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Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 9:00 pm
by akabraces

You would NOT believe it. I just went to Colombia, South America, and thought I was in an absurdist dream or Woody Allen movie. I got off the plane, and literally EVERY woman working in the airport or traveling who was Colombian HAD BRACES!!! NO JOKE! I swear, I had friends with me, other witnesses. I could NOT believe it. I'm supposed to get my braces in a few weeks, and so I've been very nervous about it, wondering if I'm going to go through with it, but when I saw that I was the minority in Colombia for NOT having braces it made me feel so much better about getting them!
Apparently, braces are becoming very popular in Central and South America. It is definitely a status symbol there so people flaunt it and love it like crazy. It was like exposure therapy. After seeing so many older people with braces, I think I'm definitely ready for mine!
So if you're having cold feet, take a trip to Colombia and you'll
be ready to go!


ps thailand

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 9:47 pm
by akabraces

you would sooo not believe it, I mean it was like some weird experiemental film...every women who opened her mouth had braces or a retainer...
i still can't believe was the best confidence booster about's considered soooo cool, hip and stuff to have them...

i also forgot to mention that girls in THAILAND think that braces are so cool that now they have orthos who put fake braces on girls and women so they
can look cool!!!


Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:52 pm
by jcdamon3
I only know one person from South America. He has white, nice, straight teeth. I have never asked him if he had braces before.

I know one other adult that has braces and one that has already gotten hers off.

I have met people in public places that see my braces and start talking to me or I start talking to them. One woman who I met standing in line at Starbucks had invisalign and she commented about my braces. She loved her invisalign! She seems to be about my age. Another person I met in line at Costco and she said she had had braces on for 4 years! I would put her at about my age as well, she had her daughter with her who also had braces.

I think I might know another person who had invisalign but would not admit it!

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 11:01 pm
by drazda
akabraces, that's really neat! Ah... I want to take a trip to Columbia.

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 11:07 pm
by dena
did you like colombia? i'm doing a phd in latin american history but i'll be done witht he braces before i go abroad to do my research. that is so hilarious though--how unexpected!

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 11:29 pm
by hollywood_smile
cool that you visted colombia i think you loved it, ive heard is avery nice place

well im from central america, Mexico to be exact, and braces has been a usual orthodontic treatment, like in some other countries, i dont think here in mexico is becoming a
a status symbol there so people flaunt it and love it like crazy
since theyve existed for ever in here, and we get the same reaction as in other countries, perhaps in colombia but not in mexico.

which awesome places did you visit?

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 11:45 pm
by akabraces
to answer your questions...

i LOVED was beautiful, the people were so welcoming and friendly, and the weather was gorrrrgeous--like 90 degrees!
i swam in the was so warm and tranquil...

but i was working with a group in colombia so i was hooked up with a place to stay and people who could take me around...which was very nice!


Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:13 am
by Flora2006
I need to head to Columbia as will make me feel better!!!

My assistant manager (about 35) from a previous job last summer has metal braces...still does I think. Otherwise, I don't really see many braces at all. I'm in University and it seems that people either have beautiful teeth because they've had braces as kids, or people have so-so teeth and don't care. I wish I did see more braces!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 10:20 pm
by hollywood_smile
wow aka!!

so jealous i have to stuff someday soon!! lol!!!!!
how long did you stay?

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 12:52 pm
by akabraces
hey hollywood smile,

i stayed in colombia for a week!

was happy every second of it,
exceeded my expectations in
every way!

thanks for asking!

still in disbelief about all that metal!


Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:15 pm
by ren
hmmmm...I wonder if braces are covered by their government or their health plans? It sounds like it's a bit different from the "it's cosmetic and we won't cover the cost of adults to have braces" bit that I've gotten too many times over here. sounds like a great place :)

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:17 pm
by NotBob1
Now, I could be wrong, but I remember reading something about people in other countries getting braces or even fake braces as a status symbol.

Possibly this is the deal there?

Does anyone else know what I am talking about? Read about this?

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:12 pm
by akabraces
hey notbob!

you're right, there are places where people are getting
fake braces, but that's mostly in asia, particularly thailand right now...

in central and south america, they are actually using real braces...
they never really had access to orthodontic care and now that they do, everyone wants it which why there are so many adults with braces--b/c nobody had them as children...

my friend who lived in el salvador for 10 years witnessed the same recent
phenomenon there, and she said it was more common on adults than children!-which I found to be true in Colombia also...

Some children had braces, but mostly adults...

fascinating though, no?


Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:47 pm
by rockexrolloh
Flora, are you from Canada? I notice you say Univeristy instead of College...just wondering!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:54 pm
by Jesslzz 01

Well, I'm from Argentina, and I can tell that having braces as an adult is not yet "a fashion trend" over here, but is getting more and more popular nowadays.

As you said, akabraces:
in central and south america, they are actually using real braces...
they never really had access to orthodontic care and now that they do, everyone wants it which why there are so many adults with braces--b/c nobody had them as children...
That is exactly what is going on now. Most of the orthodontists are pretty young because this discipline is kind of new over here. So most people is getting the chance to wear braces these days. Besides that, the payment plans are now better than before, but it is still quite expensive. So sometimes people sees it as a status symbol.

If having braces is a fashion trend in Colombia, it might become a fashion trend over here too. That would be great for me!!!! :lol: