
This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#1 Post by Orthoready21 »

Last edited by Orthoready21 on Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#2 Post by hippyhippo »

I pay for almost everything on a credit card because I get rewards for every dollar I spend. I can't imagine why an ortho wouldn't accept one (I used my credit card).

That said, I wouldn't recommend putting a large expense on a credit card and not paying off the full amount immediately though, unless you have a very low interest rate! A payment plan with your ortho would be much more economical.

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#3 Post by Orthoready21 »

Last edited by Orthoready21 on Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#4 Post by chrisk »

We refinanced our home loan as I had just started working after years away from work rearing our children. The refinancing paid for renovations on our house and part payment on my braces (I paid some off on a payment plan), 2 years of top hospital insurance, and my surgery costs.

My one regret is not having had braces and surgery sooner, but on one wage and three children it was not possible to stretch our budget to include braces and surgery. I should have had braces and surgery at 12, but my parents could not afford it, and I wanted braces several years before I got them. 27 years late is better late than never. Btw I got my braces two and a half years ago when I was 39 and had my surgery 4 months ago. I've just turned 42 and should be out of them in the next couple of months.

So if you can't afford them, there is always time. Look at how many of us are in there 30's and 40's and getting braces for the first time.

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#5 Post by Spooky »

Most orthos nowadays give you option of an installment plan because it is a lot of money to pay up front. My ortho gave me a 5% discount if I paid everything in full. So I charged everything onto my credit card (since I get rewards). I ultimately paid the entire amount in full.
Check out my journey :

Braces on: Sept 16. 2005
Braces off: Dec 3, 2007
Upper/Lower Jaw Surgery on: Dec 1, 2006


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#6 Post by smile2006 »

I would discuss the issue with your ortho. I think they would be willing to work something out for you. They may have a medical loan program (sponsored by some medical insurance) where it is a low interest loan. If per month payments won't work then think about where else you could economize if you really want to do this. I had a friend once many years back who sold a nice Honda, got a functional but cheap car and used the money to get some expensive (but needed) dental work done. Good luck with finding a solution.

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#7 Post by lionfish »

I paid for the lot up front (got 5% discount) on a credit card. I got several thousand frequent flyer (voyager miles) points out of it which will go towards one h*ll of a holiday when all this is finished!

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