Dr. Wolford & Dr. Gunson/Arnett disagree on my case

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Dr. Wolford & Dr. Gunson/Arnett disagree on my case

#1 Post by Marisama »

I've traveled to both Dallas and Santa Barbara to see each surgeon hoping to get a definite answer that each doctor agrees on but it turns out I have them saying opposite things.
In short, I have facial asymmetry(condylar hyperplasia) and TMJ. My discs are displaced slightly. Dr. Wolford wants to do a high condylectomy with Mitek anchors, lefort 1, and BSSO.
Dr. Gunson/Arnett want to only do orthognathic surgery with segmented lefort, BSSO and also cheek implants.

Who do I trust? Who do I believe? Where do I go from here? Any advice?

New Yorker
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Wolford or Gunson/Arnett?

#2 Post by New Yorker »

I'm curious, Ryan...how did you narrow it down to these three doctors?

I think there needs to be a good working relationship between your surgeon and the ortho, so has the ortho weighed in on the choices?

I had my surgery done at Baylor (where Wolford is affiliated) over a decade ago with a surgeon who was then considered one of the leading specialists in the world. He is now retired. I had never heard of him, but he was the guy that my ortho recommended for my complicated case, and I had to travel long distances to see him, which was no piece of cake. But when I thought of everything that could have gone wrong, it gave me peace of mind to know that this guy was considered a world authority on my case.

Baylor Medical Center is a good place to have this done, but you need to be aware that since it is a teaching hospital, you'll get a whole lot of people streaming in to look in on your case. I don't know if that matters to you.

These guys are impressive, no doubt about it, but I would ask your ortho and if he or she isn't helpful, then get a third opinion.

Good luck, friend. I know how stressful this all is.

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Drs Wolford & Gunson/Arnett

#3 Post by jul »

It has been my experience that there are as many opinions as doctors. It's difficult to get a majority opinion, especially when you have a condyle problem. I have condylar resorption and have gotten opinions from leforte and BSSO, sliding genioplasty and joint replacements of the TMJ. Researching this can make you crazy but do your research, and go with the surgeon who you feel most comfortable with and whose treatment plan makes the most sense to you. Ask question - more questions to both doctors. Discuss this with your dentist and orthodontist, and even your primary doctor. Read everything you can and then make your decision. Fortunately you have time to make a decision.
Good luck,

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#4 Post by brendan »

Arnett / Gunson > all

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