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Surgery with Gunson

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 5:35 pm
by CaliforniaKid
So everything is set, $$$ is done. Now I'm just really nervous about the recovery process and results. Anyone else had recent surgery with Gunson? I understand Arnett/Gunson don't do implants but rather use hydroxylapatite in cheek/bone augmentations, right? I seem to be marked down for that, among other things.

My last interaction with the surgeon was almost two years ago, and further communication has been through Lena.

I've read so much positive things about Gunson/Arnett but at times it feels like a sale or something.

Re: Surgery with Gunson

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 8:40 pm
by Marisama
Hey CaliforniaKid. When is your surgery date? Are you going to document your recovery with a blog? Good luck!

Re: Surgery with Gunson

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 9:23 pm
by CaliforniaKid
Unfortunately I probably won't be using a blog. I'll be taking lots of pictures before/after for myself and if posters want to see them I could send them privately.

one of the procedures is a multisegment osteotomy. and a total of 19 graft placements. is that normal? what is the usual # of graft placements?

so far augmentation is just the cheekbone, but buccal, chin re-positioning and upper lip reconstruction etc are available...but they aren't marked off.

is it common for arnett/gunson to make adjustments? i remember being very impressed by the wall of before/after photos in the office - those who have consultations should remember...but as the date gets closer i'm becoming rather nervous. i have huge faith in gunson though...

anyone not satisfied with their results? i imagine they would be vocal about it considering the cost of the procedure...

Re: Surgery with Gunson

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 10:30 pm
by Marisama
There's somebody who is very unsatisfied over on the Forum

Re: Surgery with Gunson

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 11:45 pm
by CaliforniaKid
im reading the thread, it appears the surgery was done by arnett, correct? ... ion/page/6

can't seem to find anything critical on gunson...

Re: Surgery with Gunson

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 12:27 am
by Marisama
Correct, his surgeon was Arnett. I haven't heard anything negative on Dr. Gunson either.

Do you have a date yet? I'm probably 7 or 8 months away

Re: Surgery with Gunson

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 1:34 am
by CaliforniaKid
approximately one month.

that other forum seems to have a lot of commentary on arnett/gunson. I just wish I could get some more insight from people who have had surgery with gunson.

what questions i should be asking before the surgeon...what to expect precisely. the last time i interacted with my surgeon was almost two full years ago....

Re: Surgery with Gunson

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 1:08 pm
by CaliforniaKid
between 50 and 60k.

Re: Surgery with Gunson

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 6:58 pm
by CaliforniaKid
grossjaw wrote:
I think a lot of people will be following your case.
how do you think? like i said i have a lot of trust in gunson and his surgical team but i definitely wouldn't have considered him or even become aware of arnett/gunson without this forum and the other jaw surgery boards.

most notable patient was asmileconnectsus i believe....but i can't say her condition is similar to mine.

probably normal to feel nervous as the time comes. i just wish more people with recent experiences with gunson would have some thoughts to share.

Re: Surgery with Gunson

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 7:26 pm
by CaliforniaKid
grossjaw wrote:
CaliforniaKid wrote:
grossjaw wrote:
I think a lot of people will be following your case.
how do you think?
Because at least four of us have consulted and will likely get surgery with Gunson, so I think we'll all be following this closely since you're the first one to take the plunge.

Did they raise your quote as the surgery date approached? "Jay" said they did that to him...wondering how common that is.
i was told it could be less or more when they do the final review, images, etc. apparently this "jay" had jaw surgery for purely cosmetic reasons? i definitely wouldn't get jaw surgery for just aesthetics.

it seems so weird because everyone raves about arnett/gunson yet he is so specific about the experience he had. and i believe arnett treats a lot of re-dos and botched jobs from other surgeons. that's what they're rather famous for right?

Re: Surgery with Gunson

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 10:21 pm
by Summertimeolive
Hey CaliforniaKid !

When are you having surgery? Im considering Gunson as well so I will be following your posts/photos/etc.
Do you mind sharing what you will be having done and what class your jaw is currently in :)

Take care

Re: Surgery with Gunson

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 12:51 am
by CaliforniaKid
Summertimeolive wrote:Hey CaliforniaKid !

When are you having surgery? Im considering Gunson as well so I will be following your posts/photos/etc.
Do you mind sharing what you will be having done and what class your jaw is currently in :)

Take care
approximately one month. I'm not sure if I will be making photos publicly, but I will be happy to share photos privately with established posters.

Re: Surgery with Gunson

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:52 pm
by CaliforniaKid

Re: Surgery with Gunson

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:26 am
by Marisama
CaliforniaKid wrote:yup.
Care to share?

Re: Surgery with Gunson

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:38 pm
by CaliforniaKid
RYANvaughn wrote:
CaliforniaKid wrote:yup.
Care to share?
a few weeks from today.