Lip burning feeling, does that mean healing?

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Lip burning feeling, does that mean healing?

#1 Post by kballing »

Hi all,
i will send my 2 week post-op update soon, but in the meantime, quick question. my bottom lip which is pretty much completely numb feels a little like it is burning today. is this a good sign or a sign of concern or just hownumbness feels after awhile.
just curious. this is the first time i have experienced numbness at all, didn't have any with sarpe, so don't know what to expect. thanks for any info.
you guys are the best!

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#2 Post by JayC »

from waht i know about phsyiology... burning feeling is usually the feeling you get from your you said you had numbness feeling and your nerves were probably and most likely damaged from the surgery.. the burning feeling is probably the nerves re innervating with the associated muscle/organ

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#3 Post by kballing »

YAY!! YAY!! this makes me so happy to hear. The burning feeling is , however, very unpleasant, but i can deal with it if it means having the feeling back in my lip. no signs of anything on my chin yet, but i'll settle for whatever might come back. hurray!
thanks guys.

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#4 Post by JayC »

lips are probbaly teh more important to get feeling back in since you dont wanna be drooling all over yosuelf and not even know it haha.. but i heard some ppl may take up to even 2 years to get full feeling back in their cheek and chin... some may not even ever get it back .. i heard the younger you are the easier it is for you to regain feeling back to 100% pre op

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#5 Post by Laurence »

I'm 17 and had my op 8 days ago. I have had major tingling in my chin and lip ever since the op. Sometimes it gets so much I use the painkillers to supress it, even though it's not really pain. I take it this is what you mean by burning? With me it's like really intense fluctuations of tingling.

As for if it means healing...

As I said, my op was 8 days ago and 2 days ago I woke up with a patch of skin about the size of one of these smileys :roll: which can feel just temperature, like if I put ice or heat on it I can feel the temperature.

Today I woke up with a patch on my lip, about the size of a staple, that has proper feeling in it, so when I touch it I can feel it.

Both the patches are right on the edge of my "dead" area, but are definately new developments since my op.

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#6 Post by kballing »

that's great, laurence! :lol:
glad to hear that you are regaining feeling.
i don't know how to describe what i am experiencing, it feels similar to what a bee sting feels like pretty much all along my lip. i actually think i am regaining some feeling although it is hard to tell really. guess it is just a test in patience. :)
keep us updated on your progress!

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burning lips

#7 Post by pinkdiamond »

Hi Kballing,
I had that same problem on my bottom lip . i had my lower jaw surgery about 7 weeks ago . The burning started about 4 days after my surgery and it was very painful. It lasted about a week . My surgeon was not helpful at all when i told him about it. :(

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#8 Post by smile2006 »


I'm about a week short now of six months since my surgery. I had upper, lower and genioplasty. I'm still dealing with some residual numbness just below my bottom lip and into part of my chin. I really didn't think there was anyway the numbness would last this long. Be patient, if you even have the smallest bit of feeling that is a good thing. The healing process is quite long and slow I'm afraid. I haven't had any sharp pain associated with the nerves waking up but what I felt early on and still occassionally is sudden bouts of coldness.... where my lip would suddently feel it's normal size and feel very cold (hard to explain). Hang tight, you are still early in your recovery. There is no need to worry yet if you are at least feeling something.

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#9 Post by pinkdiamond »

Thanks smile2006 ,
That makes me feel much better :D
Its seem like it will be a long recover

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#10 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey k,
Yup! burning is good sign. I had a lot of it, especially in my incisor area with my SARPE. I agree that it is at times very uncomfortable, but I guarantee you it is worth suffering through. Most likely those areas will recover full feeling, it could take awhile though!

I have gotten full feeling back since SARPE, but I suffered through a lot of the burning/discomfort to get it. It did however seem to subside by about 3 months.

Hope this helps! And congrats on making it to the other side! I'm actually envious of you! I so want my to be done so I can be just one step close to the end!


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