bimaxillary on the block...hello

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missy bigsmiles
Posts: 36
Joined: Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:26 pm
Location: Aberdeenshire, Scotland

bimaxillary on the block...hello

#1 Post by missy bigsmiles »

Hello. Logging in for the first time tonight, I'm new to this message board, in fact any. Have been browsing the intenet for yonks in relation to orthognathic surgery, always more medical aspects and not actually a discussion forum.

I'm 36, have had my brackets on for approx 20 months...and am soon to have bimax orthognathic surgery, a bsso and le fort 1 osteotomy, for correction of a class3 maloclusion in Aberdeen, Scotland. In fact the surgery's not too far off, in a month or so.

I've been browsing this site all afternoon, and would really appreciate some general chat re the procedure. In fact it's been reassuring to read so many of your experiences...I have felt fairly isolated and more nervous as the surgery approaches, although still commited..there is no way I wouldn't go through with it now having had these brackets on for such a long time. You wouldn't believe... when I see the orhtodontist, I'm usually in with a bunch of kids, and so I was releived to see I wasn't the oldest one around.

In fact, the reason it's taken so long before surgery is that I have been pregnant and now have my wonderful little baby girl, 4 months old, my first.

Well that's a mouthful, and it's out now....looking forward to joining your discussions


Svensk Tiger
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#2 Post by Svensk Tiger »

I was just about to head off to bed so will chat later but just wanted to say hi. :)

I'm in Edinburgh and have just had a bimaxillary osteotomy and genioplasty (on the 11th Nov.) to correct a class II malocclusion. I am currently writing up my surgery story (it's an epic!) and will be posting it on here. I really hope it helps you.

Will be back on tomorrow, night for now,

Metal upper and lower: 6th Sep. 2005
Quad helix in: 1st Dec. 2005
Quad Helix out: 31st March 2006
Surgery (upper/lower/genio): 11th Nov. 2006
Braces off: 17th March 2007
Under chin liposculpture and fat transplant to cheeks: 20th October 2007

missy bigsmiles
Posts: 36
Joined: Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:26 pm
Location: Aberdeenshire, Scotland

#3 Post by missy bigsmiles »


Look forward to chatting and hearing how it all went, and is going, later. Hope your recovery is going well


missy bigsmiles
Posts: 36
Joined: Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:26 pm
Location: Aberdeenshire, Scotland

#4 Post by missy bigsmiles »

Thankyou so much for the reply, Meryaten. :) . You're right... I have spent the last couple of days having a good look through the boards and have found other folks stories and experiences really helpful....I'm amazed I didn't think of looking for a forum before now.

In fact I saw may ortho yesterday and asked for a mail of my preop x rays, to post on this site...and in telling why got onto this very topic. I've already mailed him back with some of the web sites you have suggested, I found the "Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery" info on Orthognathic surgery excellent in terms of practical advice. The ZNS was new to me too. I suggested he may offer these to new "customers" as well as those ongoing...

I've said I recently had a baby, and am currently feeding myself, exclusively so far, and I was looking to see if any one had any experience or advice re this issue in the perioperative period.

I've already started expressing and freezing, it stores well for 3m in the plan is to express and disgard for the days when there are just too many drugs in my system, and restart asap, maybe when I'm just on paracetamol and ibuprofen...although I can imagine it may be a struggle expressing soon post op....but necessary to avoid too much engorgement and the risk of mastits.

Also I have read one of "the gang" had post op sinus issues which I wouldn't mind finding a bit more about as I had a sinus op ...trimming of inferior turbinates and enlarging the apeture between max sinuses and nose (can't recall the name of this bit) 2 years ago...

Finally, to those who may have paraesthesia in distribution of inferior alveolar nerve, I can relate......I have this over lower left chin and lip, since the extraction of an inpacted wisdom tooth 2 years ago...the start of my journey....The sensation varies, usually unaware of it, but a litltle more aware in cold weather funnily enough...and we're heading into another Scottish winter...

And as a p.s. ...Kindest Regards and bestest wishes for Katie , ZT, in Edinburgh who is currently post op...



Missy :roll:

missy bigsmiles
Posts: 36
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Location: Aberdeenshire, Scotland

#5 Post by missy bigsmiles »

It's true..I'm one of those people who need to know as much as possible to feel more confident and maintain some control... and have scoured the internet interms of the surgery... and interms of feeding, my health visitor has been very helpful and lent me her "la leche league breastfeeding answer book" and has been very supportive. I work in the medical field, in primary care, but had never met anyone going through this max facial op.

missy bigsmiles
Posts: 36
Joined: Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:26 pm
Location: Aberdeenshire, Scotland

#6 Post by missy bigsmiles »

Just a little add on...Before coming on this site I definately did research my own case, however I was unaware how woefully ignorant I have been about other folks ...I certainly didn't know what a SARPE was.

Then I thought, this brings up 2 issues, I have a v shaped palate, in fact I only have 3 top incisors, and how palate expansion, surgery wasn't discussed at all with my ortho...and how different treatment options are depending on where you stay, whether or not it's on the NHS or private...and the second point...

How many folks are actually going through these procedures and coming out the other end, with a smile and able to share their stories...basically you've been exhaulted to hero status in my small opinion....bravo and thankyou for hanging around to share.........

To share a little of my otho "waiting room" experience to date...a little hisory first...I am paying for my ortho privately but may have surgery on the ortho works for the NHS and does private work also... for me it's meeting him in his NHS surgery in the old paediatric building in Aberdeen...many of his patients , when I have been there are I'd say in single figure or v early teans accomponied by their parents...the waiting room mags consist of Bunty, and the Dando, there is a plastic toy cooker , with accessories akin to the early learning centre, and the toilet, one of , would comfortably fit an oompa loompa....

Cheers for metal mouth!!! :-1

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