UK Orthognathic Patients?

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UK Orthognathic Patients?

#1 Post by KriegeR »

I noticed from a few of the posts on here that there are quite a few UK folk hanging around these boards.

Being new to this forum, (and likely to be a regular from now on), I would be interested to know of any people who have had an anterior open bite corrected through surgery, or are in the process of doing so like me.

I have had a problem with anterior open bite since I was 11 years old, (I'm 29 now by the way), but I was always told that the problem would not get any worse, and could possibly even correct itself as I passed through my teens. On my first consultation at 11, the gap in my teeth stood at 4mm. When I was referred to a specialist at the local hospital about 18 months ago, the gap had increased to 13mm and was/is causing serious functional problems with eating, talking, and general appearance. In fact only my rear upper right and rear lower right teeth were actually making contact!

I'm now 10 months into braces in preparation for the surgery, (8 breaks to be done, 2 maxilla to correct skewed upper jaw, 6 mandible and a bone graft to add extra bone into the 'gaps'), in order to close the gap in my teeth. My orthodontist has said that he has fitted my last archwire before the surgery, and has referred me back to the practice clinic to meet my surgeon again. Back teeth are now touching on both sides too.

Would love to hear from anyone in a similar situation, especially if you are from the UK. However I hope I can offer support to others in return.

Pictures likely to follow as and when I get round to taking them.

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#2 Post by Daveyboy »

Hi KreigR,

Although I am not going to be having a similar surgery to yourself,( i'm having a mandibular advancement) I thought i'd just say keep it up and keep us posted on your progress!

I've had consultations with two surgeons, and one seems to make more sense than the other. THe first one seemed to be wanting to do everything that he was capable of (maybe cos i've got health insurance!) whereas the second one seemed much more honest and upfront.

How many surgeons have you seen? And have you found them to be honest and of a similar opinion to your case?


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#3 Post by Propofolboy »

Hi there. I'm not from the UK but had a very similar problem. Anterior open bite, about 11 mm. Only touching on my wisdom teeth initially.
Had 8 extractions (4 bicuspids, and 4 wisdom teeth). Then 12 months in braces to close lower gap (from bicuspid), and then to segmentalize the uppers into 3 level pieces.
Had surgery 6 weeks ago, a multi-segment maxillary osteotomy. Didn't need my lower jaw, the lower rotated up once the upper was fixed.
Now have a small overjet which was planned, and will correct as the upper gaps are closed (where the 3 segments were).
Overall not a big deal. No pain, little swelling. Jaw is a little stiff but can now open to 30+ mm.

I can send before and after pictures if you want.

Would definately go through it again if I had to.

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#4 Post by KriegeR »

Propofolboy wrote:Hi there. I'm not from the UK but had a very similar problem. Anterior open bite, about 11 mm. Only touching on my wisdom teeth initially.
Yup that sounds just about like the problem I have currently got. I had my wisdom teeth taken out in August last year, and I have been wearing braces ever since. However as I mentioned previously my orthodontist is now referring me back to my surgeon, because he believes I am about ready for surgery.
DaveyBoy wrote:How many surgeons have you seen? And have you found them to be honest and of a similar opinion to your case?
You might find this pretty hard to believe but I have seen about 14 surgeons now, because of the way they do the clinics at my local hospital. They do something called 'joint clinics' whereby they get all the specialists together and then they argue the case about what's to be done. I suppose this is a quicker, more efficient way of reaching agreement.

Anyway rest assured that I will be keeping things updated on here, and certainly anyone with, or who has had AOB, please let me know how things went! :)

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#5 Post by WhiteLurcher »


I've been in braces over nine months now and should be having surgery sometime towards the end of the year. I have had an open/overbite for almost exactly 3 years now, only my wisdom teeth touch. I had surgery to the right side of my jaw on 10/7/03 to stop Condylar Hyperplasia!! (basically that side decided to start growing for some reason and kind of knocked everything off line) Up'til then aged 28 I had a normal bite and boy do I miss it now!!

I'm having my top jaw moved up 4-5mm and out 1-2mm, they mentioned rotating!! and haven't decided if I will need my lower done it depends on what the braces do. It was all very "Blue Peter" I sat there while the Max Fax Registrar and Ortho cutup and taped pictures of my face and jaw bones discussing between them what should go where :? I hope the end result is better than that picture :shock:

I'm on my last wires too, the Ortho is going to take moulds at my next appointment in a fortnight. She plans to mock up my op to work out what need doing. I have a planing meeting with the OS on 11/9/06 so could be having the op within 6-8weeks after.

Do you know which of the 14 surgeons is doing your op? I have only ever seen one surgeon the Max Fax consultant at Glasgow Southern General. I take it you are doing this on the NHS too? I am glad at least I don't have to worry about the cost.

Well sorry for rambling on, good luck and keep us posted.

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#6 Post by KriegeR »

Hi WhiteLurcher.

Your condition does sound very similar to mine but over a shorter period of time. Even as far as the arrangements being made for your op.

Out of all the surgeons who were bustling around me on that particular day, only one will be doing the surgery. I've had a one to one interview with him where I almost got the impression he was trying to talk me out of it! :shock:

After we left the meeting room, he told me it was standard practice because a lot of people aren't really sure how serious they are about surgery. Many will say, "Oh yes I'll have that done!", but then either bottle out through nerves, or don't keep up with their treatment as required. Being on the NHS I can see why this is important; not much point wasting precious time and money on someone who isn't going to co-operate in order to deliver the goods. Thankfully we all seem to be examples of the 'good' kind on this board, who are determined to make a change in our lives and wellbeing.

Yes my operation is being done on the NHS, because this was one of the bits that worried me. In my initial consultation, the surgeons debated whether the surgery should be classed as cosmetic or required, (can't remember the fancy word for it). If they decided it was cosmetic, I would have to pay! Anyway my eating problems, clicking jaw, and wearing back teeth soon put this one to bed, along with the potential consequences of not having it done.

I hope your treatment continues OK. By the sounds of things both me and you are at exactly the same stage in the surgery, (with you possibly a whisker ahead of me).

Keep in touch and let us know how things go. Given your situation I am more eager than most to see how things go, because it looks as though you could be a way for me to see into my immediate future! :D

Cheers for posting.

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#7 Post by WhiteLurcher »

Hi KriegeR
KriegeR wrote:(with you possibly a whisker ahead of me)
Being a born pessimist I am fully expecting something to crop up which will push my surgery date further on. I'm a bit worried about my wisdom teeth as my Ortho mumbled something about them at my last visit, she was checking my bite and kind of talking to herself :? So I'll just have to wait till next Tuesday and see what she says.

My appointments are six weekly but they seem more like fortnightly, doesn't time fly when your having fun!!! :lol: !!!

See ya!

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#8 Post by KriegeR »

Hi KriegeR
(with you possibly a whisker ahead of me)
Being a born pessimist I am fully expecting something to crop up which will push my surgery date further on. I'm a bit worried about my wisdom teeth as my Ortho mumbled something about them at my last visit, she was checking my bite and kind of talking to herself :? So I'll just have to wait till next Tuesday and see what she says.

My appointments are six weekly but they seem more like fortnightly, doesn't time fly when your having fun!!! :lol: !!!

See ya!
Well the best of luck on that and let me know how things go. I had my wisdom teeth sorted before having the braces fitted so they aren't really going to cause me a problem in the future. I think the only thing that will cause problems from now on is disagreement between my orthodontist and my surgeon. I have to say that looking at my teeth, I can't say that they are ready for anything, but then again, I'm not an orthodontist! :D

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#9 Post by edinburger »

Hi KriegeR,

I too have an open bite but I'm just getting started on my orthodontic and surgery my ceramic uppers last week, needing two extractions on my lower teeth and will get my lower ceramics in early'll be about 12 to 18 months before I'll be ready for surgery.

Best of luck to you!

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#10 Post by KriegeR »

Hi KriegeR,

I too have an open bite but I'm just getting started on my orthodontic and surgery my ceramic uppers last week, needing two extractions on my lower teeth and will get my lower ceramics in early'll be about 12 to 18 months before I'll be ready for surgery.

Best of luck to you!
Yes same to you edinburger. :)

Things will move a lot quicker than they seem. I think someone has pointed it out on here already, but the 6 weeks in between appointments seem to pass a lot quicker than that. I still can't believe I've had this brace on for nearly 12 months now. It only seems like 4 or 5 months ago! :shock:

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Well placed pessimism!

#11 Post by WhiteLurcher »


Well, I was right, looks like I have another 6 months before the big chop!!
My Wisdom teeth need to be brought into line and my upper side teeth need to be pulled out so the will overlap the bottom ones. I have 4 weeks to look forward to getting brackets on all my Wisdom's :soremouth: Getting wax on way back there should be fun!

My planing meeting with the OS is now scheduled for 23/10/06
So it looks like you will probably be done and dusted before me after all!

Hope things are going well for you, I'll be following your progress with interest.

See ya! :HugeGrin:

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#12 Post by AVFC_UK »

Hi UK people,

I've had my braces on since May. Having surgery at some point and am told will need to wear braces a little while after as well? Is this normal? I thought retainers would suffice? Work is due to a very noticable overbite i inherited. How long did everyone have to wait for surgery after braces? I asked to orhto and he simply says "when you're ready" joys of the NHS I suppose!! Also is 3 weeks enough off work for surgery?

It's good to see some fellow UK members going through this as well. Dentistary is quite different over here compared to the states.

Svensk Tiger
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#13 Post by Svensk Tiger »

Hello all,

Not sure how I managed to miss this.

I too have an openbite. Not sure exactly how big it is, it's in excess of 5mm though. I'll try to find out when I next see my surgeon. So my upper jaw is being levelled by 5mm, then lifted by a little at the front, and some more at the back.

I'm also having my lower jaw moved forward and possibly a genioplasty. This is all happening on the 11th November. I've had my braces for 13 months now and I am so ready for this!

I was eligible for NHS treatment but opted to go private as the waiting list was horrendously long. I must be insane but I really want my surgery done before I start a new job next year and the braces off before my wedding at the end of next year.
Metal upper and lower: 6th Sep. 2005
Quad helix in: 1st Dec. 2005
Quad Helix out: 31st March 2006
Surgery (upper/lower/genio): 11th Nov. 2006
Braces off: 17th March 2007
Under chin liposculpture and fat transplant to cheeks: 20th October 2007

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#14 Post by smile2006 »


Good luck to all the anterior open bite people. I had surgery on July 13 to correct my open bite. My upper jaw was widened and decreased in the vertical dimension. My lower jaw was advanced 8 mm and I had genioplasty. I am thrilled with the results. It was a good decision for me to go through with it. My bite was horrible and it was driving me crazy! I had braces six months before but will likely have them somewhere around 10-12 months aferward (most of my ortho is post-surgery). It is mainly my molars that are whacky (out of line now and a couple not touching). I am just short of three months after my surgery and I'm feeling pretty good. Chewing is getting there! I still have some numbness in the chin and lower lip (left side). It tends to come and go alot which is encouraging but also depressing (why can't the numbness just stay away?????). I am still optimistic for a full recovery. My open bite was between 5-6 mm depending on location and only my back molars were touching. For my insurance this surgery was considered "medically necessary" given the degree of the open bite. I can't beleive a 13mm open bite wouldn't be considered medically necessary. I wish all of you a happy journey with good results. I realized the other day it was this time a year ago I choose my ortho which lead to records, molds and then finally braces in early January. Wow, it was a quick year. :lol: There were some "lows" after surgery and in the immediate recovery weeks but I encourage everyone to know these pass....better days will come!

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