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Consdering moving to Cali to see Arnett & Gunson

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:03 pm
by spacejanitor
Hey all,

I'm new here and from Toronto, Canada. Yes, it sounds drastic, but I may have the opportunity to move to California for work reasons, and as such, am considering getting treatment by the peoples' champ, A&G.

I have a slightly complicated case as I had a bicuspid extraction on my lower jaw and braces to fix my bite, but I'm unhappy with the result and remaining skeletal asymmetry, so I want to make sure any other work that I do is done at the best hands possible.

All that I have heard about A&G is that they are very good, but I'd like to hear as much as possible from those with experience. If you've had surgery with them... if you know others who've had it... whether Arnett is generally "better" than Gunson or vice versa... results with either one.

Anything is helpful. Thanks for your time!

Re: Consdering moving to Cali to see Arnett & Gunson

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:29 pm
by katsface
I lived in LA for four years. It was an amazing experience. If you can afford it, I say go for it.

Re: Consdering moving to Cali to see Arnett & Gunson

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 11:15 am
by puglover
I am having surgery with Dr. Gunson in August. I know Dr. Arnett has been around longer than Gunson but Arnett is less available due to teaching etc. BUT both doctors will be at the surgery and they both do measurements and work together on the it really doesn't matter who you get because both of them are available to you.

I have yet to met Dr. Arnett but Dr. Gunson and their whole staff are SO nice and helpful!! Lena (the head nurse I suppose) is the sweetest women in the world, very motherly.

As you probably know they are very expensive. But this is your really can't skimp on that. The consult alone was like $500...but after talking with Dr. G I did not want to talk to anyone else. I asked him if my case was difficult and he said, "Most surgeons would not be able to work on you...let's just put it this way...I won't lose sleep the night before your surgery." Such an O.G.


Re: Consdering moving to Cali to see Arnett & Gunson

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 6:50 am
by sirwired
I wouldn't make a decision where to move based on the presence of A/G. You can move wherever you like, and just travel for the surgery; plenty of people do. The travel and lodging costs are rather puny in the big scheme of things. (Especially compared to A/G's fees!)

Re: Consdering moving to Cali to see Arnett & Gunson

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 4:54 pm
by bmueller
Gotta agree with the others, its an operation on your face! Only go with someone you have 110% trust in, and if that's A&G, go with it. The cost will be worth it in the long run.

I also agree that you don't need to move permanently to LA. I've heard of many people traveling just for the surgery to LA to have surgery with them.

Re: Consdering moving to Cali to see Arnett & Gunson

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 10:47 pm
by CaliforniaKid
I am having surgery with Dr. Gunson in August. I know Dr. Arnett has been around longer than Gunson but Arnett is less available due to teaching etc. BUT both doctors will be at the surgery and they both do measurements and work together on the it really doesn't matter who you get because both of them are available to you.

I have yet to met Dr. Arnett but Dr. Gunson and their whole staff are SO nice and helpful!! Lena (the head nurse I suppose) is the sweetest women in the world, very motherly.

As you probably know they are very expensive. But this is your really can't skimp on that. The consult alone was like $500...but after talking with Dr. G I did not want to talk to anyone else. I asked him if my case was difficult and he said, "Most surgeons would not be able to work on you...let's just put it this way...I won't lose sleep the night before your surgery." Such an O.G.
Dr. Arnett and Dr. Gunson no longer operate together. They work on alternating days and I don't think they are even in the office at the same time, or rarely.

The only time they would run by any treatment plan between each other is if there is a problem, but I was told since they both follow the same philosophy and treatment approach this is extremely rare and they always come to the same conclusions.

They are good surgeons but the cost can be prohibited. Some fees reach 100k+ and they are not in any insurance network.

jawsurgeryforum has a lot more info on arnett/gunson and my thread should be linked below. feel free to ask any questions.