Too old?

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Too old?

#1 Post by angelstrings »

Is 35 years old "too old" to go for braces and jaw surgery?

I've included an up to date, more accurate, head on shot of my face. Keep in mind, I have been to see a few surgeons who've told me what I already know to be true-I have a small mandible.

I'm wanting to have this fixed, and have my teeth straightened too, but I'm starting to worry that Arnett and Gunson won't accept older patients. Does anyone know the time limit for this?

And, here's the link!

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Re: Too old?

#2 Post by ReoSity »

There's no age limit, I know there's at least a few people on these boards that had surgery that were 60+ and I've seen a lot of people on the net who were above middle age.

Arnett/Gunson will only turn you down if you don't have jaw abnormalities. I don't see anything wrong in your pic, your lower jaw may be small but it looks in balance with your face.

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Re: Too old?

#3 Post by CaliforniaKid »

gunson/arnett don't discriminate based on age. the only reason i could see that they *might* discriminate is if your age might affect the recovery process and ability to fight off an infection.

im sure you know arnett/gunson specialize in aesthetics so if that is your concern you wont find an absence of forum recommendations.

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Re: Too old?

#4 Post by maxhammer »

your face looks great as is. if i were a surgeon i'd turn you down, then ask you out.

seriously though, tread lightly. you have a lot to work with and shouldn't mess with it unless there's a functional purpose. surgeries are risky and completely change your face.

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Re: Too old?

#5 Post by Summertimeolive »

I dont think they will turn you away for your age- but looking at your photo your very beautiful, I dont see anything wrong with your lovely face. I know each of us has things that bug us, and sometimes we amplify them in our minds to be more than they might be.

If they dont think there is a serious jaw/tooth issue at hand they might turn you away.

Good luck

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Re: Too old?

#6 Post by angelstrings »

Thanks for everyone's input. This is a supportive forum :)

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Re: Too old?

#7 Post by maxhammer »

BTW, I am 35, currently in braces, and just saw Gunson last week (luckily I live in town).
Gunson explained everything that's wrong with my jaw. Then at the end of it said, "but you're a handsome man as you are"...I laughed at that. When I left, they gave me an outline of a $51,000 surgery. I was a bit confused. On one hand he's saying I'm fine as is, but on the other he's showing me all this work I need done. I guess in my case he thinks he can make me look better and fix the minor functional issues. The thing is, I thought I looked worse in the Dolphin software imaging they showed me. Yes, my jaw was "correct", but my face looked angry and overly masculine, which didn't match up with my eyes or personality.

I can't justify the functional purposes, so I will pass on the surgery. Please think about that. You look good as is; don't mess with it unless there are serious functional problems. I also asked my dentist and orthodontist about borderline patients they've seen who have jaw surgery, and most regret it. The people who love the results have large over/underbites, cross bites, open bites, etc and really look f'd up.

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Re: Too old?

#8 Post by treevernal »

OMG Maxhammer, I almost laughed out loud when I read that. On my consult with A/G they didn't once tell me I was handsome as is; how rude! lol!

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Re: Too old?

#9 Post by maxhammer »

treevernal wrote:OMG Maxhammer, I almost laughed out loud when I read that. On my consult with A/G they didn't once tell me I was handsome as is; how rude! lol!
Haha, sorry they didn't find you handsome, Tree. Maybe see a different surgeon? Just kidding.
I know, it was funny. I didn't know what to do. I think I blushed and made an awkward noise hahah

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Re: Too old?

#10 Post by angelstrings »

OMG, I am laughing good now!!! Treevernal, I'd go tell them I want my money back :lol:

Sometimes I just think that medical is "weird." Lots of weird... I went to see 2 OS here, and one OD. The OD was like, "stick out your jaw, see, no, that's too much. It wouldn't look right if you go too far." Then, the 2nd OS I saw was like, "Yeh, your mandible is small. So what, you look great." I asked, so how many mm would you advance me? He eyeballed it and said, "7." I was HORRIFIED. The first OS had taken measurements and arrived at 5. Whatever, weird.

I'll book in with G/A and see what they think. I'll let you know what I find out!

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Re: Too old?

#11 Post by Chefflaco88 »

I had jaw surgery 18 months ago. I was 45 at the time so 35 is definitely not too old.

Upper & Lower Jaw Advancement Surgery & Genioglossus Advancement June 28, 2010

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Re: Too old?

#12 Post by Tracey55 »

Ha ha !!! You are never too old! I am 55 and having top and bottom surgeries and braces!!! Hopefully by 60 I will be done :D you gotta do what ya gotta do!!!!

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Re: Too old?

#13 Post by angelstrings »

Ha! Tracey, you are an inspiration. Thanks for chiming in :D

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Re: Too old?

#14 Post by Tracey55 »

My pleasure, Angelstrings!! I'm actually starting to freak a little... Surgery in 10 days!!! My 27 year old daughter asked me if I will look different when all is said and done.... My response: of course!! I ordered a "Halle Berry" face and after the liquified diet my body should be like hers too. Her response: haha your complexion is a bit off, better start tanning!!!
Sure glad my family is behind me in this :P

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Re: Too old?

#15 Post by Summertimeolive »

I love these forums and you guys are awesome....
Maxhammer I need the details of your consult for real lol- "but you're a handsome man as you are"... with a 51k pricetag, yikes

I agree with you 100% about their dolphin digital imaging, seriously they should stop using it- after I saw that I wanted to RUN as fast as I could from the consult, WTH is that, WHO is that creeper looking back at me? I have a gummy smile and chin issues but with the imaging, I looked like T-REX, not attractive for a woman. What the... What did he recommend to you and what specifically was bugging you to see Gunson in the first? I think if you have serious issues they are the guys to go to, if its simple you dont need 50k+ to get your jaw fixed.....

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