Looking forward to joining the gang!
