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Poll: Dental Hygiene

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:17 pm
by jcdamon3
How old are you? (If you care to share)
How many times a year did you visit the dentist before braces?
How many times a year do you visit the dentist now?
How much did you floss before braces? Now?
Do you think your habits will change again when you get your braces off?

For me, I always visited the dentist twice a year and will continue to. I didn't always floss every day until about 3-4 years ago. I think my habits will not be as good after braces as during but better than before braces.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:41 pm
by Flora2006
I am 22 years old. I didn't visit the dentist for a few years because doctors and anything health related is by biggest phobia. Last november I broke a tooth so I had to finally go see a dentist and he was/is incredibly nice. So after fixing everything, I now have braces which means I have to go every 6 months...I have my next check-up next month. I never flossed before but I do now every single night. I don't think my habits will change much...I won't brush my teeth after every single food I put in my mouth once the braces are off, but I will still maintain a really good cleaning habit.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 9:53 pm
by lionfish
I'm older than you, jcdamon3. Ha ha!
Twice a year.
Will be the same.
Every day.
Probably not.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 6:36 am
by materialsgirl
How old are you? (If you care to share)

How many times a year did you visit the dentist before braces?
twice a year

How many times a year do you visit the dentist now?
twice a year

How much did you floss before braces? Now?
before - not nearly as much as I should have (once or twice a week)
now - every night, and sometimes after lunch if I feel like I have stuff between my teeth :)

Do you think your habits will change again when you get your braces off?
yes - I will probably not brush after lunch anymore

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 7:50 am
by candygrrrl
How old are you? (If you care to share)
41, but lately, I've been feeling 14 :)
How many times a year did you visit the dentist before braces?
Twice a year.
How many times a year do you visit the dentist now?
I'm told every three months – twice with my regular dentist, twice with a periodontist for what I've come to call the Torture Cleanings and to make sure things are going well.
How much did you floss before braces? Now?
Once or twice a day. Same.
Do you think your habits will change again when you get your braces off?
No. With dentists in the family, good oral hygiene was drilled into me from an early age (too bad my parents didn't pay attention to the advice of the orthodontists :( ). The result, only one cavity, no pockets, no receding gums, etc. In fact, the main reason I'm going through this braces event is to keep it that way. My dentist has been warning me for years that with my bad bite and crooked, crowded teeth, things could start to go to pot the older I get.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 8:23 am
by sydsmom
1. 31
2. Um, every couple/few years...or whenever I had insurance
3. I'm reformed -- I'll go every 4-6 months for the rest of my life!
4. Hmm... Floss?? Maybe once a week before braces.
5. I'll brush less than 5x/day once braces are off, but otherwise, I plan to keep up the same general routine, including the use of things like Gel-kam and PhosFlur to keep from having to get teeth filled!!

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:59 am
by Shelby014
How old are you? (If you care to share)
How many times a year did you visit the dentist before braces?
How many times a year do you visit the dentist now?
How much did you floss before braces? Now?
Do you think your habits will change again when you get your braces off?

1. I'm 15
2. 2 times a year every year since i was 6.
3. 2 times a year.
4. I never flossed before braces. Now i floss at least 1 a week
5. I'm sure i wont brush 4 times a day, but i'll still brush at least 3 times because i'll have to keep my retainer nice and fresh!!(wouldn't want nasty retainer breath now would we? LoL)

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 10:56 am
by saycheese
How old are you? (If you care to share)

How many times a year did you visit the dentist before braces?
I hadn't been to the dentist in about 5 years. I cracked a baby tooth and thus my journey began.

I had a cleaning 6/05, I kept cancelling the appointments for my extractions - baby tooth and 2 wisdom teeth 12/05, cleaning 1/06, then braces 2-06.

How many times a year do you visit the dentist now?

How much did you floss before braces? Now?
before - not nearly as much as I should have (once or twice a month)
now - every night, and any time I feel something in my teeth

Do you think your habits will change again when you get your braces off?
no - it's my desire to keep up the habits I'm developing for healthy teeth and gums

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 11:44 am
by jennandtonic
How old are you? (If you care to share) 20.

How many times a year did you visit the dentist before braces?
Usually twice a year, but this past couple of years I hadn't seen the dentist at all because of school junk. So the last time I went I told the dental assistant I wanted braces and needed a recommendation, so here I sit today!

How many times a year do you visit the dentist now? I'm going to go see the dentist sometime in April, not sure if they're going to want to see me more often or not.

How much did you floss before braces? Now? Before, usually once a day. Now, twice a week because that's what my ortho recommends. I use a waterpik the rest of the time.

Do you think your habits will change again when you get your braces off? I don't know yet.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 2:54 pm
by jcdamon3
Oh Gosh - I remember when I was much younger I would think. Oh I have to go to the dentist tomorrow. I better floss!!

I would floss and my teeth would be all sore for a couple of days - well that and from the cleaning.

I think I am truly reformed.

I wonder if I would have visited the dentist as often if I didn't have insurance????

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 3:56 pm
by Sillygirl
How old are you? 29

How many times a year did you visit the dentist before braces? Twice a year for cleaning, more if I had work to be done (fillings, crown, etc.)

How many times a year do you visit the dentist now? Starting to be every 6 weeks.

How much did you floss before braces? Now? I don't have braces yet but I didn't floss very much. When I I knew I would be getting braces (about a year ago), I starting a routine and hope to continue.

Do you think your habits will change again when you get your braces off? If anything, they will get better. Braces cost alot of money, can't throw it away.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 4:28 pm
by ingyandbert
How old are you? 45

How many times a year did you visit the dentist before braces? Every 4-6 months for cleanings

How many times a year do you visit the dentist now? Whenever they tell me to. I've only been braced for about 6 weeks.

How much did you floss before braces? Daily.

Now? Daily.

Do you think your habits will change again when you get your braces off? No, I'll still brush 2-3 times a day and floss daily.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 12:29 pm
by rockexrolloh
How old are you? 18

How many times a year did you visit the dentist before braces? I went to the dentist maybe once a year or once every two years. We never had dental insurance and my parents couldn't always afford it. But I've never had a cavity!

How many times a year do you visit the dentist now?Now that my mom does have dental insurance, I'll be going every 6 months.

How much did you floss before braces? Now? I never floss. I haven't gotten my braces so I'm not sure yet.

Do you think your habits will change again when you get your braces off? No. I've waited 18 years to get my teeth "fixed" and I'll do whatever it takes to keep them that way.

Re: Poll: Dental Hygiene

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 2:10 pm
by smilezofmetal2
jcdamon3 wrote:How old are you? (If you care to share)
Turning 21
How many times a year did you visit the dentist before braces?
every 4-8mths
How many times a year do you visit the dentist now?
the same
How much did you floss before braces? Now?
before none. At the beginning og my braces i flossed 21mths later once in a blue moon :-+ ...I know I know
Do you think your habits will change again when you get your braces off?
I will brush the same (2x a day) and floss more often because it will be easier :-9 and I will take better care of them.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 8:40 pm
by nimo
How old are you? (If you care to share)
How many times a year did you visit the dentist before braces?
I didn't go until I was 17. I went nine times that year. Then I went again when I was 19 and had lost the crown (or whatever it's called) off my front tooth (The dentist was like, "You should have gone to the orthodontist years ago." I told my mom, and she was like, "Yeah, we already knew that," and that was the end of that.). And then I went after I finally had insurance of my own when I was 23. And now I'll start going like a normal human being.
How many times a year do you visit the dentist now?
I'll be going every six months.
How much did you floss before braces? Now?
Never before. Well, no, I started to do it every night a few months ago, but only between the teeth that I could actually get between. Now I do it every night between all teeth, except for two that I just CAN NOT get between.
Do you think your habits will change again when you get your braces off?
I won't be brushing seven hundred times a day, but I'll keep brushing and flossing.