Dealing with Appearance Changes

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Dealing with Appearance Changes

#1 Post by Debly »

*wave* I was just referred to this board yesterday, and it couldn't have come at a better time. I started the journey September '05, and as of 2 days ago I now have a surgery date. As many have you have already voiced, I'm going through the "omg this is actually happening and things are really going to change" phase. I'm only 27 but have had 9 surgeries (none jaw) so far and consider myself a surgery veteran ... but this one has me scared beyond any of the others.


On Jan 24, I'm going in for BSSO, Anterior Subapical Osteotomy, and Leforte ... yup I'm going for the full meal deal. Everything that is being done is for “medicalâ€

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#2 Post by chrisk »

Hi Debbie,

I understand your concerns, as this was also an issue for me. I went into this for functional reasons, with the cosmetic changes being a bonus but didn't really expect the huge changes that I had (for the better). One of my biggest concerns before surgery was not liking the end result. I needn't have worried. My surgeon told me that his patients are happy with the changes (he is not going to make them look worse) and that I could expect some change but I was unprepared for how different I looked. It took me about 8-10 weeks to get used to the stranger in the mirror. It was not difficult, just strange.
Btw I had upper and lower jaw surgery, genioplasty and a cant in my upper jaw levelled.

I don't dislike the changes that I have - my face is shorter, my smile if different and my jaw line and chin are different. I've also lost my slightly lazy eye, which I think was caused by my uneven top jaw. Liking the changes is probably a bit of an understatement as I'm rapt with the cosmetic and functional improvements that I've had.

It does take a while for the swelling to settle, so I've held off possibly changing my hairstyle until after my braces come off - since you can have subtle changes up to 6 months after surgery.

The thing that really helped me with the physical changes that I had was the positive comments that I had from EVERYONE who knew that I'ld had surgery. People that don't know I've had surgery tell me that I look different and ask why, and it's all positive which really helps.

The other thing that really helped me was getting to the age when I finally learned to like myself (faults and all) in order to change myself. I have always had huge self-confidence/shyness issues because of my teeth and it was a long journey including becoming a martial arts instructor, going back to school and studying to be a teacher after 10 years out of the workforce and then starting work again to get around to having braces and the surgery (and financial issues too, of course). I should have had jaw surgery when I was 12 years old, but 28 years later at over 40 years old was better late than never.

Good luck with your surgery. You'll be fine. Within a couple of weeks most of the major swelling is gone, and you get some idea of the new you - but it does take time for all the swelling to go. At nearly 5 months post-op I still have minor swelling where my jaw was levelled.


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#3 Post by smile2006 »

I agree with ChrisK in that no surgeon would do anything that wouldn't benifit the look of the patient. I think most on this board have been pleased with the changes. I had upper, lower and genioplasty and I'm very happy with the results including a shorter face, more defined jawline and a nice profile. Like ChrisK these appearance changes were a nice bonus as my reasons for correcting my open bite were functional and deemed medical necessity. I also would say hold off a while before the haircut, etc. You will see your new look evolve slowly over a period of months. I'm nearly at 6 months post op and still see changes occuring. Initially, you will be very swollen and not really know what your "new" look is. Be patient during recovery and know it takes time for your new look and bite to settle in.

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#4 Post by Delag »

I can't be of much help as I am also pre surgery. One of my worries is also if I will like the 'new me'. Reading your post made me think about those poor women on that TV show The Swan, and how lucky we are to be able to be so proactive in our treatments. I only saw the show once (that was enough for me). Imagine how those women must feel when they look in the mirror for the first time! It boggles the mind. (For those of you who have not seen the show, they take an 'ugly duckling' and transform her through lots of plastic surgery - the kicker is that they have no access to a mirror until the last show). Anyway, lets try not to dwell on our worries and look for the bright spot on the horizon - we can alway apply for a reality TV show if we don't like the results :lol:

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#5 Post by whythelongface »

Hi Debly,

It appears that I have the same symptoms that you have mentioned. DId your surgeon tell you exactly the surguries that you would need to correct your problems? The reasonI ask is because I am not sure what to ask at my consultation to ensur ethe proper treatment. I am sure they will know, maybe I am just nervous. I also am nervous about appearance changes, but I have heard they are actually for the better. I am concerned about my nose though. Will it look bigger because my face will be shorter?? Also, do you have any websites that show before and afters of the surgeries you are getting (I am having a hard time finding) Thanks!

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#6 Post by Spooky »

To be honest with you, after 5 weeks post-op, I am still unsure of my new appearance, whether I like it or not. I tell myself that it should be for the better, but right now, I haven't seen the light. Maybe it just takes time to get used to it. The swelling of some parts of my face hasn't improved since 2-1/2 weeks ago, so I feel that this is "it," and this will be what I'll look like forever.

I also miss my old smile. Although I had a huge underbite (>9mm), over the years, I learned how to smile showing only my upper teeth and was able to conceal my underbite. It was natural and I liked it. But now, my smile looks "fake." aka "the Grin." :tingrin: I hate it.
Check out my journey :
Braces on: Sept 16. 2005
Braces off: Dec 3, 2007
Upper/Lower Jaw Surgery on: Dec 1, 2006


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#7 Post by Greenidgurl »

Hi there Debly and welcome to the group! I'm becoming a veteran surgery person as well... just had the 5th one!

I am about 9 days post-op and can say that I am going through a mini identity crisis right now with my new look. I had LeFort 1 done on Dec 27th, which basically means they moved my upper jaw forward about 6mm due to a kickin underbite. So far things are going along fine but I am with Spooky... now I have this smile - and it's so, well, BIG. With alot of big teeth and stuff... and I sure hope I get used to it. You never realize that you do kinda get used to that status quo even though alot of the time it ain't pretty. I'm sure that once more of my swelling goes down and my top lip decides to get with the program (right now it just hangs down in the damn way), I will end up getting used to it and liking it, but the change to me is a little... much.
That being said, I'm glad that I did this and even though I'm going through my little post-op depression right now, I'm sure everything will be ok. I know this raincloud is a normal part of the deal and it's nothing to be concerned about.
Good Luck!!

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#8 Post by Lillers »

Hello & welcome, Debbie,

I too was concerned that surgery (in my case, BSSO, i.e. lower jaw advancement) would make me look weird afterwards. Specifically, I was afraid my jaw would be too prominent and I'd end up looking masculine – not a look I'm after as a 44-yr old woman! ;-)

Today I'm at exactly 3 weeks post-op, and I gotta say, as my *new* face emerges from the swelling, I'm really pleased with how it's taking shape. My face looks more oval and somehow softer than it did, and for some reason, the whole effect makes my neck look longer. Once my braces are off and teeth whitened (oh man, I can hardly wait), I think I'm going to be smiling A LOT. :HugeGrin:

I'm sure you'll be happy with you results too. After all, cosmetic surgeons don't build their reputations on making people look ugly!
Braced March 2005 (lower); November 2005 (upper); all ceramic. Goal = correcting overbite.

Lower jaw surgery was successfully performed December 18, 2006.

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