Finally seeing ortho tommorow but scared...

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Finally seeing ortho tommorow but scared...

#1 Post by paw655 »

OK, I called the ortho to make the appointment. So why am I so scared that the consultation appointment is actually tomorrow? It's not like I'm a child and someone is making me get braces, if the ortho agrees that I could benefit from braces (and I'd be amazed if the appointment went otherwise) it is clearly my choice, without coercion.

Why am I scared to go for the consult and hear "Yes, I think braces would be a good idea" Why is getting braces again (had them at age 12-14, no big deal then) so incredibly terrifying?

Everyone on this message board is very upbeat about their braces, so I was hoping someone could share some words of wisdom of how they, or someone they know, moved past the anxiety in order to make a healthy decision. Right now, I'm not sure what is upsetting me more, the idea of having braces again (even though I know I need them) or the fact that I am upset about all this in the first place!

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#2 Post by Evelyn »

It took me at least two years to become upbeat about my's just a given that they're not exactly the funnest thing in the world to have to deal with. Don't worry if you're feeling anxious about tomorrow, that's perfectly normal and it means that you really care about what happens which is definately a good thing.

I remember at my first consult I broke down in tears, it was just too much for me to handle and plus I was being forced to go in anyways. Needless to say I chose a different ortho...

And I still remember the day I got my braces on coming out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth and thinking 'Holy crap, I'm gonna throw up' becuase I was so nervous. Thank goodness I didn't actually throw up but I came pretty darn close to it....

I think one of the main reasons why most people on this board are so upbeat about their braces is that once you've actually gotten them on and a had a couple of adjustments, you realize that Hey, these braces really aren't that bad...the ortho's aren't out to get you and they use the newest technology to make everything as painfree as possible-no more 'tightening wires' or huge barbaric bands over every tooth...

It may just take time for you to become comfortable with the whole process and idea of braces, just remember that it's okay and perfectly normal to be anxious about them...I bet every single person on this board got a bit jittery before getting them on, but the most important thing is just to remember that it's all temporary and that this too shall pass.

Good luck!
Braced September 9, 2002
Debanding: JULY 5!!!!!!!!


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#3 Post by Flora2006 »

A agree with KK.

Also, I am by no means upbreat about having braces. Whenever I go see my ortho for adjustments, he always encourages me because he sees how not cool I am with having the braces.

BUT regardless of whether I am happy or not with this whole teeth are getting better...and that is what's pushing me to continue with this whole process.

There is nothing better than to actually see movement. Good luck with your consultation tomorrow and if you are going to go through with, make sure your ortho is INCREDIBLY nice because this is a long committment you are making. I don't even have words to describe how my ortho is nice...and that makes this whole process so much easier.

Good luck and tell us all about your consultation :)


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#4 Post by Flora2006 »

A agree with KK.

Also, I am by no means upbreat about having braces. Whenever I go see my ortho for adjustments, he always encourages me because he sees how not cool I am with having the braces.

BUT regardless of whether I am happy or not with this whole teeth are getting better...and that is what's pushing me to continue with this whole process.

There is nothing better than to actually see movement. Good luck with your consultation tomorrow and if you are going to go through with, make sure your ortho is INCREDIBLY nice because this is a long committment you are making. I don't even have words to describe how my ortho is nice...and that makes this whole process so much easier.

Good luck and tell us all about your consultation :)


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#5 Post by godawgs »

i actually feel relieved to finally get them (braced today) b/c now i can afford it. 24 and about to start my first job after grad school. my parents didn't have enough money to pay for braces and i was always sad about that.
i thought i would feel so ugly, but it's not as bad as i thought it would be but then i did get ceramics.

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#6 Post by godawgs »

oh yeah, actually extractions were the hardest part for me. not b/c of the pain or fear b/c i had already had wisdom teeth done and didn't think it was a big deal, but b/c of the psychological barrier to getting perfectly good teeth pulled. also, once they're pulled, you're locked until the gaps close :shock:
and people are right, with the novocaine, it's just a lot of pressure and a bit uncomfortable but not too painful (except the shots themselves).

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#7 Post by jcdamon3 »

Everyone on this message board is very upbeat about their braces, so I was hoping someone could share some words of wisdom of how they, or someone they know, moved past the anxiety in order to make a healthy decision. Right now, I'm not sure what is upsetting me more, the idea of having braces again (even though I know I need them) or the fact that I am upset about all this in the first place!
It's a big decision paw655 and it is a huge commitment in practically every way, including $$. I think your anxiety is perfectly normal. I know I was upset to have to have braces. I never really thought I needed them. I think what got me past all the issues is that I was ready to do whatever it takes to make sure my teeth are healthy (for some people straightness is the issue). I really wanted to get over the initial anxiety too and was extremely lucky that my ortho had alot of consult appointments and alot of brace day appointments available. That way I didn't have to think about it for very long. I am the kind of person though, once I make a decision, watch out! - I am going for it.

Good luck and don't worry. I think you know you need braces - you just need to get over the hump of anxiety.

I am not all sorry I did this. I feel that I made the right decision.
Braced on 8/05 - Braces off 12/06
Mid Forties!

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#8 Post by dena »

ditto to what everyone else said. i just had my second adjustment today and while i was driving home i was thinking about this exactly. before i got the braces, i was terrified because so much was riding on it--spending lots of money, the prospect of finally fixing my teeth...the scare of finding out that something was so wrong I couldn't fix my was very scary. i was not excited about getting braces and i was embarassed. overall, i just thought my life would change once they came off.

having the consultations was terrifying. finally making the decision was terrifying. and paying was terrifying. BUT the braces are not. i said my life would change when the braces came off, but i was wrong. my life changed the day they went on, and all for the better. i am so much more confident with them on. i have colored ligs and get excited about them like a kid. i genuinely kinda like having braces.

everyone has a different experience, but be reassured. as positive as i am now, i was that negative before. orthodontia is an emotional and thoughtful ride. in any event, best of luck.

four bicuspids removed 1/3/06
clear uppers and metal lowers placed 1/5/06
timeframe for braces: 24-30 months

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