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Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 1:26 pm
by rockexrolloh
I know there was a post here all about lig colors but I couldn't find any pictures of silver ligs on clear braces. I'm not sure what color ligs to get when I get my clear braces. I don't want any colors but I also heard that clear ligs stain a lot and that silver works best. What do you guys recommend? And does anyone have pics of silver ligs on clear braces?

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 8:46 pm
by Flora2006
I have light silver ligs that look almost clear...


They look almost white or clear but they aren't!! lol. I couldn't believe it the first time when I saw the ligs on my teeth but yeah...they are a very light silver...
They don't stain as much as the clear ones but they do stain a bit.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 9:07 pm
by rockexrolloh
wow Flora those look great!! I thought silver would be really dark almost black. I will definitely be going with the silver though. Thanks.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 6:30 am
by Kell
Two weeks ago I got wire ties on my clear brackets. They are just a tiny silver wire and I love them. I didn't have any real staining issues with the clear ligs but I worried about them all the time. Now I don't have to worry.

Here is a picture:

Just ignore the spring on top and the wire ends have been tucked under so they can't be seen any more. The wire is so thin you can barely see it at all. I am really happy with them.