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Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 7:45 am
by tractorgirl
Hi there,
Yesterday I got my braces all wired up and ready.. so I'm technically all done now. My ortho doesnt want to see me until May 11th, is that normal? I thought perhaps I'd be seen before that.
They feel okay, and so far not had any unpleasentness or aching etc.. the only thing that really bothers me, is eating.
For some reason I cant stand eating with a brace on... afterwards it feels like Ive got food all stuck in it etc.. I was wondering if any of you guys felt like this? Im off out on Sunday with my family and friends for a meal, and dreading the fact that I constantly feel like I've got bits of food all stuck in my mouth.
Maybe its because Im not used to it or something, I was just wondering if anyone has has been through these fears that I have..
hope you are all doing good..
hannah x 8)

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:03 am
by tractorgirl
Thanks Lucy.. I'll take a look now!
Also I just noticed that you are in Essex, and so am I!
2 Adults in braces, both in Essex!! Woohoo!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:41 am
by August1
Hi Hannah,
I just got my lower braces on yesterday too (my uppers were put on about 1.5weeks earlier). My next appointment is also on May 11, what a coincidence :) My orthodontist told me that with the Damon style braces, I only have to come in every 8-10 weeks. I don't know what type of braces you have, but that may be the case for you as well.

Eating is definitely interesting. I find that if I swish some water around my mouth after every couple bites of food, a lot of the larger bits of food get washed away. Then make sure you brush well after the meal to get all the smaller bits still trapped.

I also got a Waterpik, and while it's not something you can really use in a restaurant, it's great at home. I'd also suggest getting a Sonicare or other type of electric toothbrush. I keep mine at home and use a small travel toothbrush when I'm out, but you ladies with purses may find it easier to take it with you to a restaurant or work.

Hope this helps. Since we got braced at about the same time, I'm probably having a lot of the same thoughts that you have. One of the assistants at my ortho's office has had braces for a few months now, and she keeps reassuring me that it isn't so bad. How long is your ortho estimating your treatment to take? Take care, and congrats :)

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 12:08 pm
by rockexrolloh
Hey Xenbu, are you referring to the Waterpik flossers? I'm getting braced in June and am wondering what to put in my little "kit".

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 12:15 pm
by JoeMama
RE: Food in braces while eating. I've found that some forcefully swishing water around in my mouth helps get a lot of the food out while eating. I can go through a couple glasses per meal, but it really helps. Especially when eating in public. In fact whenever I go into a restaurant, I ask for a glass of water right away (no ice helps too).

Good luck!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 1:47 pm
by tractorgirl
Thanks for the tips Guys!
Yeah I'm thinking of getting a travel toothbrush aswell Xenbu, just for when I go out and stuff. This is the part I find most uncomfortable, eating in public, but Im sure that it will become alittle easier within time.

My estimated time is about 1 and half, minimum, but she said Im probably looking at 2. Could even be longer, but I'm hoping not! How about you Xenbu?

I have got the good old traditional Metal Braces... its all I could afford if Im honest.

Someone told me that braces are sexy the other day....!!!!
That made me smile! I thought the whole world would think I was dorky or something...

its great to hear from others around about my age, in the same situation..

when did you get yours fitted Xenu?

Thank you all for your tips!

Hannah x x

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 2:05 pm
by Flora2006
Congrats on getting braces. Things will get better soon, once you adjust to all the stuff in your mouth.

Adjustments time vary a lot. I go every 4 weeks but many people go less frequently. As it was said, it just depends what the ortho is doing, what brackets you have, etc...

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 2:26 pm
by tractorgirl
Thanks Flora!!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:03 pm
by August1
rockexrolloh: the waterpik I'm referring to is actually made by interplak and can be found here. It's kinda like a power washer for your teeth. It shoots very powerful little pulses of water out the nozzle to blast away any little bits of food stuck between your teeth or around your brackets. It's really great, but like I said, I wouldn't recommend taking it to a restaurant because it can be a bit messy with water spraying everywhere and such.

I bought a dentakit and it's really been great. When I go out to bars and whatnot I just take the little travel toothbrush and toothpaste with me, but I keep the whole kit at work. It comes with a ton of random little things I would have never thought to buy, like a mirror to check your teeth and a little pick to get that stray piece of food. I think the website is [/url][/url].

Hannah: I've only had my uppers for about a week and a half, and my lowers for a couple days. I have the Damon type brackets, which are pretty much metal. I had read and was told by multiple orthodontists that the ceramic ones can take longer, and I just want to be done with this ASAP!

Hope this helps :)[/url]

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 6:55 am
by tractorgirl
Thanks Guys..
I'll have a look!

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 4:28 pm
by Traffic
I'm able to remove 99% of the food stuck in my braces with my tounge. Every once and a while something will get stuck and I'll need a tool (any sharp object at hand) to pick it out.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 5:28 pm
by ingyandbert
Same here, I've gotten amazingly good at using my tongue to loosen stuck food from my braces. At home or work, I'll brush immediately after eating. But when I'm out somewhere, I just whip out a small mirror and have a quick check to see if I need to go to the restroom to use my proxy brush, but I hardly ever have to.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 7:53 pm
by missing_tooth
Don't eat Vanilla Wafers. I bought a huge box at Costco yesterday. After eating a few of them it was like, ugh... I wished I hadn't of bought them. But I eat most everything, you learn how to eat with them. Besides, like others said, a good water swish takes care of most everything.

- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 12:40 pm
by joeb1
I only had lower braces and for me getting food stuck in my teeth was the always the worst part. I never got used to it and the swishing water in my mouth was never very effective.

I always kept a toothpick in my wallet and after eating would excuse myslef to the bathroom and pick out the food. A waterpick is essential as well, but does little good if you are out to eat or at someone elses house.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 5:54 pm
by lionfish
I love hot cross buns, but they tend to go straight to my thighs, so I moderate my intake. But closer to Easter, my OH will get that long faced look he does so well, and hot cross buns it will be for breakfast, with butter and marmalade. Sounds rather good, actually.