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7 Everlasting Years of Braces

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 7:53 pm
by BonoVertigo
It was 4th grade when I first got my braces on. 4 little pathetic top brackets with a large wire extending on both sides to my back molars. What a cute contraption it was, rubber bumpers protecting the wire and whatnot. It just asked to be broken.

Three years later, I was all braced up on the top and bottom side. (7th grade). Let me begin by saying my teeth were in absolutely ridiculous positions. Front teeth jutting out the front of my gum, enough space to fit various bite size candy in between..

A year later I was instructed to wear rubber bands to help align my bite.

Fast forward to today, 7 years later...and I still type this with braces in my mouth. I'm a junior in high school now, and the good news is that I get my braces off this Friday. Words cannot describe my joy...haha.. Anyhow, did/does anyone else have to get these special retainers that look like mouthguards that are supposed to further improve your bite?

I'm not sure what to expect..

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 9:39 pm
by NuckingFuts
Congratulations on your long journey. It must be such a great feeling to finally get them off. It may have been 7 years, but now you have the rest of your life to enjoy your great smile.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 9:45 pm
by drazda
Congratulations! I can't imagine having braces for 7 years. Enjoy your wonderful new smile.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 2:05 am
by littleshaddies
Just in time for dating too. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Congratulations :wink:

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 7:22 am
by ren
hey BonoVertigo,
I truly have to commend and congratulate you for going through 7 years of braces! That is a LONG time to do the same routine day in and day deserve a metal! :jump: :-)o :-* :-88 :-**


Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 8:20 am
by ingyandbert
I know it seems like a long time, and it is, but I hope you realize you're lucky to have it all over with at such a young age. Many of us are in our 30s, 40s and 50s and in braces. Aren't you glad you'll soon be free forever? :D

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 2:15 pm
by smilezofmetal2
Wow Congrats :-)o ...I feel like such a baby complaining about are a trooper :dance:

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 4:20 pm
by serendipity
My hat off to you :D ...7 years that's got to be like a bracer record :o . All the best for Friday, make sure you post some pics. :-V

~serendipity~ :computer:

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 6:05 pm
by Flora2006
That is amazing news that you are finally getting your braces off. 7 years...I can't even begin to imagine.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 12:41 pm
by hannah164
Congratulations, first off, for making it seven years with braces! :thumbsup: :dance: :-#) :banana: That is absolutely amazing! :shock:

I can't even imagine how excited you are to break free on Friday! THat is absolutely wonderful news! :D I'm jealous but you've definitely earned this!

I started off the same way as you, with 3 wimpy upper brackets and a wire! :roll: Eventually we started ended upper brackets here and there (we still haven't bracketed all my uppers yet!) and then 18 months later we added bottom braces! :? Almost 2 years in I still haven't gotten elastics to start fixing my wacky bite! :( I guess I'm just one of those more complicated slower cases like you! :wink: But eventually we will all be free with beautiful smiles! :D

Would love to see some pictures if possible! :wink: Congrats!



Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05
Last Adjustment: February 28, 2006 where they gave me a new bottom wire and attached my impacted canine, newly bracketed, to the wire! OUCH!

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:17 pm
by Joanna20
Hey! Congrats! That sounds like a really long time in braces but I'm sure your teeth look awesome now.! At least they are not going to move (unless you don't wear your retainer)! Make sure you extract your wisdom teeth in a couple of years.
Good luck!