SARPE Surgery

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#496 Post by Selims »

Hi All,

I was in holiday in Europe and visited an orthodontist - fun way to spend part of your holiday :? They told me that my orthodontist was not following standard practice (i.e. my ortho began to close the gap 5 months (yes that says FIVE MONTHS) after the expansion finished. Also, that there is no need for the expander after 8 weeks (as there is no risk of collapse and if relapse is a posibility then a TPA is sufficient)) and there was no reason in my case not to follow standard practice.

So, I have the ortho from hell :evil:

Could you guys let me know:
a) how long following the end of the expansion phase were your gaps closed over (i.e. when was the powerchain inserted)?
b) how long following surgery was the expander removed?

I have a feeling that I have some butt to kick, but I don't even know where to begin (the process has been so messed up).

Thanks to this site, and you guys, I can now begin sorting this mess out. (The good news is that there has been no harm done to my mouth, my ortho simply dragged out the process ... i.e. I had my op on Dec 9th and still have a large gap and an expander).

I look forward to reading about your experiences.


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#497 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Selims,
I TOLD YOU! Your ortho is messed up! I have been just like what you said above. RPE was taken out approx 10 weeks after surgery (just by virture of when the appts fell on the calendar), then replaced with a TPA that I have had now for about a month and a half. It is supposed to be coming out my next appointment on July 20th. I got the power chain honestly, on my first appt 3 days after surgery, but removed it as it was very uncomfortable and hurting. I never had to put another one on as my gap closed on its own within 7 weeks after I stopped expanding. My ortho said that we could put it on as soon as I wanted it back though. Also, there is research out there that says a powerchain put on right after surgery does not seem to affect the expansion or healing process. I will be at 5 months post op on my next appt and my ortho says they are going to take out the TPA and begin moving my uppers with new archwires so I will be back to normal by then.

Most doctors begin the powerchains at about 2-3 months after surgery. Gives the palate time to heal and stabilize. My friend Amy had the same thing done as me (SARPE w/braces) and had the same schedule as above. Most others on this board are pretty much the same also. Sometimes the gaps are slower to close, like Mia's (hers has slowly been closing for about 4 months now) but the powerchains were all started much much sooner than what your ortho has been following.

Even my friend who is a new dentist knew this information on time frames for these appliances etc. I would definitely have a heart to heart with your ortho and first off tell him to get that freakin RPE applinance out of your mouth. AT 6 months OMG you have so suffered long enough! and tell him you want him to start closing your gap right now!

Hope this helps you some!

Last edited by Brandyleigh35 on Fri Jun 30, 2006 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#498 Post by fran1971 »

Hey Selims,

I just got my powerchain put on yesterday at my ortho appointment and my surgery was back on May 10. Even though I just got it on yesterday, it has already started to close the gap. Hopefully in another 2 weeks or so it will be closed. And my ortho said at my next appointment which will be on Aug.16 , he is going to take my Expander out and put in a TPA. That would mean that I would have had it in for a total of 4.5 months. One month before surgery and three and half months after.Hope this helps you.......Fran :D

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How to Prepare

#499 Post by JenNicole »

I am going to have my release surgery done in three weeks. I have already lost about 10 pounds from having braces and the RPE...Any suggestions on keeping weight on after the surgery?

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#500 Post by kballing »

hi all,
hope everyone is doing well. things keep moving around in my mouth :D unfortunately, my front 2 teeth have now closed so much that they are even more crossed over than my post before..... Brandy- I know you mentioned this happening to you as well. How long did it take to resolve this? Even though i have a power chain all across the front i still have the 2 mm gaps on either side of my now "crooked" front teeth. ugh. i am definitely having one of those days where i am just so frustrated and i wake up every morning having clenched my jaw so tight. it's as though my jaw sensing all this moving and is trying to hold on to it. everything is so so painful. i am sure this will all pass as well. but, it is one of those days where i am like, "okay, not sure how much more of this i can take." :cry:
i did have my pre-pre op appt for my next surgery. they did all sorts of measurements and pictures and such,so i am now on a 5month countdown to my surgery date. will be so excited to get this all over with.
would love to hear how everyone else is doing. Brandy, Mia, Delag..... ?
have a great day!

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#501 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey K,
Sorry it has taken me so long to drop by. We have been moving into our new house! OMG! What a chore that has been! I have boxes everywhere and everytime I empty one a new one appears from out of no where! WE have been going 24/7 for over a week now! ughh!

Teeth are doing fine, almost totally back to normal. I have an ortho appt on the 20th so I think they are going to start moving my uppers around a bit...FINALLY!

As for the clenching I'm totally doing the same thing, and grinding my teeth at night like crazy. My ortho says that it is normal that my jaw is trying to find its fit again and that since there really isn't one it just keeps searching. He says it will ease up the closer my teeth get to being aligned. My jaw is sometimes really really sore so I totally know what you are talking about.

As for the gaps and crooked teeth....all I can say is patience my dear! If they move things too fast you risk having problems with root damage, so even though it feels like it is slow going, that is good as it is better for your teeth. Also, it takes about 4-5 months for the bones to fully heal (according to my ortho) so they are even slower I think about moving things as they want to be sure everything is completely solid first. Once they are sure you are totally healed and ready they will start closing the gaps pretty quickly. The chain should help gradually move your teeth back to a straighter position, but all people are different so how long it takes depends on your teeth. They will move at a rate that is comfortable for them. Wish I had happier info to give you!

I've got to get busy unpacking again but will try and check back later tonight!


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#502 Post by kballing »

thanks so much for your message. certainly made me feel better. i know i just need to hang in there. some days i am more frustrated by it than others.
i am sending you positive energy as you get all of your move set. i know that is a BIG project. how exciting!
have a great night and good luck with your appt. in a couple of weeks.

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#503 Post by mia22 »

Hi everyone!

Wow, I haven't posted anything in forever... I'm in the process of moving too Brandy, so I hear you on working 24/7!!

A quick update:
I went to the ortho and they inserted a temporary tooth... so now my teeth are looking so much more normal... unfortunately, now i have to wear rubber bands.

They honestly aren't that bad because I can feel them pulling my bite into a more comfortable spot (thank god!)

I go back at the end of August to get the RPE removed... so unlike all u lucky ladies (and gentlemen) I will have this thing in for a TOTAL of 6 months... it feels like eternity!

When you two front teeth are straight it will feel like they were never crooked... I feel your pain tho!

The only thing I would suggest heavier things... like mashed potatoes, and protien shakes... ice cream, it's just kinda an unhealthy diet, but it will keep the weight on.

Hey Selims,

My gap is almost closed at about 4 1/2 months post expansion, and my RPE is going to be removed 6months after expansion. You really need to tell them to do something! I can't imagine how mad i would be. Feel free to vent anytime :)

Ok, well I'm off... I'm going to try and update my pics this week!

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!


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#504 Post by fran1971 »

Hey everyone,

Hope everyone is doing well. Mia, sorry to hear that you have to wait until the end of August to get rid of the RPE. My ortho told me that he will take mine out on August 16th which means that mine will have been in for 4 months and he finally put a powerchain on to start closing my gap. It seems like it is closing but very slowly. I do have a question about the powerchain though. Mine runs down one side of my mouth and then crosses over the gap and hooks to my front tooth but thats it; it doesnt continue all the way down the other teeth. So it seems like it is closing my two front teeth but creating a gap one tooth over. Doesnt make sense to me.O well what do I know. Will update soon.....Fran :D

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#505 Post by mia22 »

Hi Fran!

Well, They might be trying to line the middle of your teeth up, and that might be why they are pulling more at one side... it does make sense for the gap to show up somewhere else, because they will need to pull all your teeth around to fill in the gap. Luckily for me, I was missing a tooth so they took the gap space and inserted a fake tooth.

I hate the RPE, lol... but when it comes out i will have served my time.


Oh PS Brandy, K, Delag... I updated my pics!! I'm SOOO excited to look more normal now after 4monthS!!


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Lower Expansion

#506 Post by JenNicole »

I have looked at several pictures of everyones teeth on here. I can totally tell how we all have a narrow upper palate, but it seems like everyone has a tremendous difference in their lower teeth.
Is it possible to need a lower expansion...and how would they do that. Here is a pic of my bite now (one week prior SARPE) Just curious if anyone notices this but me. :)

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#507 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

OMG! your teeth look amazing! I see why you are so incredibly excited! What a change! What other surgery might you have to have? Jaw surgery?

Your lower arch is a lot smaller than your top arch. Sometimes they do lower jaw expansion but it is done with wires. I have never seen anyone have lower jaw expansion surgery. Good luck on your SARPE, I'm 4.5 months post op and doing wonderfully, try and relax it will all be fine!


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#508 Post by decisionmade »

Hi all! just had to chime in..Its been a while..since those forst scared posts under this subject..reading them makes me so emotional..but have to tell you all to keep hanging in there!! I continue to be amazed by my progress and have at the most- 5 mos. to go with braces..Its over a year now since my sarpe!..I never thought I'd make it but life is good! and my smile is even better!!..keep up the good attitudes and you'll all make it too!!

crowding, mild overjet, and crossbite
SARPE AND R.P Expander: 7-14-05
extraction : 9-15-05
Brace date: 9-29-05
Expander out! 1-12-06!!!!! after 6 long mos.
Taking them off!!! Feb 26, 2007

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#509 Post by kballing »

Thanks, DM. You are an inspiration!
It is true how quickly time goes by when you look back. I am now approaching 4 months pre-op for my jaw surgery. I have to hold the thought that it will soon all be a memory as well. I am once again trying to prepare my mind and body for this and have faith that it will work out fine.
I made my appointment for surgical hooks to be put on in October. Anyone have any experience with these? They sound horrible and to have them on for 2 months before surgery sounds like a nightmare, but my ortho said not really even noticeable. So, I forge ahead. Hope everyone else is doing great. Thanks for all of the support and well wishes. I know they certainly helped with my recovery from sarpe and continue to keep me motivated moving forward.
Have a great night.

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#510 Post by mia22 »

hello everyone!

Wow! we haven't been posting that much... oddly we are all about done with the whole SARPE process and i think it's unbelieveable!! I'm now wearing rubber bands!! UHHH they are such a pain! I have to wear them all the time and sleep with them! I pop them off in the middle of the night so now i wear two on each side... i'm not sure if that's good or bad, but at least i'm not popping them off!!


your mouth looks beautiful!! That is awesome you got the TPA out. I will be getting out the RPE on the 24th of this month and I can't wait!! WOW I will have had it in since the end of Jan!! I'm having surgery to pull my lower jaw back slightly and to bring my chin forward slightly. I do not know the name of it and I will find out more at my next apointment. They wanted to wait till August to see my bite.


Thanks!! It really has been a journey!

Hi K!

WOW surgical hooks? I haven't heard about that! Your having another surgery in December? What is it for? How is the spaces... are they getting any better?

Hey DM!

Thanks for the inspiration, oddly enough when I had decided on SARPE I was reading this site and I came across all your postings. I completely understand how you feel and it really does get better and better everyday!!

Jen Nicole,

Well, you should really wait until after the SARPE to even think about your bottom jaw. I thought my lower jaw looked small too but since they have been moving my teeth around it has become more round and nicer looking! How are you doing?

Well, I'm not sure if I missed anyone, but I hope everyone is doing well!!!

Have a wonderful week!

ciao xoxo

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