Changes to Nose

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Re: Changes to Nose

#16 Post by ReoSity »

maxhammer wrote:Her nose definitely tilts more upward, though. Look at the tip.
From a frontal view, that probably means you can see into her nostrils. I've seen this repeatedly in post-surgery reveals.
Look at the link I posted, scroll down and there's pics of her from the front. Her nose is more or less identical. It is correct that there is almost always some alteration of the nose but in Arnett/Gunson are skilled enough to minimize and/or prevent it from negatively affecting the persons appearance.

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Re: Changes to Nose

#17 Post by maxhammer »

ReoSity wrote:
maxhammer wrote:Her nose definitely tilts more upward, though. Look at the tip.
From a frontal view, that probably means you can see into her nostrils. I've seen this repeatedly in post-surgery reveals.
Look at the link I posted, scroll down and there's pics of her from the front. Her nose is more or less identical. It is correct that there is almost always some alteration of the nose but in Arnett/Gunson are skilled enough to minimize and/or prevent it from negatively affecting the persons appearance.
Yes, she looks much better overall.
The thing is, in literature like that, any doctor is going to show his or her best cases. I'd be most curious to see photos of someone who had surgery with arnett/gunson and just thought the results were okay (or *gasp*...didn't like it), and they posted the photos on their own, not in literature that selectively highlights cases.
I honestly want the surgery and think it would fix a host of problems I have; I just have flared nostrils to begin with and a distinct nose, so I am scared to death how this procedure would change it. It "hooks down" slightly, so if the tip did turn up that might not be terrible, but I do worry about people having to see inside my nostrils.

I'm struggling to make a decision for that reason. Also, my cosmetic (70%) to functional (30%) ratio makes this surgery more cosmetic for me, which puts a lot of pressure on small details like this. If I had more obvious functional issues it would be easier. Though, I do have some functional issues that I do think will become more serious as I get older. I don't know if preventative surgery is a wise idea, though. Very tough decision. Luckily I have a second consult coming up.

Teeth of Cthulhu
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Re: Changes to Nose

#18 Post by Teeth of Cthulhu »

treevernal wrote:To all freaked out about Arnett/Gunson's imaging, this photo shows the before, predicted, and actual results. As you can see, she looks much better in her actual after than the prediction.

Arnett morph by treevernal, on Flickr
Check out the full sized version of this B/A. Incredible...


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Re: Changes to Nose

#19 Post by Summertimeolive »

First time seeing those close ups, she's definitely a stellar case and probably results better than normal, lucky duck !

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Re: Changes to Nose

#20 Post by bracedfaced »

I was extremely nervous about my nose changing...

I had 5-6mm maxillary impaction and 5-6mm mandibular advancement. My nose looks very much the same to me... I was very surprised.

It may be a tad less hook-like and more up-lifted...but in a good way. It definitely did NOT get wider. That was my biggest concern and my surgeon used a very tight alar stitch to ensure that did not happen.

I was fine with my nose pre-op. I am fine with it post-op.

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