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Just got lingual to help speech?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 6:39 pm
by eless3
Hi all,

After putting it off for a long time - I'm 22 - I finally took the plunge and got braces. I figured that I had better start sooner than later since every day I spend thinking about it would be one day lost that I could actually be doing something about it. Since I am graduating college and starting my career in August, I decided to go with lingual braces on top and ceramic on the bottom. They are invisible enough for me and my dentist estimates that I will complete treatment in 9-12 months. I'll try to post some pictures soon if I can.

Anyway, I got them on yesterday. I've already seen that a few lower teeth (where I have a bit of crowding) are now almost perfectly aligned! Is it normal to see results this quickly, and if I notice this quick movement early on, is it an indicator that the treatment may go quicker than expected? I'm really excited about this and I think the final result will make my woes worthwhile, but I have a few questions for some fellow lingual patients:

Unfortunately (and expectedly), the lingual braces are having a terrible effect on my speech. I really need to figure out how to speak clearly quickly. It seems like the more I try to get used to the lingual braces, the worse it gets! I noticed that the speech seems to be the best when I get up in the morning and degrades as I talk more. Is this my tongue getting tired or something? Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can rapidly improve my pronunciation?

Secondly, and also expectedly, I can't eat ANYTHING. It hurts a LOT to put any pressure on my teeth, and I cannot even close my mouth because one of the upper lingual brackets hits a lower tooth and prevents my molars from contacting each other. Hence, I can't really chew food with my molars even if I wanted to. Is this normal? If so, how long can I expect it to last? I'm so hungry and yogurt doesn't really hit the spot :(

Also, how does one use "Super Floss" on the lingual braces? I brushed my teeth a few times and I can't seem to floss the lingual braces. They seem to get pretty clean with just brushing, but I don't want plaque to build up. I can clean the bottom braces fine (since they're on the outside) but can't floss my bottom teeth because they hurt too much.

Please help! Thanks!

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 6:46 pm
by Leslie022
Hi, I have no suggestions for you as I don't have lingual braces. I just wanted to congratulate you on taking the plunge now rather than later! And we do love sharing in the excitement of progress, so do post pictures!! :)

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 7:34 pm
by annie82
hey welcome to the club then!! I've had upper linguals for over a year now so i know how it feels!! the lisping does get better, just be patient and keep on practicing talking. good luck!! and think positive ;)

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:36 pm
by trentb
I have lingual's on the top. I talk a bit different than before. I have to pause and deliberately say some words. But, most of the time, I don't notice it anymore and the severity of the lisp decreased as my tongue got used to them being there.

And other folks adjust quickly too -- they say you speak somewhat different, but find it more cute than troublesome.

The key is to be patient, and articulate.

Good luck!!