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Elastics and pain

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 6:16 pm
by fins
For those who have elastics, when does the pain stop? I'm wearing mine 24/7 and ouch, I only have ONE but it hurts not only the tooth it's attached to but the teeth next to that one as well! I know I am lucky to have only one elastic but WOW it is a painful one.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 6:45 pm
by kirst1583
Hi fins,
Sorry to hear that elastic is causing you grief.
For me it took about a week to be pain free.
That's standard for me after any adjustment though so yours could be sooner.
Good luck with it. I hope you start to feel some relief soon! :thumbsup:

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:48 am
by cookie
I'm in elastics just now - about 14 hours a day (put them in after dinner then wear them overnight) - think the configuration is Class 2 (lower 1st molar to top canine - both sides).

I must've been really lucky, as apart from the first night I wore them, I've had no pain whatsoever.


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:41 pm
by kander
hi, i recently had my jaw surgery 2/10/06 lower jaw and chin.
i was wired shut x 2 wks and now in elastics. 2. covering back two
teeth top and bottom. the first week was terrible. i thought i was
getting an infection or cavity it hurt so bad. now exactly one week
later it's just tension. a little ache now and then but nothing like it

do take a pain med there is no reason to suffer through it.

Re: Elastics and pain

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:16 pm
by Chris
fins wrote: I only have ONE but it hurts not only the tooth it's attached to but the teeth next to that one as well! .
Adjacent teeth can hurt too while the others are moving.
I asked about that too since I have those symptoms even without elastics.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:43 pm
by yourgirl
Hey guys, so my dentist told me to wear elastics 24/7 except when eating, okay there's just no way i can wear them to school, i have linguals so it makes it even worse to speak, so i wear them about 12-14 hrs a day, whenever i'm at home, working out...where i don't really have to talk to anyone, and over night. do you think my teeth won't move, i still think 12-14 hrs a day is quite a bit...

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:45 am
by Dark_angel
If your only wearing you elastics part of the time then your teeth will move back when the elastics are not on. Im in college and i still manage to wear my elastics 24/7 except when brushing. The idea of elastics is to provide a constant but slight pressure to move the teeth / bite.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:28 am
by fins
Well, I don't even know I am wearing an elastic anymore. I think the elastic really fine tuned my bite within a week or so and I hope my ortho is pleased with the results. I decided to wear mine to eat (since I only have one).

Cookie- I think I have the same configuration as you.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 2:57 pm
by buurin
cookie wrote:I'm in elastics just now - about 14 hours a day (put them in after dinner then wear them overnight) - think the configuration is Class 2 (lower 1st molar to top canine - both sides).

I must've been really lucky, as apart from the first night I wore them, I've had no pain whatsoever.
Same here. Today is day of elastics for me! I am told to wear them 24/7 except when eating and replace them first thing daily. I am setup the same config as you are - unless my ortho tells me otherwise. And thanks to whatever your favourite deity is my teeth feel tight but not really painful.

I'm going in again in another 3 weeks, at which time I'll pay the last of the 20 instalments. :BigGrin:

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 12:14 am
by cookie
I've been "upgraded" to wearing my elastics in Class 2 formation 24/7 now - after I was hasslinghim about speeding up my treatment so I can get these braces off ASAP.

Must admit, it feels a lot tighter wearing them all the time, but still no pain.