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2 Months!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:45 am
by Flora2006
It's been 2 months today...22 more to go...hopefully. When I told my ortho this past monday "22 more months to go right?" He just smiled, patted my shoulder and said to be patient and that we'll see. It better be 22 months lol!!

I can't wait for that 6 month thing...hopefully I will see tons of changes by than :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 1:40 pm
by jcdamon3
I asked my ortho at 7 months and he couldn't give me a SWAG about when they would be coming off. 18 months? 24 Months? He said maybe next time he can tell me more. (at 8 months)

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 3:22 pm
by Flora2006
KK wrote: I keep putting off asking and making excuses ... like there was no point asking till they knew what was happening with my impacted canine, then there was no point asking until a decision was made on what to dow now they know it can't be exposed or removed, then it was no point asking until Con has a better idea of how long it will take to close a gap ... and so on. This is one area I've been really pathetic at! :(
KK, that's interesting. For me, this question is the only one I can think of when I go to his office. All my other questions seem to be blocked in my brain but about the length of my's a question I have no problem asking. I do wish I wouldn't ask though just because the answer is disappointing! lol

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 7:36 am
by true_jaat
This is probably the ONLY question on my mind as well when I go for a regular visit but the only reply I seem to get is that the ortho likes the progress so far. But he refuses to give me some sort of hint on what he thinks the timeframe could be.
Anyway, I am happy just with him saying "I like the progress so far".

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 7:54 am
by littleshaddies
Well, I had my adjustment yesterday, and there is me chatting away with the ortho on how much my teeth have moved....So I said are we still looking at the time before christmas this year, and he seemed confident that they will be off before then. Then again, I do realise it all depends on how my teeth move until then. Just because I had very good 6 weeks I don't want to set my hart on it.
I have started very agresive treatment since yesterday. I have wire that pools alone, plus power chains to close the remaining of my gaps on the top of it, and got elastics botom back jaw to front top. Now with the brace feeling tight plus the elastics, I decided in the middle of the night that I can have 8 hours without them, just for the night.
It hurts, it hurts and hurts today but I keep thinking 'before christmas' and feels a bit better. That and paracetamol :lol:

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 9:54 am
by Flora2006
littleshaddies - I wish my ortho would get me into a more aggressive treatment but he is waiting until my canine crossbite gets into alignment before moving on...which sucks!!

I hope your pain goes away soon!!! Getting your braces off right before would be awesome! Best x-mas gift your otho could ever give you ;)

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:11 am
by MadeIn1984
Like KK, I've been hesitatant to ask for a date so far. It'll be *just* over the 8th month mark at my next scheduled appointment (March 23rd). That's too soon! If I'm given a date now I know I'll start getting antsy counting down the days till I get them removed. I'd really rather just the orthodontist himself tell me, with confidence, when my braces are coming off. But that's just me! I know tons of people who want to know at the earliest moment possible! It's just I'd rather not be given a date too soon and then be disappointed when it isn't followed through. :wink:

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 12:03 am
by dena
i wont be asking that question anytime soon. the first month of movement was super-fast that i thought 'these will be off in 18 months!' my ortho, however, didn't seem surprised at the movement at all...and now he thinks they are moving slowly, so i dont want to ask...we'll just see!

my second month of movement was really slow but there was definitely a change. I just had my second adjustment last week and and i have already seen a here's to hoping!

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:07 am
by Flora2006
Since my 2nd adjustment last monday, I haven't experienced any soreness...which I kind of wish I did now just to reassure myself that stuff are happenning in my mouth. (even though I know that no pain doesn't mean there is no movement)

It's funny, when my teeth are sore, I want it to stop, but when they aren't...I want to feel something!