11 Days Post-Sarpe Surgery

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11 Days Post-Sarpe Surgery

#1 Post by 4beauty4symmetry »

I'm officially miserable. Surgery on 14th--I can endure the soft-chew diet and the numbness in my top lip and upper gums--what is getting me down is the numbness and pressure that envelops my midface area, as if I had a lead balloon stretching from cheek to cheek over my nose. There is some sensation, with occasional tingling, so I can assume the nerve hasn't been killed, but there is very little change. Didn't expand at all today, partly because I think I may have overexpanded on other days, partly to see what an expansion-free day is like.

My infraorbital nerve was evidently bruised, jostled, annoyed, whatever by the SARPE osteotomy or whacking given my mandible and has evidently decided to go on strike.

In seeing how close this nerve is to the center of surgical action I can see how easy it would be to bother it, but it seems most people are left only with upper gum and lip numbness. So now I'm wondering if my surgeon was a bit too agressive. On the other hand, I wonder if my infraorbital nerve isn't a little bit lower than other people's. When I had a tooth pulled about five years ago, the dental student at Tufts dental gave me some local anaesthetic, the next thing I know the right side of my face is paralyzed as if I had just had a stroke, and the dentist is turning white as a sheet and calling his instructor. The instructor comes over and says, oh your nerve is just in a funny position that's all, just stay here a few hours and you'll regain sensation. I did.

So this may account for why such a large section of my face is affected, by why 12 days later is there so little movement in the restoration of sensation? I'm 46 years old--is everybody else I read about on these forums that much younger and more prone to quick nerve healing/regeneration?

Here's a little map of the facial nerves:


Also, I'm a bit down, because the expansion has worsened my speech--think its partly the gap and partly something else, but my "sss" are a little too sibilant and my sounds feel muffled. Supposed to visit family in a few days who can't quite fathom why I'm doing this and I'm afraid my current state won't exactly win them--or me--over. Also, I'd like to be 'on' in my communication, and don't think I will be.

Am worried about getting a cavity because of the expander, because I can't floss some of the teeth the metal bands wrap around. Bot a water pick today and wound up giving my face and chest a shower.

Enuf wallowing. On with the new year.


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#2 Post by science teacher »

Hey Jenn,

Sorry you're feeling blue. I know that this experience is rough. I don't know that I have been blue, but my mom and husband sure think I'm grouchy. They tried to analyze me christmas eve with me in the room.

I'd like for them to have done this and not missed any work.

As for the speech, I totally get it. I find that if I over pronounce words they seem to come out clear. If I'm just talking, I usually have to repeat myself. I don't notice "S" as much as I notice "F" because of the air going through my gap.

I'm sure the numbness will recede. At this point putting heat on your face will help the nerve to rejuvenate faster.

SARPE 11/23/06
Expansion over 12/18/06 8.5mm
Brace day tops 1/15/07
Brace day bottoms 3/19/07
all expansion devices removed 9/19/07

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#3 Post by kballing »

oh, jenn,
sorry to hear that you are feeling frustrated. interestingly, day 11 was about the day that i felt worst with my sarpe surgery. i didn't have any numbness but i was cranking the expander two times twice a day and believe me i know the pressure is really difficult. hang in there and be patient with it, the nerves will regenerate. one of the med students here told me that nerves in the face regenerate at 1mm a week on average (they take much longer for smokers apparently). i did read a study that supported this, so it does take some time. obviously some people will regerate quicker and some slower.
have you been able to find things you like to eat since being back in the states? i am considering my liquid diet like a fun game to see what i can create and i just bought a ton of new spices to start adding to things (keeping in mind that ginger and tumeric are anti-inflammatories). when i think of this as a project it helps. i also find that my relaxation practice makes things better. have you tried any of the cd's for this? were you able to get back to your elliptical - i know you really wanted to be able to do that? have you already gone back to work as well?
hang in there and please let us know what you need for support. hopefully we can be there when family and friends don't understand (on my most frustrating day after sarpe, i was talking to a friend about how bad i was feeling and she said, "oh, i am so sorry" but followed up with, "I don't know why you did this, you had such a great smile before." it was too much. hopefully, those of us who have had the surgery can do a better job at supporting.
sending you positive energy..... :)

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#4 Post by 4beauty4symmetry »

I was going to do the elliptical today but just walking to the center of town made me feel like the middle of my face was a balloon that was about to pop. I still have that unpleasant blood rushing to head when I lean over--all this makes me think I need to wait before deliberately raising my heart rate or blood pressure.

Lotsa googling finds 'infraorbital' nerve and parasthesia linked to ortho surgery, but I'd feel better if I wasn't the only one. Also if there had been some change in the last 12 days.

I'm on soft chew diet now, which is way better than liquid.

Oh well.

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#5 Post by kballing »

awww, i so remember that exploding head feeling. i wasn't able to even do yoga for a very long time. in fact, i remember feeling pressure for some time afterwards, like a couple of months when i would do downward dog. i think all of this is very normal. also, in regard to numbness i think brandy had some numbness, you might check her blog. brandy did a great job of documenting the whole frustrating process. did you ask your ortho about the numbness?
hang in there.

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#6 Post by 4beauty4symmetry »

Brandy appears to have had numbness in her teeth and gums, and I could't find any mention of numbness in midface.

My ortho said most people find the worst part of all this is the spacers and that their bite gets worse. I was unpleasantly surprised at how intrusive the rpe is/was, and that my speech will apparently be affected for the next several months. I don't recall him mentioning anything about the weird presure of the expansion.

He said he thought I might be able to run a few days after the Sarpe. My guess is almost no OMS, if asked, would recommend this.

I see ortho next week and will then report to him on my post-surgery symptoms. I didn't use any of the surgeons he recommended, and I have the impression that he thought I was nuts for going with a surgeon from Costa Rica.

(It's possible another surgery or surgeon would not have affected my infraorbital nerve. But I don't think the fact that my surgeon is from and in Costa Rica is related to that. )

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#7 Post by flgrl2004 »

I had my SX on 12/11. My nose area is still kinda numb and swollen. I am to have no stenuous activity for 6-8 weeks. I was wondering if the strange feelings you were having was from the nerves reconnecting and healing. I had major back sx this summer and had it then too. It prepared me for this after this SX. My surgeon put incisions in my nose to help drainage anyone else have this? Kim

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#8 Post by 4beauty4symmetry »

The numbness I think means the nerve is disturbed, the occasional buzzing or tingling sensation is the nerves signalling their existence--guess they are trying to reactivate--don't think they are 'reconnecting' because . . . I don't think they had been severed.

Don't quite understand what happened: you have surgery on 12/11--was it a Sarpe--and why did you surgeon put incisions to 'drain' your nose--were your sinuses congested. I haven't heard before of incision to allow sinus drainage, but that doesn't mean much.

I haven't been congested or sufffering a stuffy nose, myself. Can breathe thru it just fine.

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#9 Post by flgrl2004 »

Yes it was SARPE. No, it was to drain the stuff at the top of the mouth. ( I was on morphine when he told me why he put them there and I do have chronic sinusitus) Also, I was told very specifically by my surgeon and ortho that my nerves would be servered during my sx (...maybe mine was more complex?) I have several incisions in the top of my mouth actually I have 4 sets. I have been sick with the flu and have had increase in blood coming out my nose. Really gross...but would rather not be swallowing all that nasty stuff and I can keep an eye on it too. I hope that you start to feel better. I am forbidden to cheew for 6-8 weeks! I keep seeing everyone else eating ...no fair. I am starting to think that mine was a little more extensive. Kim

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#10 Post by flgrl2004 »

oops meant to mention I have lots of numbness still too but again I was told in no certain terms that was going to happen with my case.

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#11 Post by 4beauty4symmetry »

So have you been numb in your midface area? If they severed the infraorbital nerve then the affected area would be from just under you eyeballs to your nostrils.

I hope it doesnt' make you feel worse if I say that hearing your story makes me feel better about my predicament.

Today I went bought magnesium and a B complex--supposed to be good for nerve healing. Figure it can't hurt out, and I was willing to shell out the 40 odd bucks.

Take care--to have the flu in addition to recovering from surgery sounds worrisome.

At least you're in a warm climate, no?

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#12 Post by flgrl2004 »

Yes I am still numb and swollen there. I figure in time all will heal. I am glad to hear that what I have told you is making you feel better. I didn't even get brag about the 2 shiners and the big bruises on my cheeks or my intolerence to the pain meds that made me have to go to the ER. LOL Funny thing is I think I am having it pretty easy...this was a breeze compared to my spinal fusion! ( i used to work for a neurosurgeon and learned alll about the wonderful world of nerve regeneration! And plus I would much rather have numbness as compared to Trigeminal neuralgia!!) Wow I really am a optimist! Kim

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#13 Post by 4beauty4symmetry »

Did you surgeons give you any kind of time estimate for when you would start to regain sensation?

I didn't know that severed nerves could reconnect.

If you are taking antibiotics I would suggest you take yogurt or kefir made with live active cultures--also called 'probiotics.' Its cultures help replenish the 'good' bacteria snuffed out by antibiotics. I started having about a 1/4 cup three weeks ago and among other things noticed that I've had no trouble with bad or musty breath since then. Read of a study finding that yogurt eaters had healthier gums than non-yogurt consumers.

I used painkillers for four days and then stopped, have no idea if I needed them or not, wanted to take them BEFORE I felt pain as pain is easier to prevent than to reduce. But I'm glad I now have a supply of strong painkillers on hand if on some point in the future I ever need them--pulled muscle or something.


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#14 Post by flgrl2004 »

I didn't ask. I was told after my back sx it can take about a month so I just figured it will eventually. I think there are some instances where they can not grow back (my sister has no feeling in part if her hand after she had an accident.) but I would think that the surgeons are trained to do as little damage to the nerves as they can. I remember that I scoffed at both my surgeon and ortho that turning my hyrex would not hurt and they both said the nerves would be cut and I would be numb for most of it! Then I asked them if they ever had it done and they both told me no! So I said that i don't beleive either of them but I would let them know for sure if it did hurt.hahaha.

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