Sick after surgery?

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Sick after surgery?

#1 Post by jadeli »

For those of you who have gotten jaw surgery, how many of you were sick, like puking, afterwards? I was thinking about it the other day, and I'm really worried about getting sick, since I'll barely be able to open my mouth. I had my wisdom teeth removed just over a year ago (was put to sleep, since they weren't yet impacted), but I never got sick from the anaesthesia, so I'm hoping for that kind of luck again. :)

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#2 Post by science teacher »

If you have had general anethesia and didn't throw up before. You probably won't this time either. If you are worried they can put a little patch behind your ear to control it.

Me, on the other hand, I throw up EVERY time I have general anesthesia and this time was no different. I can tell you it sucks throwing up around a NG tube.

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#3 Post by overseasmel »

I got a little sick after wisdom teeth, but had no problems at all after SARPE.

Get some Cepacol or similar hospital-type mouthwash anyway- it helps you heal, keeps it all clean in there, and on the odd chance you do throw up, iits handy to have.

Good luck hon.

Braced 20 Nov 06. Sentenced to 18-30 months. Released 23 Feb 09 (27 months and 3 days).
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#4 Post by smile2006 »

I had no nausea right after surgery. I did have one instance of feeling sick to my stomach which occured day 3. I was prescribed some suppositories for nausea (gross, I know but they worked). I only used 1 of them though on day 3 so nausea was limited for me. The one instance I did have of nausea did not lead to throwing up either.

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#5 Post by Spooky »

I have always been proned to feeling nausea before (even the slightest unpleasant odor will make me feel nausea and vomit). So I was prepared. But I didn't vomit at all post-surgery! I'm not sure if they gave me anti-vomitting medication, but I didn't feel nausea at all. So, I think you'll be OK.
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#6 Post by kballing »

no vomiting for me either. i think they generally try to do a lot to make sure that this doesn;t happen. my stomach wasn't even upset either with sarpe or jawsurgery. i was just hunggggggggggggggry!

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#7 Post by cowlypso »

I haven't had jaw surgery, but I thought I'd put in my two cents anyway.

With the modern anesthetics, most people don't get sick from them. It's not like back in the day with ether, where you were guaranteed to be vomiting when you woke up.

They also have great drugs that can help with nausea, and go right into your IV.

I had absolutely no trouble with my wisdom teeth.

I have also had gallbladder and ankle surgery. Ankle surgery didn't involve any breathing assistance. Gallbladder surgery required a breathing tube. I didn't have any trouble with nausea after either. I was worried about nausae after the gallbladder, since I'd read that it could be a problem. I told the anesthesiologist about it, and she said that she would make sure that she gave me anti-nausea meds in the IV through surgery. After both of those surgeries, I was drinking water/juice and eating graham crackers within an hour of waking up. I don't imagine you'll be doing that, but still, no stomach problems there!

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#8 Post by Svensk Tiger »

I was really worried about this too but it was fine. I was given something to prevent nausea through my drip (while I was asleep), then when I woke up and they were sitting me up in bed I felt a rush of nausea. I said something like "I'm going to throw up" and they put something in my drip and it went away instantly. I had no problems after that.

Make sure the hospital knows that you're concerned about this. But as others have said, having had a general anasthetic before and being fine, you'lll probably be fine again.

Everyone: Can I ask a slightly dim question - what's a NG tube? Is it the tube that goes down your throat while you're under? I had one of these but it was taken out before I woke up. Cheers.

The suction tube sounds interesting too. I didn't have one of those either (not once I was awake anyway).
Metal upper and lower: 6th Sep. 2005
Quad helix in: 1st Dec. 2005
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#9 Post by Ducky1515 »

I'm prone to throwing up after anesthetic. I told them this before hand and was told I would be given something to help control the nausea.

However, I still ended up throwing up a good 8 times after I came out of recovery. It isnt as bad as you might think. You are just told to sit up in bed, lean over the pan they give you and to let it just come out of the hole in your mouth.

Just remember to relax. Everytime I was sick it was all blood so try not to become worried if that is the case with you.

I felt fine by day 2 and havent been sick since.

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#10 Post by Svensk Tiger »

Thanks Meryaten. I presumed it must be something like that. I don't think I had one. At least I didn't once I was awake and I had no pain/discomfort in that area to suggest that I did have one. It's entirely possible of course that I did and I just don't know about it. Does anyone know if these things are standard procedure?

I had the breathing tube down my throat. It was taken out before I woke up but they scraped the back of my throat and I ended up with quite a nasty infection so I wasn't likely to miss out on the fact thatt I had that :lol:
Metal upper and lower: 6th Sep. 2005
Quad helix in: 1st Dec. 2005
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#11 Post by Delag »

Blimey! They should be slapped with a wet kipper for that!

:lol: :lol: :lol: Ok, I don't know what a real kipper is, but that really made me laugh. Down here the only Kipper we know is the dog on the cartoon.

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Re: Sick after surgery?

#12 Post by Laurence »

Had surgery on monday, was sick twice. Basically because your mouth is naturally bleeding a bit, you will swallow some of it no matter how much you try to spit it out.

Your stomach doesn't like having blood in it, so you feel ill until you puke.

Don't worry about it, the second time I was sick I had nobody around and was fine - you'll have no trouble breathing as long as you stay in control.

Actually, being sick made me feel a whole lot better, otherwise you just feel really ill with all the blood in your stomach.

Don't panic when you realise you're sicking up blood!

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#13 Post by nvcarissa »

I am very sensitive to anesthesia. Can't do Demerol either. Puke City.

In the recovery room I got very nauseous, and they were quite worried about it (I was wired shut). However, they gave me something in my IV and the nausea went away. I was still quite woozy and feeling nauseous when they wheeled me to my room, so I just kept my eyes shut so that I wouldn't see the ceiling careening by. It helped.

I didn't have any nausea after that, thank goodness!

Braced 5/11/05, BSSO with advancement 6/21/06, Debanded: 8/1/07. Click on www for my braces story.

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