Surgery Date Nov 4- Double Jaw- Excited!

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#196 Post by boatsink »

Boost and ensure are lactose free. If you're still worried, go for Breeze Fruit Beverage or Benecalorie mixed with something hot (and flavorful)

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#197 Post by asmileconnectsus »

soooo this is awesome (note sarcasm...) I have some swelling developing on the left side of my face on my bottom jaw line. I'm hoping i just slept on it too hard or something, but now i'm paranoid that i am getting an infection in one of my screws...I'm going to have to wait till Monday to talk to my doctor, so I am going to use ice and heat to try and help it out...freaking out though...sooo not cool. It's so crazy how this surgery has made me so paranoid about my jaw...this swelling is probably nothing, but there is just something about all the risks with this surgery that makes me freak out over all the little things...even 4 mo. post op...when will it stop?!?

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#198 Post by asmileconnectsus »

little update: haven't seen my ortho yet, not till next week, but the swelling has gone down. Tomorrow I fly AGAIN going to TX to see family for Easter weekend. I hope the swelling doesn't come back.

I am pretty annoyed right now about the lack/shortage of Feldine/Peroxicam pain medication in the US right now. I was getting it for less than $1 with my insurance, and now that there is a shortage of it all over the US I have to use Celebrex (generic) which is $29 for a 30 day supply...quite the increase in price...I hope that it works just as well. Today is my first day on it, and it doesn't feel any different. Anyone else on the Gunson / Arnett joint "ocean" having this problem? Feel any different with Celebrex than you did on Feldine?

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#199 Post by cvn »

Yeah the piroxicam shortage is really annoying. You must have better insurance than me - mine is $112 for the celebrex because my cobra sucks.

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#200 Post by revolutionary »

do you have anything for the swelling? i've been taking children's motrin/ibuprofen and it's working really well, i'm only 2 weeks post op and my mom, doctor and i are the only ones that can really see the little bit of swelling still left.

i've got my fingers crossed for you and i hope you don't have an infection and that you have a good trip :D

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#201 Post by asmileconnectsus »

CVN- that it horrible! oh I really hope this shortage doesn't last long!!

Revolutionary- i am on antibiotics and pain meds that are also anti-inflammatory so I think I'm good there. You're luck your swelling is going down so fast...mine seems to be lingering forever...Sunday is 5mo. and I still have swelling...

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#202 Post by cvn »

The pharmacy told me that they should have it in April, but they may have been making that up as they had also originally told me middle of March =/ However this website is saying that the 10mg version should be out in April, but it has no estimate on the 20mg version.

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#203 Post by asmileconnectsus »

Thanks for the link CVN! I really hope they are available sooner, rather than later because this new medication just isn't doing the trick. My joints are more painful...

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#204 Post by asmileconnectsus »

So update on the medication- i was able to get a prescription called in by Dr.G's office at a specialty compounding pharmacy to get Feldene generic "Piroxicam" that I was on before. It is more expensive than before, but at least my pain levels are under control again! I'd like to make it clear that this pain is not from the surgery, but residual from the arthritis in my jaw joints that are still healing and will hopefully resolve themselves now that my joints are sitting in the right spots after surgery.

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#205 Post by Marisama »

Sorry to hear you're still having trouble with your joints. I'm glad the surgery has you in a more comfortable bite. How would you rate your pain compared pre-op? Did you have clicking and do you now?


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#206 Post by asmileconnectsus »

My pain post-op is completely different. It doesn't have an affect on my everyday life and activities. Yes I have pain in my joints, but I have arthritis and hopefully it will resolve itself now that I am in a great spot with my bite. Pre-surgery I had A LOT of clicking with pain, and now I have some clicking, but it isn't painful.

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#207 Post by asmileconnectsus »

feeling uneasy tonight for no particular reason...i have terrible nightmares of having a second surgery....I just want this real life nightmare to be over...when will my bite feel perfect? when will my joint pain go away? is arthritis able to heal itself over time in the TMJ? It's late, and I'm having a hard time sleeping...probably over thinking everything, but really could use some encouragement...even 5mo. post-op I don't feel like i'm out of it yet...

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#208 Post by asmileconnectsus »

soooo finally some progress today! i have a partial debanding date for the end of May...just my bottom front from eye tooth to eye tooth...will blog with pictures later...I'm excited to have some progress, but I was really hoping for all of my braces to be off by the summer...

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#209 Post by cvn »

That's awesome! You're making progress, as slow as it is!

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#210 Post by asmileconnectsus »

Thanks cvn! I was really hoping to have them all off by June when I have to get a new drivers license picture...but it looks like this one will be full of braces, just like when I was 16...ha living the good life!

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