exercise after surgery

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exercise after surgery

#1 Post by freerideuk »

i have just read about restricted amount of exercise after surgery

i am a snowboard instructor soo does anyone know how long i wont be aloud too snowboard??

coz if it is a long time it will be hard for me because it will be my job next year and is my hobbey

if anyone knows please let me no



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#2 Post by Laurence »

My surgeon says no contact sports for 2 months... but snowboarding is an extreme sport, so I don't know.

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#3 Post by freerideuk »

omg two months :|:|:|:|

i dunno how i will cope lolz its like what keeps me sain and if it is longer than that ahhhhhhhhhh

i mean i obv will keep to the time i have to stay off coz i wont risk messing up what i have been waiting soo long to get done.

i hope its no longer than that but thanks for replying laurence


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#4 Post by kballing »

not sure if you saw my earlier post, but my surgeon was very adamant that i not do ANY exercise at all for 6 weeks!!!!
nothing, nothing but walking. i normally have around 2 hour work-outs plus yoga, so this is quite a shock to my system. i am just now 12 days out and i am likely to go insane before i can make it to 6 weeks without more intense energy expenditure. i was told 3 months for contact sports.
again, as with all aspects of this surgery your surgeon may feel completely differently about this and give you the go ahead. best to check with her or him ahead of time so you can plan.
have a great night.

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#5 Post by Delag »

Before we all go nuts over the no excercise rules, lets remember what happened to Big Ben (a professional american football player - not soccer, the other football). He had a bad accident and a face full of plates and screws and is once again playing. Anyone know how long HE stopped playing? I don't know, but I do remember being very surprised that he was back on the field so quickly. Freerideuk - can you work your surgery around the snowboard season? It might be worth it to you to put it off for a couple of months - no one ever died from having braces an extra few months ( a few might have taked pliers to them, but that is another story :lol: )

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#6 Post by 4beauty4symmetry »

Could someone please explain why some surgeons say no excersize for a prolonged period of time? That some oms's say it's okay after a little while makes me think it's not an open and shut case.

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#7 Post by kballing »

i have to say that i think this is one of those cases where it is really just best to listen to your body and if you have the awareness to back off if you feel it is starting to affect you negatively. after sarpe, i really knew i couldn't do certain things, i def. had trouble with yoga for awhile since there was so much pressure in my head. i couldn't have really don't mmuch at all, i was even a little reluctant to go back to work afert 2.5 weeks with that surgery. it took me 10 days to do 10mm of expansion which isn't very long (i was turning my key twice in the morning and twice at night), so i had a lot going on that seemed to keep up the pressure. with this surgery, i feel much less fatigued and think i could get back to kickboxing even. i don't know, i think just listening to the body will serve us best staying away from anything that could cause injury to the face. my stitches have dissolved at this point, so i don't even have an open wound.
i agree that it would be a good thing to have some reasoning behind the restrictions other than injury. i will check in with some other os's that i know and see what they might be able to offer.
have a great night.

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#8 Post by freerideuk »

thanks for all the advice but i live inscotland soo i actually will be teaching in a indoor slope till i have monie too go abroad too teach

soo in timing it doesn't relli matter it is just how long am out for

i am guessing from time scales yous have said until the bone is completely healed and seattled into its new postion :|

i guess all have to deal with it but i guess everyonme feels the same about not being able tooo doo your normal day to day things

thanks for all your responces i shall just take it up with my surgon and am sure i will cope


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#9 Post by WhiteLurcher »

Hi freerideuk

I notice your from Glasgow, (small world! :-1 ) Which hospital will you be attending for your surgery? I see Mr Koppel at the Southern General and the Dental hospital for my ortho. I have a list of questions I'd like answering too, but there is always at least 5 or 6 people, mostly strangers at the planning clinics and I find it quite intimidating! :Questions: I'm actually considering printing them off and handing them to him at my next appointment to save me having to do the public speaking bit!!! :shock: :oops:

All the best!

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#10 Post by freerideuk »

hey whitelurcher

i gooo too sothern general about my surgery cause they have that speacial unit there

but i stuff to paisley hospital for my orthadontics :S

and i noo how you feel when you gooo too your surgon on how there going too stuff through with the operation and what way is the best i had soo many questions for him and new what i wanted to talk about but when i got there it wasn't just me and him. it was me him and about 5 other people, i didn't feel confortable to speak up and was quite embarressed sooo many people werre starting at me lolz

how far are you into your treeatment ??

av had the braces on for about 10 months soo am getting there lolz


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#11 Post by WhiteLurcher »

I have had me braces since Sept '05 so about 15 months and should be ready for surgery end of Feb/March next year! Then again my ortho thought I was ready at my last planning apointment on October 23rd. I went in sat on the dentists chair surrounded by strange people, only to be told my teeth weren't quite ready yet, another 2 months! I don't feel they can answer my questions yet as they haven't decided what they plan to do, just top or top and bottom :Questions:
I know its a teaching hospital but I feel like an exibit at the zoo :roll:

Any idea when you might be ready for surgery?

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#12 Post by freerideuk »

hopefully by summer i was onlni ment to have braces 10 months prior to surgery lolz but av been a bad patient and missed two appointments lolz and broke the wire a few times don't ask me how :P

but thats weid i went in bout 11 months ago to visit my surgon and have had it planned since then

sooo yea sound be fun when i finally get my opp and finally get to be pretty :D

lolz onli downside is nooo exercise lolz i will be sooo bored and like restless not being aloud to board

i wanna cry like if i go a wee without boarding !!

but will be a good excuse to be a lazy ass :P


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#13 Post by Clover »

Hi Freerideuk and Whitelurcher! I just wanted to introduce myself, as I'm also from Glasgow, and will be having surgery at the Southern General in about a year's time. You're right, it really is a small world :) I hope everything goes well for you both x

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#14 Post by freerideuk »

hey clover =]

lolz who new there were soo many off us :P

what is it your getting done ?


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#15 Post by Clover »

I'm having BSSO lower jaw advancement to fix my 9mm overjet. At the moment I've got a deep bite, so my ortho is working on opening it up.

It's kind of comforting to know that there are other people living close by who are in the same boat 8)

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