Surgery Date Nov 4- Double Jaw- Excited!

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#31 Post by cvn »

So those grafts hurt? Oh noes =[ How many did they take? Does the site they took the punches from hurt or just where they spackled it all in? Dr A has me set up for 16 grafts with them being taken off some cheekbone and hipbone, and I've never had them in the other surgeries.

Did you have any trouble with the hrt? They've decided to put me on that which I'm not very thrilled about, but gotta do what ya gotta do I guess.

Your results look good though. Your profile looks fabu and you are well on your way to looking less like a prize fighter! I'm jealous! I can't wait for mine so that I can have a chin again!

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#32 Post by asmileconnectsus »

CVN- The grafts do hurt me, but he said that it is rare to be so sensitive to them. They used three different types of grafting on me, only one was from me (behind my cheek bone) and the others were fabricated in different ways. I'm not sure how many I had, but I know it is a lot...I'll try to remember to ask on Tuesday for my third post-op.

I haven't really had any effect from being on the hrt besides huge mood swings...I'm not thrilled about it either, but I trust them, and don't want to take any chances for a relapse!

Dr. A is awesome by the way! He came in and checked on me the morning after surgery and made me feel so good about everything! He also checked me out during my final consult before surgery and combined with Dr. G I felt like there was no better place for me to be for this surgery!

When is your surgery?

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#33 Post by cvn »

April I think? I have been more or less ready for a while as my teeth hadn't really moved since the last surgery because I had a splint on top and a permanent retainer on bottom, so I'm just waiting to finish out this semester in school and get through grad school interviews jan-march. I can't wait!

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#34 Post by asmileconnectsus »

cvn- That is so awesome! Good luck with everything!

12 Days Post-Op and I am getting feeling in my lower lip!!! Well the left half of it, it is a bit painful, but i am happy to have some feeling!

I just realized today that my gums on the both top and bottom are 100% numb, I guess I should have assumed this, but I didn't really "get it" till today.

I am feeling a lot of pressure in my joints, at least it feels like it's coming from my joints, any advice? I am going to ask Dr.G tomorrow when I see him, I just didn't know if anyone else out there ever felt this...

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#35 Post by soleil4716 »

I felt pain in the TMJ area for the first few weeks. Things are better now.
Braces April 2008
Lower Jaw Advancement Surgery (BSSO) Sept 2009

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#36 Post by asmileconnectsus »

Today is my final post-op with Dr.G! I fly home on the red-eye tonight...I'm nervous to be going so far away from the surgeon, but excited to be going home!

I am worried about flying because my ears have so much pressure in them already...will it be worse?? I also don't know what I'm going to be able to eat for the 6+ hour flight....any advice?

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#37 Post by OzzysMom »

That's great news especially after all you've been through.

When I had to fly home, I was ok but had to yawn(you know the kind of yawns that your mouth is barely open but has the same effect) a lot when I felt pressure build up. That's only during takeoff and landing though. There is a product that some people here have used for that but I don't know what it is.

Try to eat as much as you can before you get on the plane. If you haven't pre-ordered a special meal, they may not have anything you can eat. Also, there may be places by the gate that sell yogurt or smoothies and you should be able to take them onboard but in CR, they would not let me take mine onboard with me. Let the flight attendant know your situation and the may have something they can give you.

Best wishes,
October 8, 2008 Lefort1(6mm impaction), BSSO, Genioplasty, Turbinectomies, Partial septoplasty, gum recontoring



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#38 Post by asmileconnectsus »

I made it home!!! The flights were rough with the ear pressure...not enough sudafed in the world could help!

I found out yesterday at my final post-op with dr.g that I have....

18 grafts on the top!!! and 10 on the bottom!! I thought I only had 3 types of grafts when I actually had 4.

cvn- I think you said you were going to have 16 grafts? No worries, if I can do 18 on the top, you can do 16!

I had no idea I had so many! In a couple weeks they are going to be sending me my pre and post xrays, so i'm excited to see it!

My pain is so much better!! I think I'm at a 4, and most of that is because of the elastics....I'm going to post on my blog later today, with more pictures.

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You seem like the lady to ask!

#39 Post by enigma »

Im sorry for asking a kind of personal but its something i have been wondering about for myself but how did you find showering and things after surgery?
Probably a really silly question!!!

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#40 Post by asmileconnectsus »

hi enigma, it's not silly! I was able to shower two days post-op...that was really when I felt the safest (drug-head wise/blood loss/etc) to shower. I wasn't able to get my face wet because i had a stitch between my eyes, and I did and still do make sure someone is home when I shower just in case I have problems, just to be safe.

I still do not lay flat, and haven't since surgery besides when in the OS chair. I get dizzy when I lay down further than a 45deg. angle, so sometimes I still get dizzy in the shower when I bend over or something.

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#41 Post by enigma »

Just wanted to say thanks for answering there lol
The more pics and the more i read your blog the more excited i get about my own surgery.
Your looking soooooo amazing you should be so proud xxx

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#42 Post by Marisama »


Thanks for updating your blog so often. It's very exciting to follow. Quick questions. Dr. Gunson did a counter clockwise rotation correct? How far was your mandible moved forward? And describe your TMJ pain pre-op and now post-op, if you don't mind.



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#43 Post by asmileconnectsus »


yes. Dr.G did do a rotation...I think it was just mandible forward 14mm (they moved my forward 10mm).

TMJ pain right now is better than's a mostly a different type of pain now too. Now I can tell it is like surgery healing pain...They say it will take months to be able to tell the difference. I am on more med ocean again, I'm going to blog on it soon, once I have it all figured out myself...

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#44 Post by asmileconnectsus »

i meant to say they moved my maxilla forward 10mm...

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#45 Post by Marisama »

Ok, I was going to ask what you meant. haha. I was also wondering what your asymmetry was like pre-op. Was one side of your jaw vertically longer than the other? Did you have a cant?

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