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Ok, they're on

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:28 am
by TigerJohn
So now they're on.

The actual process of putting them wasn't so bad. And they're not that noticeable. And while they felt weird and still do, it's about what I expected.

However, when I was driving away from the ortho, one of the braces popped off. So I drove back. As I walking in, another one came off. Then, as the ortho was gluing them back on, yet another one came off. After the fixed me up, I left. In the parking lot, another one came off.

So when I went back in, they redid all of them and every was fine after that.

Until this morning, when another one popped off. Now I have to go back.

Anyone else experience this?

I'm in some pain and and am finding eating and brushing challenging. Other than that, no so bad, I guess.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 12:11 pm
by JoeMama
HI Tiger John - Congratulations on getting them on!

No, they shouldn't be popping off like that. It is possible for them to come off, but should be very hard to do. They should never just fall off. There was a posting a couple weeks ago where someone had the same problem. Maybe do a search for "brackets popping off" or something like that. See what they said. What a bummer!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 2:17 pm
by Flora2006
Congratulations on getting your braces.

I agree, brackets shouldn't be popping off that much. Once in a while its fine but for them to just pop off like that right after they were glued and not just one but a few...hopefully your ortho can give you an explanation for this.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 2:21 pm
by jennandtonic
Congratulations on getting braces!

I can't say I've experienced brackets popping off, I don't think that should happen. :shock:

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 7:16 pm
by bracesrok
Congradulations on getting braces!

Your mouth being sore and having a hard time brushing is normal (at least it was for everyone I've talked to).

I know somebody whose brackets kept coming off after she got them on, but after everything was fixed they haven't come off.

I had 2 come off once, but I was eating stuff I wasn't supposed to. :-9