Concerned about the surgery and cost

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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Concerned about the surgery and cost

#1 Post by hjbtech »


I got the braces about a month ago and I just scheduled my 1st appointment with the surgeon. I have been diagnosed. I don't remember what they called it but, basically my lower jaw out grew the upper one. They said I may need upper and lower jaw or may be just the lower jaw. I was so hesitant for three yeas. I finally took the 1st step of getting the braces. I was so happy to find this forum(others who are in similar situation as I am). I know lots of people asked about the price and one person mention the surgery costing about $35,000. When I called the hospital they said each jaw costs $5000. Could some tell me where the other $15,000 is coming from?



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#2 Post by smile2006 »

Anethesia, drugs, hospital room charges (2 nights in my case) and assistant surgeon fees all contributed to a cost of just under $35,000 total for me. This was for a 2 piece leforte, genioplasty (at a reduced charge of 1,200), and lower jaw advancement. This is not what I paid out of pocket or what my insurance paid, this is what was billed. I paid only my $2,000 out of pocket maximum and my yearly $300 deductible. Due to insurance contract the allowable costs for all this work (surgery) was about 12,000 (or 13,000....can't recall off the top). So the amount billed and the amount paid by insurance through there contracted amount was vastly different. I kind of felt bad for the great surgeon I had because he was paid so little.

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#3 Post by Spooky »

When I went to a private oral surgeon 6 years ago, he quoted me $25k, which includes all the fees and hospital stay. That's why I ended up not proceeding with the braces/surgery.

I recently changed medical insurance companies, and the one I have now covers the surgery. I have to pay the co-payment, which is about $250. If you have a bad condition (like me), the surgery can be treated and viewed as a medical/health necessity, rather than cosmetics. Then your medical plan should cover the procedure.

I will have the surgery (both upper & lower) in 7 days... I am getting really nervous! Good luck to you.
Check out my journey :
Braces on: Sept 16. 2005
Braces off: Dec 3, 2007
Upper/Lower Jaw Surgery on: Dec 1, 2006


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#4 Post by hippyhippo »

I'm in Canada, so from what I understand pretty much everything related to the actual physical surgery is covered by our universal health care. So that includes hospital stay, anesthetic, IV & drugs, etc .

However, my BSSO is still going to cost me $4500 CDN. I believe this is for the surgeon's fees. I'll be seeing him off and on before and after the surgery, so I wouldn't be surprized if I end up seeing him ~15 times once all is said and done (not including surgery date). So my $4500 is going directly to my surgeon's practice to pay for his and his staff's services.

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