Surgery Date Nov 4- Double Jaw- Excited!

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#166 Post by Marisama »

HAHA :D Way to go! Do you have a debracing date yet? I would love to see more pictures of you and your bite. Good luck with everything. Count your blessings... at least you're on the other side of surgery and not dealing with TMJ pain.

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#167 Post by asmileconnectsus »

Ryan, I sure do count my blessings! I don't have a debracing date yet, but I meet with my ortho and my periodontist on Monday so I hope they can give me some sort of idea....I really think it comes down to when I can open my mouth wide enough to get the molds in my mouth so i can have retainers made. I will put pictures up on my blog soon I is a popular request! Do you have a surgery date yet?

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#168 Post by Marisama »

I don't even have braces yet. I'm graduating in April so I need to get insurance, maybe wait for waiting periods, and relocate. Relocating means I need to find a new orthodontist come April. I'm a good year away from surgery.

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#169 Post by asmileconnectsus »

Wow, well I am impressed with your research...I know it really was the saving grace for me when I had surgery. I don't know if you have contact with Dr.G's office assistants, but I know they are an amazing source of knowledge and if you still plan on having surgery with him then they can help with any and all questions. They really encourage them actually. Just a thought :)

I have posted more pictures to my blog! Please enjoy!!!

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#170 Post by asmileconnectsus »

So I'm freaking out a bit today. My front segment of my upper jaw feels like it is a bit off...I don't know if it's the nerves waking up and over reacting or if my segment is a little loose...I see my ortho and perio tomorrow morning so I hope they can help me out... @ 13.5 weeks post-op I am just hoping for some sort of stability...soft chew has been going so well, and I am terrified of having a relapse.... today protein shakes and juices more chewing till I know what is going on.... :? :cry:

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#171 Post by asmileconnectsus »

after seeing my dr's today I feel slightly better...the front segment is a bit mobile but they are going to attach acrylic between the segments to hold everything in place while things are still healing...I am just so tired of being patient and strong with all of this...I want my jaw not to rule my life...I feel like with each stride I take to going back to a "normal" life, my jaw draws me back in...blahh I just needed to vent...counting my blessings and praying for no relapse...and I know I'm not alone in all of this, so thank you all for the support!

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#172 Post by asmileconnectsus »

I've decided to take my post-op blues and turn them into the only time in my life i will have time to fully recover and enjoy recovery...i've started volunteering in local schools and I'm feeling really good about it...i'm going to start the job search soon!

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#173 Post by OhioM »

(((hugs))))! Now that I've survived surgery, I'm SO worried about a non-union or some other complication, especially since my OS is liberal with chewing. He wanted me on soft chew before I left the hospital! It still doesn't feel right, and I still drink a lot of shakes and soups out of paranoia - probably about 50/50 each day.

When you went in, what did the docs say? Are you back to liquids only or can you keep up with the soft chew?
Recovering from Lefort 1 (5.5 mm impaction) with genio (6 mm) 1/20/10

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#174 Post by asmileconnectsus »

The docs weren't very worried...which worried me...ha They said it was because the front segment isn't anchored to anything, so the acrylic they took off when they replaced to top brackets is going to go back on, but not for 2.5 more I guess it isn't anything to stress over. I am also getting more feeling in my gums in this area so I am a lot more sensitive to any movement than I was before...

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#175 Post by asmileconnectsus »

:? So the Botox injections I got back in December to shut off my masseter muscles is wearing off, and my muscles are going back to their old spasm/clenching routine. I'm so frustrated. The Botox (which was not covered by insurance & was very expensive) was supposed to last 4's only been 2 months. They also hoped that by shutting off my masseter muscles that they wouldn't wake up in the same state they were shut off in...FAIL. I don't know what the docs are going to do, if anything at this point. Botox was their last resort...on a happier note, my bite is feeling good still, and I have had A LOT more energy this week than any other week since surgery!

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#176 Post by Marisama »


Sorry to hear that about the botox. I hope things calm down for you. When you have muscle spasms, do you have joint pain and clicking that is associated? My ultimate goal to achieve through orthognathic surgery is to rid myself of TMJ pain, achiness, and clicking. I hope that fixing an asymmetrical bite will fix this. I don't clench now. Did you clench pre-op? Would you be open to chatting on gmail chat?

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#177 Post by asmileconnectsus »

Actually my joint/clicking has been getting better (just like Dr.G said it would) with time. In terms of pain, achiness, and clicking it is like night and day from before surgery to now. I did clench and grind pre-op. The botox leaving my body is just really weird feeling. I think I'll just have to get more injections to calm my masseter muscles on. gchat would be okay

I fly again tomorrow for the first time since flying home from surgery...I have a lot of drainage (swelling going down) and my ears ring a lot, I am worried it will be bad tomorrow. I'm going to take a decongestant and hope for the best!

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#178 Post by candycin »

as i consider you one of the veterns on here :) i wanted to know if when you open you mouth,chew etc if you can hear something kind of creaking? i dont know how else to describe it
as i am just working on getting a wider mouth i notice that i can hear this crunchy noise but it isnt heard to anyone sitting close to me
yikes kind of freaks me out!!!

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#179 Post by asmileconnectsus »

I know the exact sound you're talking about! I don't hear it very much any more but I heard it for at least the first 4 weeks of chewing. I don't think it's anything to worry about unless it is really painful (so says my doctors). I believe it's just the muscles and everything just working and trying to get into a good functioning position.

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#180 Post by asmileconnectsus »

Ahhh reading my post above candycin i realized that I DID fly in January @ 10 weeks post-op...I don't know why I forgot that! LOL. Flying went well this time, no ear problems at all. I think the flying actually helps my swelling if that is possible. The swelling always looks better the day I've flown....interesting. I've updated my blog, I know I've been stinking at updating it, but I'm trying to reclaim my non-jaw life a bit, but still (of course) want to keep everyone posted of the progress as I know it does help.

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