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Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 4:42 pm
by dundee
I had 8 spacers put in on Tues. My teeth feel weird and it is really sore when I chew on something. I go on Tues. the 21st for my top braces. The ortho is going to put the bands on my bottom teeth at the same time since he is doing the top it wil be easier to get all the bands on in one visit. He said I will get the bottom braces in a couple of months. Has anyone else had the same problem with spacers? I hope it not going to be this sore when the braces go on. Thanks.

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 5:35 pm
by OneTime
Spacers are horrible I think. When I had spacer off and braces on. It was way better than having spacers. Now molar bands are a different story.

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 5:58 pm
by KJM
Spacers are by far the worse part. I didnt have a ton of pain but they were annoying and sore. Molar bands didnt bother me a bit ( other than being a bit scratchy)

My son is 9 and just got his RPE expander put on Thursday. He had spacers for 2 weeks prior ( again they were sore and annoying) and had the molar bands put on Thurs and said they were much better!

Make sure to take some advil to relieve the soreness and try to stay hydrated (it helps) :) Good Luck!

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 10:58 am
by JumpTheDitch
Spacers are DEFINITELY the worst part of treatment (so far). I can't believe some people manage to get away with not having any!

I was lucky enough to get 8 spacers for 8 days prior to getting full upper and lower metal braces. Man was I overjoyed when they took those horrid little rubber rings out. Braces are far less irritating and invasive than those nasty little things.

Unfortunately my ortho decided extractions were a necessity after all, meaning 4 extra molar bands required to help close the extraction gaps.

So, another 8 x spacers for another week, on top of the upper and lower braces (I still have all my wisdom teeth, so all in all my mouth was feeling pretty offended).

Sadly, there STILL wasn't enough space to get two of the second round of molar bands on, so I was lucky enough to get two MORE spacers in, albeit for less time than the previous two rounds. Still. EIGHTEEN spacers later!!

And that doesn't include the 6 or 7 that broke being put in; is that some sort of record? :?

Spacers suck

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:48 pm
by Greenidgurl
I feel ya totally with all the spacers... check ME out!!!


I'll be getting an impression made for a palatal expander on the 27th... in the meantime this is what I'm looking like... these damn things are annoying as all getout!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 11:41 pm
by amberfields
Spacers are the devil! By far the worste part of my brace experience so far! Just hang in there....the braces feel better!

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 8:52 am
by cleozar2007
At my consultation appt. the lady at the desk said I would have to come in 2 weeks before the braces went on to get spacers put in to make room for the bands. I had heard they are horrible, so I was dreading them. :shock: But at my records appt the ortho said they would be bonding all my teeth which meant no spacers or bands!! I was so relieved. :D
It was bad enough trying to eat after my top braces were put on. I couldn't imagine what it would feel like trying to eat with little pieces of rubber stuck between my teeth.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:54 pm
by JumpTheDitch
Nasty, cleozar2007; it's nasty trying to eat with spacers in! :cry:

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:49 am
by Greenidgurl
KK... I have no idea what kind of brackets I have on... I just know that having the braces on is much better than the spacers! I can't wait til Monday when the do the impression for the palatal expander... then after it comes back - I have my first surgery.... eeeeeek!!! :shock: