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Yet another question about spacers and pain!

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:08 am
by joygoss
I got spacers on the top on Feb. 9th. Wore them until Feb. 21st, when I had a distal jet put on. The distal jet is completely awful! It's huge and I still don't talk plain. I've been called Cindy Brady more times than I care to count. Anyway, back to the point. I hated the spacers and I hate the distal jet and thought it couldn't get any worse than this. BUT - I got four spacers put on the bottom yesterday and I woke up today in the worst pain I can remember (even worse than childirth, believe it or not). I feel like I've been punched repeatedly in the jaws. The uppers hurt, but not nearly this bad. I called the ortho's assistant that put them in and she said that since my teeth are so tight that she really had to work hard to get them in place. Ibuprofen and Tylenol aren't cutting it. I've had ice on my face all morning, but I have a meeting this afternoon and obviously I can't have an ice pack on my jaw.

So, finally, my question is - does anyone have a pain relief remedy that they can share? I would even consider alcohol, but then again, there's that pesky meeting! I tried working the soreness about with a bite wafer, but the moment my teeth come together it's like knives and I truly can't bear it! Thanks in advance, everyone...

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:16 am
by candygrrrl

I feel – or rather felt – your pain. Spacers were the worst! I had good results with three Advil, taken about three times a day. And despite the pain, I would recommend slowly working those bite wafers. They help massage the muscles and you'll better in a few days.

Good luck!

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:26 am
by joygoss
Thank you, Candygrrrl! After re-reading my post, I feel like such a whiner, but I'm glad someone can relate! I'll definately keep working with the wafer and just do it in private so no one can see me weep pathetically! :cry:

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:40 am
by summergirl
I too have felt your pain,I took ibprofrin around the clock also used heat packs and heating pad.In my opinion I feel heat works the best on jaw pain.Ice is only good for swelling.I know how much you hurt trust me I have been there.You are right it is worse than childbirth.Childbirth pain goes away ,this does not let up for days .I hope you feel better really soon.

Summergirl :x :x

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:44 am
by nimo
I don't know about childbirth, but I woke up with my spacers hurting more every day until day five or so. I took 800 milligram Ibuprofen as often as the instructions on the bottle would allow. That put a dent in the pain...enough of a dent that I could function without wallowing in agony.

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 10:41 am
by joygoss
Thanks everyone! It'll be worth it, right? Oh, and I'll try heat next time!

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 10:50 am
by NotBob1
Spacers can be THE WORST part of the whole gig. For me, this time, they weren't bad. The first time, when I was young, they were MURDER! It will be over soon.

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 1:55 pm
by joygoss
Call me a wimp, but the pain just got to me sooooooo bad that I had my good friend (who is also my pediatrician) to prescribe me some pain meds. I should probably tell the story of the appointment so you can kind of understand my plight. My teeth are super tight (even though they are relatively straight - especially on the bottom, where I am just getting one tooth straightened). Anyway, when she put the spacers in, she couldn't get it even in the tooth and she actually LIFTED me off the chair by my teeth trying to straighten them. Good Lord Almighty did it hurt! She felt really bad and she actually called me today to check on me. How sweet!

Anyway, does the story make me less of a whimp for getting pain meds?

Thanks, everyone!

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:28 pm
by NotBob1
You are not a whimp. Those little sobs can HURRTTT!!!! BAD