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Braces at 47!

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:52 pm
by dundee
Hi all,
In the past year 1 1/2 years my teeth have gotten really crowded and are pushing out. I finally decided to get braces. I was reluctant to go because of my age but the ortho office staff has really helped me along.

I had two upper bicuspids pulled on President's Day. I have an appt. for spacers on March 14th and braces on the 21st. They are doing the top first and then the bottoms later on.
Now that I made the leap I am looking forward to finally getting them.

After I had my teeth pulled I had severe canker sores above my gumline. The dentist gave me a numbing agent and dental paste. I read here about Rembrandt toothpast and have used that. It took about a week for the sores to go away. I hope they don't return when I get the braces.
That's all for now. I will keep you posted.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:12 pm
by Brandyleigh35
Welcome to the over 40's braces club dundee! I just got braced on Feb 3rd, and underwent a surgically assisted rapid palate expansion this past weekend. I'm still recovering but doing well.

You won't regret your choice to fix your teeth, even though it may be a bit unpleasant at times.


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:31 pm
by missing_tooth
Congrads! You still probably have 40 more years of smile left. Always worth taking care of yourself.

- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:52 am
by Dadio
Congrats and best wishes. Hang in there and join the adventure. Welcome to the Mid Forties Metal Mouth Gang!

Re: Braces at 47!

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:33 am
by HeadgearJoe
dundee wrote:Hi all,
In the past year 1 1/2 years my teeth have gotten really crowded and are pushing out. I finally decided to get braces. I was reluctant to go because of my age but the ortho office staff has really helped me along.

I had two upper bicuspids pulled on President's Day. I have an appt. for spacers on March 14th and braces on the 21st. They are doing the top first and then the bottoms later on.
Now that I made the leap I am looking forward to finally getting them.

After I had my teeth pulled I had severe canker sores above my gumline. The dentist gave me a numbing agent and dental paste. I read here about Rembrandt toothpast and have used that. It took about a week for the sores to go away. I hope they don't return when I get the braces.
That's all for now. I will keep you posted.
welcome , oh yea 48 an a full metal braceface here , congrats on getting started dundee you going all metal or ceramic , hgjoe

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:22 am
by candygrrrl
Welcome to the wonderful world of adult braces! I'm 41 years old and after twenty years of my dentist hounding me to do something about my crooked, crowded teeth and cross bite, a few weeks ago I bit the bullet and started treatment. For the newly braced, I would certainly recommend what I've come to call KK's Two W's: warm salt water and wax. And lots of patience. :D

Best of luck!

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 2:28 pm
by Marzipan
Good for you, Dundee!

I'm about to turn 49 and have braces for the first time in my life. So far so good. No regrets. The teeth are moving and closing gaps I have had for four decades.

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 2:40 pm
by ingyandbert
Newly braced at 45 here. I figure I'll be using these teeth another 55 years so I wanted to my teeth and bite in better shape. Y'all think I'm kidding about the 55 years, right? Well, I'm not! LOL!


Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:26 pm
by dundee
Thanks to all of you for your words of encouragement, ideas and good wishes. I actually can't wait now to get started. I will certainly keep you posted.

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:35 pm
by krennen
Welcome to the 40's club. Just got my second adjustment today. Things are moving slowly--the bottom wire changed today. I swear my bite changes constantly. My closed mouth position is still not comfortable. I do wake up at night trying to find a way to close my teeth, if that makes any sense. Still not a lot of pain, just an occasional sore tooth that seems to change every few days. I do wish the extraction gaps would start closing faster. Hope you find this site as entertaining and informative as I do!!


Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 12:09 pm
by CLAmom
Let me just add my welcome to you as well. I am 46 and holding and in braces for the first time. I am so anxious for my teeth to move and my bite to improve that I feel like I'm 16 again. This board has been an enormous help to me providing a wealth of information and understading from people in the same boat. Good luck!! :dance:

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 1:27 pm
by Marzipan

I agree about the teeth seeming to move all the time. Sometimes I think I'm clenching them while sleeping. Or just after I've eaten, they "fit" together differently than they did one hour previously! It's a very odd feeling.

Not painful, newbies, just odd. :D