Le Fort 1 with some "extras" on Dec 27

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Le Fort 1 with some "extras" on Dec 27

#1 Post by Greenidgurl »

So as you can imagine I'm starting to do a little freak out... I had SARPE surgery back in May which went great and now I'm ready for the big-time surgery. My OS is going to move the upper jaw forward between 5 and 6mm. They are going to leave the bottom alone, doc says it fits my face, so that's fine with me. I've been told that it's a tough recovery by my friend (who is kind of a drama queen), but on here it seems that most of you guys ended up fairly ok with the chief complaint being the lingering swelling. I think they are going to give me 3 weeks of convalescent leave, hopefully I won't look like a big puffhead when I go back to work.

I was wondering if anyone out there has had any other procedures done while the OS was in there doing the jaw. For example, my OS will be doing some "light" cheekbone grafting to even out my appearance (with cadaveric bone, ewww) and then will also be doing a SOOF lift. He said that since I'm a touch older and my smile lines are a little stronger, that he would help me out there (soooo diplomatic). I gather he offered this to me because Uncle Sam is footing the bill... I figure, hell - why not, ya know? Plus, these guys are military doctors and they need the practice... which doesn't make for such a big warm fuzzy - but I told him to make me look good, so we'll see what happens. He did the SARPE surgery and had my full confidence within the first minute of meeting him back in April. Besides, I only have a year left in the military so I have to take advantage! I mean - wouldn't you?

I feel like a veteran when it comes to facial surgeries, this will be my 5th - three of them were nose surgeries (1 cosmetic, 2 for breathing issues) and then of course the SARPE procedure earlier this year. Still, even with my "veteran status" I still experience a mini identity crisis with each surgery. Since I'm having (what I consider to be) alot of stuff done, this time I'm pretty nervous about the final outcome. The bad news is that my friggin ortho is charging me an additional $800 for being a surgical case - when he's not even doing any operating! What's that about? The good news is that the ortho told me that I could be done 6 months after this surgery. That means I will have only been in braces about a year and 3 months but I'm factoring a few more months onto that for good measure.

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#2 Post by chrisk »

Good luck with your surgery. It really isn't so bad, and having a positive attitude really helps, as well as getting up and around as soon as possible after surgery.

I had my surgery a little over 4 months ago - upper and lower jaw surgery and genioplasty. I had my top right hand jaw levelled while I was being operated on as I had a cant in my jaw.

You should be fine with regards to your swelling by 3 weeks post-surgery. I felt presentable enough by 10 days post-operatively and at 2 weeks even went down to see my pre-primaries whom I taught without scaring them. It does take a while for the residual swelling to disappear - I still have some minor swelling where I had my jaw levelled. I read somewhere that it can take up to 6 months until all the swelling completely goes, and your face keeps changing up until then.

I also still have some numbness in a small patch on my chin and bottom right lip, and my palate and top teeth still feel numb - especially when I eat crunchy food like apples or chewy food like steak. I feel that that is gradually improving.

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#3 Post by Greenidgurl »

Thanks for your awesome responses, chuck & mery! You guys are the greatest!

Yes I just have to keep in mind that the other surgeries went well and the swelling wasn't too out-of-hand, so I should be fine. I was told that my mouth won't be wired shut, but I suspect there are going to be a whole gang of rubber bands holding everything shut. Then I heard about splints... I'm not sure how it all plays together, but that is what they pay those guys for - to know things like that. Also it seems everyone's doc has their own technique so who knows!

I am worried a bit about communication... am I going to be able to talk? My friend said you talk through your teeth and the worst part is not being able to lick your lips. This week I am eating things that I know I won't be able to get for a while after I'm on the other side. Quizno's makes an awesome prime rib sandwich that I think I will have sometime this weekend! :D

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#4 Post by smile2006 »

Thanks for sharing all your pictures, that is interesting to see. I had upper (with widening of the palate at the same time), lower and genioplasty on July 13. Relative to talking, I would say you'll likely be OK unless you have a splint attached to your top teeth. Do you know if you will have to wear a splint after surgery? I did and I found it made me talk like Scooby Doo! However, my upper was widened and the splint was left in place for 6 weeks to hold the expansion, as well as, to guide the new bite. You might not need this since you already had SARPE. With upper jaw surgery the thing that kind of stinks is that they are in there near your sinuses so expect alot of nasal stuffiness for a good time after surgery. like everything, it goes away eventually as the swelling goes down. Also, there is alot of slow nasal discharge after surgery that you kind have to let it come out on its own because you can't blow your nose!!!!! Relative to extra cost from your ortho, I guess I lucked out there because my ortho didn't charge me an additional fee because I was heading the surgery route. Good luck to you and let us know how it goes. As everyone says, eat, drink and be merry for Christmas because soon after your diet will be limited :lol:

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#5 Post by smile2006 »

Thanks for sharing all your pictures, that is interesting to see. I had upper (with widening of the palate at the same time), lower and genioplasty on July 13. Relative to talking, I would say you'll likely be OK unless you have a splint attached to your top teeth. Do you know if you will have to wear a splint after surgery? I did and I found it made me talk like Scooby Doo! However, my upper was widened and the splint was left in place for 6 weeks to hold the expansion, as well as, to guide the new bite. You might not need this since you already had SARPE. With upper jaw surgery the thing that kind of stinks is that they are in there near your sinuses so expect alot of nasal stuffiness for a good time after surgery. like everything, it goes away eventually as the swelling goes down. Also, there is alot of slow nasal discharge after surgery that you kind have to let it come out on its own because you can't blow your nose!!!!! Relative to extra cost from your ortho, I guess I lucked out there because my ortho didn't charge me an additional fee because I was heading the surgery route. Good luck to you and let us know how it goes. As everyone says, eat, drink and be merry for Christmas because soon after your diet will be limited :lol:

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#6 Post by Greenidgurl »

Thanks smile and meryaten! Your advice is invaluable! You guys are the best!

I found out that my surgery showtime is going to be sometime on the afternoon of the 27th which means I'll be a starving nervous wreck for half the day. I'm not looking forward to that part AT ALL. My past experiences have been where I was the first case of the day, so this is going to be a new experience in insanity... just kidding... well kinda.

I had hooks put on the actual archwire, the lady just kinda clamped them on... it was really cool and they didn't cause any pain or anything, so I'm happy about that. More food is getting caught up there but I'm used to that and have gotten quite good at clearing things out of there.

This weekend I'm just going to try to enjoy the holiday and not think about this whole thing. I hope everyone has a good holiday!!! :BigGrin:

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#7 Post by science teacher »


Hope it all goes well on the 27th.

I know your papers say nothing to eat or drink after midnight.... But I was told by a very reliable anethesiologist that 8 hrs before surgery is ok. I have eaten at 2am for a NOON surgery.

SARPE 11/23/06
Expansion over 12/18/06 8.5mm
Brace day tops 1/15/07
Brace day bottoms 3/19/07
all expansion devices removed 9/19/07

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#8 Post by 4beauty4symmetry »

So he's repositioning the fat pad in the middle of your cheeK (soof lift)?

I don't really understand the cheekbone grafting--is he taking bone from your jaw and adding it to your cheekbone?

It sounds like you trust his judgement and skill and have already made peace with that part of the proceedure. But has your surgeons shown you any before and after photos of people to whom he's done the same or very similar to?

It seems to me like your upper jaw has already rehearsed its response to surgery, so this one should go fine. Envy you getting so much done in such a short period of fine.

Btw, my surgeon had a jaw bra ice pack given to me in the recovery room. I wish I had had a standard gel pack to put in my midface region, especially as this is the only area that remains swollen nearly two weeks after my Sarpe. Might make sure you have access to one right away.

Good luck!

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#9 Post by JenNicole »

Good luck w/ your surgery tomorrow! I'm assuming you are having your surgery at Eglin? I am stationed at Hurlburt and just had SARPE in July. I am going to see Dr. Sheppard my OS next week for my second surgery. Is Dr. Sheppard doing your surgery also? I know you will be out of it for the next week or so...but I would love to hear about your surgery. Here is a link to my Blog showing my adventure w/ SARPE. Good luck tomorrow!



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#10 Post by flgrl2004 »

OMG are you at Eglin or Hurlbert? Did the base do your SX and how was it? Just had mine done at Nellis AFB in Vegas and it was OK.Had a great surgeon but noone offered to pretty me up! Also, If you are active isn't the AF picking up your ortho bill? Also, who is your ortho there? ( I grew up in Niceville that is why I am being nosey!) Good luck, Kim

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#11 Post by Greenidgurl »

Hey guys I know it's been a few days but I'm ok!! For some reason also my email notifications didn't work so I did not know you guys were writing responses! Sorry about that.
Ok, so what really happened - now that it's over - is that my OS (who is Dr. Sheperd - awesome guy) went in and did the LeFort 1 and then did the fat suspension (soof lift) while he was closing. Before the surgery I was getting ready (at the Eglin Hosp), getting into the ugly hospital clothing and stuff and they told me that I had to walk all the way across the hospital because he needed to grind down one of my teeth to make them all fit in harmony. While I was there he told me that his first case of the day had cancelled and I also asked him if he'd had a good night's sleep! I'm a goof, I know but it helped me! I asked him how long the whole thing would take and he said anywhere from 3 to 6 hours, depending on if he ran into any difficulty. Well we'd discussed that he might not even do the cheekbone grafting, he said he'd do it if it looked like I needed it. Guess all went well there - I was in and out in 2hrs, 8 min (roughly). I was his first case of the day (thankfully) so I was in recovery around 3ish. I think he started on me somewhere around 10 - 11am. I stayed in Eglin hospital overnight and learned that pretty much anything someone forcefully pushes into my IV will make me get sick!!! Gee, how much fun!
The good part about that is that I wasn't wired/banded shut and he didn't make me wear a splint at all. He made one, but told me that he didn't need to use it since he got the placement right where he wanted, so I feel like I got lucky!

Now I know some people had some questions for me... let me try to answer:

4beauty4symmetry - the cheekbone grafting, if he had used it, would have come from cadaveric bone (harvested from dead people). I'm kinda glad now that he didn't use it! From what I hear it's used alot though and is kept frozen up til use. I couldn't even imagine what my cheeks would look like now if he'd done the grafting. I probably would have exploded!! Unfortunately, I didn't have access to a gel ice pack.

JenNicole - as I wrote above I had surgery at Eglin and Dr. Sheperd is my O.S. I really like him and feel lucky to have met him. He also did my SARPE surgery back in May (of '06). Thanks for your well wishes!!

ScienceTeacher, Meryaten, and bracedagain: thanks for your well wishes also... this support system is pretty dang cool!

Flgrl2004 - The AF didn't offer to pick up the tab for the braces because there is only one guy that is covering most of the bases around here. Truthfully I didn't like him when I met him but I went to a consult with him and he didn't deem my case that serious... which is ridiculous to me... how in the world is a case not very serious if you have to have 2 (major) surgeries to fix? That I do not get. So my ortho is a guy called Dr. Barry who has a practice in Mary Esther (also in Pensacola and Tallahassee too). That gets paid for out-of-pocket.

Thanks again guys! I'm so swollen right now and the pain is coming and going... this is the most painful of all the surgeries I've had but the boyfriend (who has been an absolute Godsend) keeps reminding me that for what I've been through that I look pretty darn good. Getting taken care of is pretty cool too, I'm sleeping in the recliner and he slept on the couch next to me - when he didn't even have to! :D

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#12 Post by Delag »

I am so glad to hear you are DONE! It sounds like you have a great support system in place. Remember to take extra good care of yourself and not push it - drink lots of water. Most importantly, take advantage of having your boyfriend wait on you hand and foot - Lord knows that when you marry them you have to be near deaths door to get them to do anything for you - JUST KIDDING (sort of :lol: ).

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#13 Post by Greenidgurl »

Yeah I definitely learned that my fella is a keeper with this experience! I've never been married but have been told many many times about how it all ends once you walk down the aisle! Maybe that's why I'm 31 and still single! :lol:

Last night I had alot of pain but this morning I felt good enough to go out to the bookstore and the pet store just to be out among the living. My face is very big (in my opinion) but I didn't care about being out in public and only had a few people really stare at me. That was only because I was dealing directly with them and they could hear my voice and see how my face wasn't really working. My outing ended up wearing me out and now I'm back in the comfort of the recliner resting. The pain seems to be traveling further back on my head, past my ears and even down to my throat. It's miserable. The pain meds that were given to me didn't turn out to be that great, I have issues with acetominophen (tylenol) so that basically cuts out anything good.

I don't know who suggested it but I read on here from someone to use a baby toothbrush and lemme tell ya, it's been the best idea ever! I can get in there to clean everything up just fine and use the tongue scraper attachment of my water pik to clear the ick off the back of my tongue. Works like a charm!

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#14 Post by Greenidgurl »

Yeah I definitely learned that my fella is a keeper with this experience! I've never been married but have been told many many times about how it all ends once you walk down the aisle! Maybe that's why I'm 31 and still single! :lol:

Last night I had alot of pain but this morning I felt good enough to go out to the bookstore and the pet store just to be out among the living. My face is very big (in my opinion) but I didn't care about being out in public and only had a few people really stare at me. That was only because I was dealing directly with them and they could hear my voice and see how my face wasn't really working. My outing ended up wearing me out and now I'm back in the comfort of the recliner resting. The pain seems to be traveling further back on my head, past my ears and even down to my throat. It's miserable. The pain meds that were given to me didn't turn out to be that great, I have issues with acetominophen (tylenol) so that basically cuts out anything good.

I don't know who suggested it but I read on here from someone to use a baby toothbrush and lemme tell ya, it's been the best idea ever! I can get in there to clean everything up just fine and use the tongue scraper attachment of my water pik to clear the ick off the back of my tongue. Works like a charm!

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#15 Post by Greenidgurl »

Yeah I definitely learned that my fella is a keeper with this experience! I've never been married but have been told many many times about how it all ends once you walk down the aisle! Maybe that's why I'm 31 and still single! :lol:

Last night I had alot of pain but this morning I felt good enough to go out to the bookstore and the pet store just to be out among the living. My face is very big (in my opinion) but I didn't care about being out in public and only had a few people really stare at me. That was only because I was dealing directly with them and they could hear my voice and see how my face wasn't really working. My outing ended up wearing me out and now I'm back in the comfort of the recliner resting. The pain seems to be traveling further back on my head, past my ears and even down to my throat. It's miserable. The pain meds that were given to me didn't turn out to be that great, I have issues with acetominophen (tylenol) so that basically cuts out anything good.

I don't know who suggested it but I read on here from someone to use a baby toothbrush and lemme tell ya, it's been the best idea ever! I can get in there to clean everything up just fine and use the tongue scraper attachment of my water pik to clear the ick off the back of my tongue. Works like a charm!

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