April 2010 Buddies

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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April 2010 Buddies

#1 Post by Audra »

I thought I would start an April thread since no one else has.

I am having upper and lower surgery on April 16 to fix my underbite. I have been surgery ready since summer (July-August), but waittimes here in Alberta are super long so I've had to be extremely patient. I've had a Suresmile wire since January and it has done wonders to level my teeth. I'm told since all this detailing has been done, that I will be in braces a shorter time after the surgery, so I'm happy about that.

On Wednesday I get my surgical molds done by the orthodontist. The following Wednesday (24th) I go to the surgeon for my records appointment (facebow and whatever else it is they do, I guess I'll find out). Will be making an appointment that day for the splint fitting a few days before surgery (I'm told I'll have to wear the splint for 4 weeks). On the 15th I get my surgical hooks.

I have a whole list of things that I thought I would need (taken from a bunch of people here) and they're all piled up in my living room. I still need to find out how to make homemade gel packs for my jaw bra and I need some hydrogen peroxide. Other than that, I'm pretty much ready. I bought zip n' squeeze bags a really long time ago, which I'm happy I did since they have gone out of business.

Well, I guess that's all I've got for now.

Anyone else in April want to join the thread?


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#2 Post by DrBlur »

I had posted this in the March thread because this one didn't exist 8) but:

Either at the end of this month or (most likely) beginning of April I will be getting some minor surgery done. Can someone help me with what it's called? Basically, my orthodontist told me I don't have enough bone under my teeth (the way he showed me is that the tooth should sit in the middle of a "saddle" of bone, and my teeth are off to the side too much). So the surgeon is going to cut into my gums and shave off the outer bone so that it can be moved (by my expander, which I will get in afterwards).
Has anyone else had this done? How was it?

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#3 Post by Audra »

Welcome DrBlur. I believe what you are talking about is referred to as a bone graft, although I don't know anything about them. Doesn't sound like fun though :(

I have read that it is typically done for people who need implants, but have had bone loss so they need the bone built back up in order for the implant to be put in. I do need an implant (molar on left side) when braces are finished, but the tooth was removed just prior to getting braces and the periodontist was careful when removing the tooth so that I would not need a bone graft later on. So hopefully I won't have to go down that road.

Will be interesting to read about your experience - and of course, we're here to support you :)


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#4 Post by DrBlur »

^thanks for the kind words! My orthodontist didn't mention any implants...he basically said my palate needed to be expanded but since I am an adult and my bones are fused, this surgery needs to be done "loosen" the bones in my jaw before the expander can be put in. The way he explained it (I hope this makes sense!) is that they'll cut into my gums and shave off the outer bone (which is rigid) leaving the spongy inner bone (which is flexible) and then stitch me up. Then, when he puts the expander in, it will be able to spread my palate.

Does that make sense? He said it's not too bad (of course, *he* can say that :lol: ), so we shall see. My consult with the oral surgeon is 2 weeks from today...by then I'll have had my spacers 1 1/2 weeks and will get my braces 3 days later.

The confusing thing is that I'll have the surgery AFTER having the braces...does that make sense? Anyone else had this experience?

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#5 Post by cvn »

I'm having my third jaw surgery April 14th in Santa Barbara with Arnett (the only surgeon who didn't run screaming from my case haha). It will be my 3rd le fort and 2nd bsso and they'll probably undo my old genio and I'm scheduled for 34 bone grafts. Good times. I just want this crap over with, I won't lie. Unfortunately due to some of the stuff done to me after my second failed surgery, before I also have to get 20 teeth bonded beforehand. It is going to be awful to eventually get permanents on next year. I hate dental work more than anything :(

In any case, I've been a model patient and I'm hoping this will finally be the light at the end of the tunnel. I've had braces for 13 years of the last 19 years...ugh!

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#6 Post by Audra »

OMG Cyn. I can't even imagine what you've gone through :shock: WOW.

From everything I've heard on hear Arnett is an awesome surgeon so I am going to keep my fingers crossed that this is the last time and that you get the results you deserve.


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#7 Post by descantus »

Hello there! I'm signing up for the April club having got my date for 23rd, just over 5 weeks time. I'm off to my ortho on Thursday for moulds/pics etc and am hugely excited to finally be going through with it!

Audra - you're scaring me with your preparedness! I havn't done a thing yet apart from browse a few wedge pillows on the web, but i'm sure the arrival of April 1st will spark me into a shopping frenzy :D

Anyone else counting down to April?
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#8 Post by Audra »

descantus wrote: Audra - you're scaring me with your preparedness! I havn't done a thing yet apart from browse a few wedge pillows on the web, but i'm sure the arrival of April 1st will spark me into a shopping frenzy :D
I can't help it. I have to have things planned out or I freak out. That must be why I'm an accountant.

I'm sure you'll pull it all together though :)


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#9 Post by Audra »

So, I had surgical molds taken today. I didn't gag or choke so that's good. And something called a bite registration. They used what looked like a caulk gun and applied a bunch of stuff to the bottom arch and then I had to close my jaws into a "natural bite", let it set, then remove.

That was it for today. One week from today is the records appointment with the surgeon.


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#10 Post by bb »

Yay! It's getting closer to the day for you!

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#11 Post by Audra »

AND, I got home today to find a voicemail from the hospital wanting me to call back to make an appointment for the pre-admission clinic. NOW it's starting to feel real for sure.


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#12 Post by descantus »

Got my final Xrays and official 'before' pictures taken yesterday with much excitement in my ortho's office. No feelings of mortal dread or of it all being 'real' setting in yet, in fact I seem more concerned with planning a final food blowout than anything else :D

Anyone else planning a 'farewell to food' celebration before the big day? So far on must-eat list is sushi, fish n chips, a decent curry and lots of chocolate (not all in the same meal btw, i'm not that greedy!)
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#13 Post by Audra »

I don't have any feelings of dread, but it is all beginning to feel very real. I have a pre-op phone interview next Thursday and the hospital is mailing out lab requestions for me to do bloodwork closer to the surgery date.

I imagine I'll get final x-rays and pics taken at the surgeon's office next Wednesday.

And yes, I do plan on a food blowout. Probably a big steak dinner the day before. I'm going to attempt to blend curry after the surgery - just the butter chicken, no rice or naan. We'll see how that goes :)


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#14 Post by bb »

I had about 20 "last suppers" before my surgery and I'm really glad I did. I'm a great lover of food and 3 weeks and counting on a liquid diet is no fun (to put it lightly)

Aside from mortal dread, are you excited?

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#15 Post by Audra »

I'm totally excited!!!!!

:banana: :banana: :banana:


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