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Thinking about getting braces

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 3:08 pm
by bbdoll11
I'm new to this site, but I've been considering braces for the last couple of years. I was braced for the first time in Jr. High but didn't wear my retainer like I should have. Of course, after having all 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed about 12 years ago, I noticed my teeth have gradually been shifting. My lower teeth are still somewhat straight, but very tight (I can hardly floss the bottom front teeth). Also, I wear a nightguard for teeth grinding. As a result, it seems like my bite has also shifted. My dentist has never commented on my seeing an orthodontist. I go in tomorrow for my cleaning/checkup, and am wanting to get his opinion on whether orthodontics would benefit me. I'm just wondering how any of you approached the subject with your dentist. I'm a little apprehensive about doing so (my teeth don't really look crooked, but I know they could definitely look better). Any suggestions would be appreciated! :D

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 3:29 pm
by Flora2006
Hi, welcome to the board!!!!!

I have to be honest and say that I never considered braces in my entire life. After many years of not going to the dentist, I had to go this past November because I broke a the same time, I was going to finally get my baby canine tooth extracted. My adult canine tooth was behind the baby one so right there I had a crossbite. I asked my dentist what I could do about it. I was hoping cosmetic surgery to somehow fix it but he told me that braces would fix everything. So once my dentist had done the extraction, fillings and everything else that was necessary, he gave me a referal to see an orthodontist. Everything happenned sooo fast for me. My first visit to the dentist was Nov. 22nd, and my consult at the ortho was on Dec 13 and it was set for me to get braces.

So yeah, ask your dentist questions, see orthos for consultations to know what you should do. Good luck and tell us all about it :)

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 3:30 pm
by mackenzie
My dentist told my mom I didn't need them but I got them anyway! I think he is just old fashioned and doesn't think you should get braces unless your teeth are really bad. I had a little crowding and a little overjet and overbite. I think if you aren't happy with your teeth (and money isn't an issue), get them.

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:23 pm
by Leslie022
Welcome to the board!!!

My dentist never told me I needed braces, but boy did I!!! So, I didn't care about his opinion. I never told him I was thinking about and never told him I actually went for it. My orthodontist told me I was a great candidate for braces and that's all I needed to hear.

Good luck with your decision! Don't totally rely on your dentist. Go out and get a few consultations from local orthodontists!

Thanks for the replies!

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:31 pm
by bbdoll11
Thanks to everyone who replied! I definitely want to hear my dentist's opinion, but plan to pursue a consultation with an orthodontist either way. I actually saw an orthodontist several years ago for a splint (i had a mild case of TMJ) and he recommended braces at that time. Unfortunately, I didn't think twice about getting braces then mainly because I didn't have the money. Now that I'm in better financial position, I'm ready to take the plunge. Thanks again!!

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:34 pm
by bckydgardnr
I was grinding my teeth as well. At a cleaning I was telling my dentist that my back teeth were really sore. He told me it was partly from grinding, but more from my cross bite. I asked what was involved to fix it and he referred me to an orthodontist. I honestly thought the ortho would say that I only needed a retainer, or that it wasn't that involved. No such luck...14 months in and 16 more to go it has been quite a journey. At my last adjustment on Tuesday, my ortho said that my teeth are now in place, and we can start to work on my crossbite at my next adjustment.

I am really pleased that I did get braces. I was always very concientious about my teeth and never smiled with an open mouth. My teeth are really beginning to look nice. I even got a compliment from a co-worker yesterday about how pretty they were looking! :D

Definitely see an orthodontist. You will be happy you did!