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I'm baaack! (recommendations near Seattle?)

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 11:37 am
by MeyerLemon
Years ago I posted about my consult with Dr. Arnett down here in Santa Barbara. He concluded that I'm an excellent candidate for double jaw surgery, due to my overbite / airway / unstable bite issues.

Well, you can't have kids for a year before and a year after the surgery, so I had to put it off due to getting pregnant. Now I have a 1.5 year old and I'm revisiting this.

The catch - we're considering a move to the Seattle, Washington area. So my option would be to 1) find a surgeon / ortho team up there or 2) fly down here and have surgery with Dr. Gunson (Arnett will consult since I was originally his patient, but he is in the process of retiring / teaching now).

So who is in the Seattle area? Anyone up there that is awesome? While I cringe at the possibility of writing Dr. Gunson / Arnett a $60k check, since my insurance will only cover like $18k for the surgery, maybe there is an awesome surgeon up in Seattle area that takes a PPO?

Interested in this board's thoughts. Thanks in advance!