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Jaw problems after stopping wearing elastics

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 4:20 pm
by naomi
I was looking forward to the day when the orthodontist would tell me I didn't need to wear my elastics anymore but I wasn't expecting it to be quite like this! My adjustment was last tuesday and the orthodontist told me I didn't need to wear my elastics anymore. He also said I only had two more adjustments to go before I get my braces off (hurray!). Anyways, I don't know if it's because I no longer have the elastics and my bite has changed OR if it's because of the finishing wire he put on there...but I have never had so much ear and jaw pain in my life. I was told before I got braces that I have TMJ but quite honestly, the braces haven't really effected the TMJ for the better or for the worse up till now. Not only does my left ear keep popping and it feels like it's full of water, the side of my face is literally swollen. It's been like this for 3-4 days now and I'm going crazy!!! Has anyone else had jaw problems or problems with their bite once they stopped wearing elastics?

I haven't called the orthodontist because I don't want him to think I'm a wimp. :roll:

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 4:41 pm
by Leslie022
I have TMJ and before treatment the side of my face would feel numb. I haven't had to deal with elastics yet, but I'm wondering if it could be from the lack of pressure now that you're not using the elastics? Again, I haven't worn them, so I really don't know. Just an idea.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 5:54 pm
by nimo
If your face is swollen, then there's obviously a problem. You're not being a wimp. Asking if a certain type/amount of pain is normal is also not being a wimp. Even if they tell you that pain is normal, they might also be able to tell you the best way to deal/get rid of it. And if they think you're a wimp, that's their problem. You're paying to have them do all of this, not for their opinions of you and how well you do/don't deal with pain.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 7:48 pm
by sydsmom
It's possible that it's coincidental and totally unrelated to getting your elastics off....If it sounds like there's water in your ears, maybe you even have an ear infection or a sinus infection.

You might want to call your regular doctor and get checked out. They'll be able to tell you if it's TMJ or something else.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:11 pm
by naomi
I had an appointment with an allergist today so when I was there I asked him about the swelling in my face. He agreed that the left side of my face is pretty swollen. He checked my ears, throat, etc and everything was clear. I told him about having my braces adjusted last week but he didn't really act like that had anything to do with the swelling. He put me on an antiobiotic and he's sending me for a CT scan of my sinuses.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:11 pm
by Chris
Noami, I never heard of swelling problems with TMJ. I also suffer from TMJ and when I had some elastics my jaw pain increased UNTIL they were removed. Unfortunately, I have to go back to elastics in a few weeks and I'm not looking forward to it. TMJ can cause ear pain but I never heard of swelling. Perhaps it is an unrelated problem. Either way, without the elastics perhaps the pain will settle down. I know with my TMJ, I have bouts of pain/discomfort and then I have no pain for long periods of time. Its classic.