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Re: My daughter had double jaw surgery and it has all gonewr

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 7:05 pm
by PJain
Jane I am suffering through a similar ordeal as your daughter. I am glad things worked out. I am looking to get a 2nd opinion and it would be great to know who your surgeon was..

Re: My daughter had double jaw surgery and it has all gonewr

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:22 pm
by CaliforniaKid
Rasperry wrote:he only two surgeons I know about that does this in the US are Arnett/Gunson, but I'm sure that there are others.
yeah i just had surgery with gunson, they definitely put a lot of focus on "facial harmony."

Re: My daughter had double jaw surgery and it has all gonewr

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:05 am
by pats
Hi guys.
I'm so grateful to Jane for sharing her and her daughters horrendous experience and then positive outcome with us. It has given me hope for the future.

I underwent upper jaw intrusion and mandibular advancement with similar disasterous results. I have lived with the terrible results for years now.

I am so desperate to have corrective surgery, but so frightened it will all go wrong again.

I notice Jane's daughter saw a Professor and then sort a second opinion and then surgery. Does anyone know of the surgeon who perfromed her second successful surgery?

I would greatly appreciate any help any of you can offer and any recommendation on a reputable surgeon.
PS I live in the UK

Re: My daughter had double jaw surgery and it has all gonewr

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:44 pm
by ktr78
I am in the same boat. My results are awful. I get my braces off next week but part of me wants to cancel and get a redo. I cannot afford it though. :-(

Re: My daughter had double jaw surgery and it has all gonewr

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 7:36 am
by Anastasia8
Sorry for resurrecting such an ancient thread but I was wondering if anyone knows the name of the surgeon who fixed Jane's daughter.

I've PMed her but she hasn't logged on in years :(

Re: My daughter had double jaw surgery and it has all gonewr

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:38 am
by davinci7
I understand how you feel as I had surgery at almost the same time and I have a similar result. My surgeon keeps telling me to wait and see what happens because it can take over 12 months for everything to settle in it's right place but just like your daughter my upper jaw looks way too long and protruding. In fact i can't even close my lips which makes eating very difficult still. I'm going to wait until 6 months post and then go see a cosmetic surgeon and seek independent advice.
Please let me know how you and your daughter go with this awful problem. We all go into surgery hoping for the best. It's hard enough just getting through the recovery then alone having to cope with what seems like a complete failure. BTW this is already my second surgery so another major one is almost out of the question.

Re: My daughter had double jaw surgery and it has all gonewr

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 2:31 am
by ivonne
Well Jane hasn't logged in for years but I thank her for being so detailed and sharing her experience with us the way she did.
It must have been a horrible experience, I mean it was for sure.

Now after reading this I am concerned about myself... my ortho recommended surgery (I still haven't seen an specialist) but I am wondering
if its the right option, it is so scary to go through something like that.

I would be having mine on Kaiser in Oakland, anyone with experience there and recommendations of surgeons?

Thank you!

and although Jane hasn't logged in I pray for all those that have had similar results that they get better and find a solution.


Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:28 am
by SixFootToo
[quote="Jane"]Phil...thank you for your words of support and comfort which I appreciate. As a mum, I am struggling to keep my daughter upbeat and positive while at the same time trying to manage my own stress. But, I know we will get through this as we are a strong family and we have come through many traumas and loss. I'm a christian, and I believe that ultimately God is in control and will work out - even the bad things - for our ultimate good. I feel that today was a turning point, and now we have to focus on the journey towards getting this sorted. The surgeon was honest enough to admit there are no quick fixes. This is something we have to accept even though we don't like to hear it when we've already had a long journey to get to this point.[/quote]

Please dont just sit there and think "God" will take care of you. That is nieve to say the least. You said you would pay anything to have this fixed. Google MMA surgery and you will come across an Asian Oral surgeon who is supposedly the best at these type of surgeries. Take a deep breath, I know things seem bad but think about it, they can reattach limbs and are doing total facial transplants so they must be able to correct a surgery that was not done successfully. It stinks that your daughter has to have another surgery but she is only 20 years old and the young body is very resiliant and heals quite well. Eventually im sure everything will work out for the best.

Re: My daughter had double jaw surgery and it has all gonewr

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 8:13 am
by Anastasia8
Anastasia8 wrote:Sorry for resurrecting such an ancient thread but I was wondering if anyone knows the name of the surgeon who fixed Jane's daughter.

I've PMed her but she hasn't logged on in years :(
Quick update: I've found a UK surgeon capable of performing complex revisions, PM me for details.

It's such a relief to finally have all my worries acknowledged instead of being met with derision and dismissal. It's going to be a long road to get back to looking somewhat normal but at least know I've taken my first step.

Re: My daughter had double jaw surgery and it has all gonewrong!

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 3:56 am
by Mason14nyk
I am having the same issue. Others who have had this issue, what were the movement distances of the upper and lower.

Re: My daughter had double jaw surgery and it has all gonewrong!

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:42 am
by patcharee
I am 2.5 months post op and had the same issue. My surgeon keeps saying I look pretty. :-( But after 6 months if i am not happy he will do the revision for me. I am just not sure if I should do it with him for the second time. :-(

I am curious how did it go with your daughter.

Re: My daughter had double jaw surgery and it has all gonewrong!

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:29 am
by zaynab34
hello patcharee, when you mean revision, do you mean that they will place your jaw back to how it was before. because I want a reversal done I had jaw surgery in july 2015 and I hate my profile. It has ruined my life. also are you from the UK based because if you are what are your surgeon name please. or if you know anyone in England who would happily do the revision. because my surgeon has said that if I have the surgery reversed I would look worse even my second opinion surgeon has said that.

Re: My daughter had double jaw surgery and it has all gonewr

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 12:19 pm
by zaynab5
Hello, anastasia8 can you please tell me the name of the surgeon who is capable of doing complex rivsion

does anybody know an expert UK bs

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:06 am
by zaynab34
[quote="Anastasia8"][quote="Anastasia8"]Sorry for resurrecting such an ancient thread but I was wondering if anyone knows the name of the surgeon who fixed Jane's daughter.

I've PMed her but she hasn't logged on in years :([/quote]

Quick update: I've found a UK surgeon capable of performing complex revisions, PM me for details.

It's such a relief to finally have all my worries acknowledged instead of being met with derision and dismissal. It's going to be a long road to get back to looking somewhat normal but at least know I've taken my first step.[/quote]

does anybody know an expert UK based maxilofacial surgeon who is expert in complex riviosn?redo?

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:10 am
by zaynab34
does anybody know any UK based surgeon who is capable of doing complex revision or a redo?
or if reversal of double jaw surgery is possible. if yes, have you had this done. please could any of you let me know asap, because my surgeons are not being a great even a 2nd opinion surgeon.