Frenectomy Anyone??? 0_o;;;

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Frenectomy Anyone??? 0_o;;;

#1 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

So I was in some of the other areas of this website and I read about this girl and her braces. And she said that she had to get a Frenectomy(sp?). I was like what the heck is that? So I looked it up on the internet and Googled "Frenum". Apparently it has more than one meaning (which I did not know) and so when I Googled it some pics that I do not care to discuss came up. Anyways, it seems that a Frenum is that little piece of skin in between your lip and gum and connects the two at the very top where your gums meet your upper lip. It appears to be more prominent in people that have gaps between their two front teeth. And a frenectomy (the snipping of this skin) is done because the muscle connected to this skin can with time reopen the gap and make braces pointless. I have a ginormous gap between my two front teeth and I am hoping that I wont have to have this surgery. Before I get my braces (cross fingers) From what I read it's a simple and quick procedure and should heal in about a week or so. Has anyone had this procedure before? If so post and let me know. Thanks

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#2 Post by Delag »

Nope, but my daughter fell against a table when she was learning to walk and hit her mouth in such a way that she no longer has one. It has not changed her smile or anything else for that matter. It sure did bleed though-I remember that part really well because I had on a brand new white shirt *sigh*. Soon after she slipped in the bathroom and popped a tooth through her lip, and later she got one knocked out in gym class. She has also had an extraction, a gum surgery, and is missing another tooth - I really hope things start to look up for her or she will have dentures by the time she is 8.

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#3 Post by joney »

My eldest daughter had an accident when she was young and hers is not longer connected. It did bleed quite a bit. The doctor at the time told me that it was absolutely nothing to worry about. My brother also told me that his is not connected. He told me that he read somewhere that it helps people enunciate more clearly. They both definitely have very clear voices.

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#4 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

I really hope things start to look up for her or she will have dentures by the time she is 8.
WOW Delag me too! That is amazing and she's only 8?!

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#5 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

My eldest daughter had an accident when she was young and hers is not longer connected. It did bleed quite a bit. The doctor at the time told me that it was absolutely nothing to worry about. My brother also told me that his is not connected. He told me that he read somewhere that it helps people enunciate more clearly. They both definitely have very clear voices.
Hey joney that is very interesting. im going to look it up on the internet to if i can find anything about that. im curious. lol. I can see how that can be true tho. like when i feel mine with my tongue i feel the muschle or whatever go down the center of my lip. wierd

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#6 Post by Delag »

Well turrtlelove.....she still has a few months to go before she hits eight. I am keeping my fingers crossed that nothing else falls out, breaks or otherwise messes up her smile untill her first communion at the end of next month LOL!

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#7 Post by not2worry39212 »

Ok here is how it's going for me. I too have this gigantic gam between my front two teeth and I will have to have frenectomy but my ortho says it'll be done after my gap closes while I'm still in braces. The real kicker to my post is that my 19 month old daugter tripped at my parents house on yesterday and split her frenum.....I swear I think she was headed to having a gap but I wonder if this will affect her???

PS. Boy did it bleed!

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#8 Post by ileftmyheartincolorado »

Hi there! I'm another gap haver :D Hehe :D

I am 31 and have had braces now (top and bottom metal) since July 20th. I have an 8 mm. (read: HUGE!!!) gap between my top front teeth. I had a frenectomy when I was FIVE!!! Didn't do me a lot of good, did it?! Haha! My gap kept right on growing despite the fact I had that snipped. I don't remember it being especially painful, and that was back in 1980, before they had the good numbing stuff! I had a couple of stitches, as I recall. I do remember my daddy buying me a Barbie afterward...hahaha :)

But yeah...I had that done...I didn't have it done again prior to getting braced in July. My ortho says that I will almost definitely have to have surgery on the gums between my front teeth to remove the excess tissue once my teeth start moving together. I wouldn't doubt it. It's a HUGE gap!!

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