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Losing Brackets?

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:33 am
by mm92280
I was just curious how many of you have had brackets come unglued on you? I am just under 2 weeks into my treatment and I have 2 brackets that have come unglued and are just able to slide along the wire right now.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:38 am
by jcdamon3
Hi there,

None of mine have come unglued. They can come unglued though for a couple of reasons. 1) the teeth are really crooked which put alot of stress on the bracket 2) the glue didn't hold up because they didn't put it on correctly or it got an air pocket and just didn't hold.

If I were you, I would call the ortho and have them glued back as soon as possible. You don't want those teeth left behind do you? :)

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:44 am
by mm92280
I have an appointment to get them glued back on tomorrow. I was hoping they might be able to sneak me in sometime today, but that didn't happen.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 2:44 pm
by drazda
I lost 2 molar brackets within 3 weeks of having my braces. I think they were just put on incorrectly since I haven't had any problems since then.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:11 pm
by KathleenH
I had one fall off about two months into braces (never found it); other than that, I haven't had any problems until today. I have been in braces for over 2 years, and there were two brackets that had fallen off over the past 11 weeks (probably knocked loose during surgery).

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:22 pm
by godawgs
i got mine on yesterday and a back molar bracket came unglued several hours later. luckily my ortho was able to fit me in today, but it was such a long drive in traffic! :?

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:44 pm
by lionfish
I had one come off a crowned molar three days in. They reattached it with different glue and no problems since.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:18 pm
by Raspberry
i had one pop off my bottom lateral tooth, it's one of the more out of the way teeth, so I figured it was just too much stress for the glue. It popped off the same day I got my braces. I haven't had any problems since.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:22 pm
by Flora2006
I haven't had a bracket come off yet thank god. Hopefully it won't happen.