Post-Operative Care Instructions

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Post-Operative Care Instructions

#1 Post by Steph-in-WI »

I received a packet of information in the mail today from my OS and I was pleasantly surprised to see how thorough it was. It is quite detailed which I didn’t expect. It looks like I will have to have a weekly appointment with my OS for 8 weeks after surgery, and then will move to an appointment every 2 to 4 weeks through week 16. My first orthodontic appointment will be determined by my OS and OD.

My 1st week, I'll be on strained liquids any color, particles cause infections. After 7 days particles in liquids is OK unless incision is open.

Week 1 though end of week 6 I will have full time elastic wear, and I'll start changing elastics after my 2nd post-op visit after surgery. I will then change elastics twice a day and do jaw exercises for 15 minutes with elastics out twice a day, replacing elastics. The elastics will be on nights only after the completion of the 6th-8th week.

Very short walks the week after surgery are mandatory. I can start light exercise (light weights, easy bike riding, golf, long walks, easy jogs) at 5 weeks post op. Hot tubs are to be avoided for 6 weeks. Avoid clenching with exercise for 10 weeks (disrupts healing of bones). No underwater swimming for 8 weeks, contact sports can be resumed 16 weeks post-op. Freestyle swimming is to be avoided for 6 months (exaggerated jaw movements associated with freestyle breathing can cause bite relapse). Snorkels and musical instruments – avoid prolonged biting on the front teeth for 12 months; these activities can cause relapse of the bite. Protective helmets (i.e. motorcycle) which puts pressure on the chin may cause lower jaw relapse for 12 months.

It mentions that hooks/screw(s) prevent jaws from relapsing, and are removed at 10-16 weeks. I am sure this does not refer to the rigid fixation screws, but possibly some microscrews used as anchorage devices. I guess this means I could have my surgical hooks in up to 4 months :shock:

For mouth care, I am to soak mouth in salt water (1 tsp per 8 oz water) 8 times per day. I should add peroxide to water for 2 of the 8 rinses (3 parts water to 1 part peroxide). Add mouthwash to water if desired. No vigorous mouth swishing, will open incisions. No toothbrushing until surgeon gives OK, usually at 2nd appointment post-op. Start modified toothbrushing when given the OK at 2nd appointment, do not brush lower back teeth which may open lower incision. Start normal brushing at day 21, include lower back teeth, Waterpik OK to use at day 21 and thereafter.

Another thing I saw in the materials that I thought was interesting is that he says pregnancy should be avoided for 12 months postsurgery because hormones associated with pregnancy can cause joint changes leading to relapse of lower jaw advancements. This was the first time I had seen hormonal changes as the reason to delay pregnancy.

Weight loss he mentions 10-15 lbs. There is a lot more information in the packet of information which I won’t outline here, but I tried to post the most interesting tidbits. My OS actually had BSSO last November for Obstructive Sleep Apnea, so I wonder if the completeness of his post-op instructions happened before or after his own experience with it. My dentist did tell me that he significantly changed his post-op protocol after his own surgery. The last time I saw my OS was before his surgery so it will be interesting to see him at my pre-op appointment.

Sorry for the long post! I just thought it might be interesting for some, although I know that every OS has their own opinion and theory regarding post operative care.

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#2 Post by Steph-in-WI »

I forgot to mention that my surgery date was confirmed this week, it will be on September 9th.
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Re: Post-Operative Care Instructions

#3 Post by cmm1280 »

Steph-in-WI wrote:Another thing I saw in the materials that I thought was interesting is that he says pregnancy should be avoided for 12 months postsurgery because hormones associated with pregnancy can cause joint changes leading to relapse of lower jaw advancements. This was the first time I had seen hormonal changes as the reason to delay pregnancy.
Wow, thank you for posting this... I have been looking for this information for a while. I haven't yet had the chance to question my surgeon about this, but was planning on asking him when I go in on Tuesday. I was unable to locate anything on the internet. Very interesting, I wonder what my surgeon's take on this will be. I don't think I can wait 12 months. That is a LONG time!


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#4 Post by dubnobass »

Good Lord. My post-op instructions, in their entirety, were:
"soft food 2 weeks, avoid contact sports 6 weeks".
That was it!
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#5 Post by amd »

The booklets that my OS provided me has very similar instructions to Stephanies. Stephanie you are lucky you received yours so much in advance. My surgery is July 16th and I just received my booklet on July 10th.

Most of the instructions are very similar. The clear fluids for the first week. Then some creams etc afterwards. The visits are the same. Once a week for almost 6 weeks. I have appointments every two weeks with their hygenist who will clean my mouth and splint for me until mid- August. This is the Orthos request/demand. Everything is included in the fees paid already.

I'm telling you someone needs to comb through the posts and create a couple of new stickys. 1. Questions to ask pre-surgery. 2. A good combination of the things like Stephanie's OS gave her and others. I think this would bring the fear factor down for some. The search functions really don't work well and to have these stickies right at the top...I think would be useful.
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#6 Post by kaycee »

My post-op instructions were similiar to dubnobass's, which I found to be very disappointing.

Yesterday at my follow-up appointment, I was asked to fill out a patient survey. In the space marked "other comments" I wrote that a set of post-operative instructions would have been extremely helpful.



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#7 Post by Steph-in-WI »

And honestly, this is only about 10% of the information provided. I just posted some of the things that seem to vary from OS to OS, or that were interesting to me for the reason given. Included are 3 pages of information on Orthognathic surgery in general -- he even talks about the "post surgery blues" which it doesn't appear that most surgeons mention. He mentions the nose, that in some cases it may be widened, lifted, or made smaller, that there could be changes to lip posture and lenghth, and that estimations of cosmetic changes resulting from the surgical procedures will be discussed whenever possible. I had a conversation with him regarding my nose, he does do the "stitch" to prevent it from widening, but he said it is a bit unpredictable with the LeForte if it will turn up, sometimes he doesn't know until they get in there. But he did say that he will have a better idea once I am closer to the surgery when he knows the exact movements.

He talks about the numbness, and the possibility that certain muccles of the face and lips may not function as well as they did before surgery, that it may result in an inability to use these facial mucles of expression completely. I am sure it is possible but it seems that most that experience any sort of permanent numbness regain full functional control after some prolonged period of time. This was probably the most disturbing part of the whole packet of information (potential for not regaining "function"), but I guess I have to realize it is a possibility, albeit a rare one.

He briefly talks about relapse, and that it will be discussed with you if it is a significant concern for your operation. He then goes on to talk about the fact that there will occasionally be grafting or clicking in the joints of the lower jaw near the ears, whether or not these existed before surgery, and are usually, but not always, temporary.

He talks about other possible complications such as loss of tooth vitality (dental nerves die), loss of bone around an individual tooth or teeth, and the possibility of damage to, or improper healing of gums. Although these are all very rare complications, I am none-the-less pleased that he is informing his patients beforehand of the complications. But I would imaging that they could be quite alarming to someone that has not researched this surgery in debth.

In the post-operative care instructions, he has a table of contents for 25 items, from Appointments, bleeding, breathing, bruising, communication, depression, diet, elastics, exercise, facial care, hooks/screws, infection, joints-exercises, joints-medications, mouth care, nausea and vomiting (general info and when meds are taken), pain, pregnancy, questions, swelling, and weight loss.

My OS follows Dr. William Arnett's protocol for orthognathic surgery, he and my OD spent 3 days studying in his practice in Santa Barbara and have attended numerous seminars hosted by Dr. Arnett.

And it is interesting how conservative he is on some things and agressive on others. I know that I won't have a splint (which seems more agressive to me), but I'll be banded for 6-8 weeks 24/7, which seems more conservative.
Wow. Another interesting set of post-op instructions. It's especially interesting that he seems to be ultra-conservative in some areas, moderately so in others, and to the gung-ho end of the spectrum in yet other respects! Weekly visits? Wow! (Hope that's all inclusive in your fees!)
Regarding all of those follow-up appointments, I thought that was a lot too! But I am glad ... at least I will have the confidence that things are on track. He does have a looser schedule for out of town patients. I don't know if the visits are inslusive in the fees, I will have to ask, but my insurance has covered my visits so far (only 2), and I am quite sure I will meet my out of pocket max this year so if they are not they "should" be fully covered by insurance if they are not included in his fees.
My surgery is July 16th
Good luck on your surgery, amd ... it is right around the corner!
See my complete braces and jaw surgery story at



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