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Flossing Cutting Gums

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:48 am
by blueberry
Im due to get my braces next month and so i have already started a strict cleaning routine, brush, floss, scrape tongue (nice) and then rinse with listerine.
My problem is that i seem to make my gums bleed when i floss, im extra gentle but the floss seems to slide up to my gum and cut it!
I havent always flossed do you think my gums will "get used" to this? Or is there a certain technique?

Another question... Does anyone have a small baby and how do you find time to do all of the cleaning after every meal ect because im staying up later just to brush floss ect and im knackerd already!

Thanks for reading


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:57 am
by MrsDantel
in my opinion.. I think your gums will stop bleeding after awhile.. Your gums may not be used to flossing regularly.. I think of it as.. your gums have to toughen up and with time they will and they wont bleed (kinda like doing yard work and your hands are all full of blisters.. after doing it regularly over time.. your hands toughen up and get calluses (sp)

COngrats on getting your braces soon.. Remember to stock up on soft foods! and you may be too sore to floss and brush in the begining but that too, will get better. just be extra gentle

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:21 am
by Flora2006
If your gums are bleeding when you floss it's because your gums are swollen/inflammed...just keep flossing and once your gums get used to it, they will stop bleeding. I had the same problem and that's what my hygienist and dentist both told me to keep flossing no matter what.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:38 am
by bracesmom
I did floss regularly before braces and didn't get bleeding. Since having them, I bleed. I supposed it could have been from my gums being irritated. But more so, I think it's because of the way I'm flossing. I am getting it in different angles because of my arch wire and palatal expander and am being more thourough and perhaps too aggressive. Just a thought.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:20 pm
by rsprouse
Spontaneous bleeding or from minor trauma such as a tooth brush, floss, or a probe are signs of gingivitis. 8X% of people have some form of gingivitis. The tissue is inflamed due to bacteria in the plaque that has accumulated. If you keep flossing and brushing well you can remove some of the plaque. But, it may be necesary (and it IS a good idea) to have your teeth cleaned at a Dentist's office.

So to answer your question, you may or may not stop bleeding if you continue flossing, it will depend on how much plaque you have and how deep your pockets are (if they are too deep you cannot clean them yourself no matter what you do). Good for you for starting flossing, it is very important to oral health.


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:20 pm
by rsprouse
Spontaneous bleeding or from minor trauma such as a tooth brush, floss, or a probe are signs of gingivitis. 8X% of people have some form of gingivitis. The tissue is inflamed due to bacteria in the plaque that has accumulated. If you keep flossing and brushing well you can remove some of the plaque. But, it may be necesary (and it IS a good idea) to have your teeth cleaned at a Dentist's office.

So to answer your question, you may or may not stop bleeding if you continue flossing, it will depend on how much plaque you have and how deep your pockets are (if they are too deep you cannot clean them yourself no matter what you do). Good for you for starting flossing, it is very important to oral health.


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:07 pm
by blueberry
thanks for all the replies im gunna keep at the flossing!
I bought a new toothbrush lately that cut my gums too, but that has healed up ( as far as i can see) remembering this now this is probably a contributing factor to the bleeding, as my gums arent red or inflamed or anytihng like that, so i think i should be more gentle.
ill definately see about the dentists cleaning tho i have never had that before, but im only 16 maybe thats why? Also im pretty good with my teeth i clean at least 3 times a day as when i was younger i was lazy and now im adamant i will have nice white teeth!
again thanks for replies, you guys here are great ;)
blue x