Surgery Covered for Dr. Gunson in Santa Barbara, CA?

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#16 Post by cvn »

I don't know how much it being a redo would change the hospital fees. I guess if you only stay one night instead of two then that would make a decent dent in it. No clue. Ask the insurance people I guess! Or maybe someone else here would know.

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Location: Santa Barbara CA

#17 Post by ColoradoGirl »

qwertz--that's interesting; I didn't know that. It's really the only hospital in the area (besides others in the "Cottage" system), so it's where everyone in town goes. I agree with cvn that it doesn't seem that out of line from other bills I've had (I once had a bill of 18k for a 3-hour stint in intensive care at a public hospital with a kidney infection; they gave me an IV and I saw one doctor). I also agree that Cottage Hospital's staff are amazing, and that the rooms are pretty darn nice.

Can't say how much it cost for me, because I haven't seen final numbers from the hospital or the ins. company, but I'll keep y'all posted.

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#18 Post by qwertz1 »

no i meant the hospital i mentioned, not a&g's

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#19 Post by Christina28 »

Arnett and Gunson are not in any insurance networks. However, I think anesthesiologist may accept BC/BS.

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